

单词 stepped back
释义 stepped back短语²⁵⁴⁸⁸
To some extent she has taken the role by default, as America has stepped back from peacemaking.
从某种程度上说,她接下了默认的角色,因为美国已经退出了缔结和平的行动。 ecocn

With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers.
听完这番话,小男孩往后退了一步,坐下来,卷起一只裤脚。 ebigear

China and Japan have wisely stepped back from a confrontation in the East China Sea.
中日两国在中国东海的对峙已经有所缓和。 yeeyan

He stepped back and looked at the ensemble through a few stinging tears.
他后退几步,端详着套在一起的两件衬衣,泪水夺眶而出,刺痛了他的双眼。 ebigear

I stepped back, instantly realizing it was one of the many factory robots.
我后退一步,突然意识到这是工厂中众多机器人之一。 yeeyan

It is clear we have stepped back from the brink.
很明显我们已经从危险的边缘退回来了。 yeeyan

It was the first time on a Thursday I stepped back from the board and the whole show was there.
我从写字板前退后几步,看到整集都在那儿了,在周四这可是第一次。 yeeyan

Margaret, a publishing executive, tells her own near-miss story of how she stepped back from the brink of insanity.
出版社主管玛格丽特则讲述了自己如何从疯狂边缘侥幸抽身的故事。 yeeyan

She stepped back inside, closed the door.
她退回来,门关上了。 yeeyan

She stepped back and made a face in the mirror, sucking in her cheeks and arching her eyebrows.
她退后一步,朝着镜子做鬼脸,唆进腮帮子,把眉毛拱起来。 yeeyan

She stepped back at the sight of insects.
她一见到虫子就吓得后退。 iciba

The trail is popular nowadays with hikers, but as we arrived in the Yukon I headed out to it and stepped back in time.
如今这条小道很受徒步者的喜爱,但是当我来到育空地区时,我走到它身边又及时退了回来。 yeeyan

They stepped back politely to let the ladies go first.
他们有礼貌地后退让女士们先走。 admin.dj.iciba.com

This time, though, I stepped back several paces to look the situation over.
然而这次,我后退了好几步来审视情况。 ebigear

We stepped back to let the truck pass.
我们后退几步,让卡车过去。 iciba




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