

单词 Stephanie
释义 Stephanie
And I’m surviving because despite all of her problems Stephanie never complains.
我依然健在,还因为尽管 Stephanie要面对种种问题,但她从不抱怨。 who

The new research may also help explain how meditation might affect basic brain function, said study co- author Stephanie Jones, of the Martinos Center.
同时,新研究也可以帮助解释冥想如何影响大脑功能,该研究的作者之一, Martinos中心的 Stephanie Jones说。 yeeyan

When I first saw these amorous images, I thought supermodel Stephanie Seymour had taken a young lover.
看到这些亲昵的照片,我还以为超模史蒂芬妮·西摩又找了个小情人呢。 yeeyan

“ Even women who want their husbands to help more with the kids don’t want to give up their traditional authority, ” says Stephanie Coontz, director of research at the Council on Contemporary Families.
当代家庭研究会研究部主任斯蒂芬妮·科恩茨 Stephanie Coontz说:“即便是那些想让丈夫多帮衬一把带带孩子的妇女,也都不想放弃她们的这个传统权威。” yeeyan

“ This is unprecedented, ” said Stephanie Cooke, the author of“ In Mortal Hands: A Cautionary History of the Nuclear Age.” “ You've never had a situation with multiple reactors at risk.”
“这是史无前例的,” Stephanie Cooke,在死亡之手中:核时代的历史警钟>一书的作者说,“以前从未有这样多个反应堆处于危险的情况发生。” yeeyan

Along with his co- curator, Stephanie D’Alessandro of the Art Institute of Chicago, the sleuthing began in earnest.
他和共同策展人芝加哥艺术博物馆的斯蒂芬妮一起,开始认真探查。 ecocn

As a child, Stephanie loved science.
还是孩子的斯黛芬妮就热爱科学。 yeeyan

Bob and David arrive at Stephanie's party.
鲍勃和大卫来到斯蒂芬妮举行的派对上。 ebigear

Caroline and Stephanie have had a series of high-profile and disastrous marriages.
卡罗琳公主和斯蒂芬妮公主高调举办过多场婚礼,但是婚姻都很不幸。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

For the women in particular, there were very complex feelings involved in their relationships with Nim, maternal feelings, powerfully so in Laura and Stephanie's case.
特别对研究小组的女性来说,她们和尼姆的关系上充满了复杂的情感,特别是劳拉和斯蒂芬妮都有很强烈的母性。 yeeyan

Fortunately for Stephanie, she had a direct route to Michelle's manager because he had recruited her into the organization.
幸运的是,斯蒂芬妮能够直接找到米歇尔的经理,因为当初是他招入的她。 yeeyan

In 2004, Stephanie Muldberg of Short Hills, N.J., lost her son Eric,13, to Ewing’s sarcoma, a bone cancer.
2004年,来自新泽西州修特山的史提芬妮.默德伯格的13岁的儿子埃里克死于骨癌“伊文氏肉瘤”。 yeeyan

Marriage researchers like Stephanie Coontz and Pamela Haag report that more and more people are looking solely to their partner for friendship— for their partner to fulfill everything.
婚姻研究者斯蒂芬妮.库兹 Stephanie Coontz和帕梅拉.海格 Pamela Haag曾提出:越来越多的人仅仅从他们的伴侣那里寻求友情——希望伴侣能给予他们一切。 yeeyan

She then got, like Stephanie, embroiled emotionally with Professor Terrace.
像斯蒂芬妮一样,她也卷入了与特勒斯教授的情感纠纷之中。 yeeyan

The new position didn't come to fruition, but Stephanie resolved to not let Michelle get her down.
调动最终没有实现,但斯蒂芬妮决心不让自己受到米歇尔的影响。 yeeyan

The findings coincide with a meeting on endangered species in Doha, from where Stephanie Hancock reports.
该发现结果与在多哈举行的濒危物种会议一致。 Stephanie Hancock在多哈报道。 ebigear

The protagonist of this show is named Stephanie and she is a human being. She visits LazyTown and decides to live with her uncle.
这部剧的主人公名叫斯蒂芬妮,她是人类,她去拜访懒人镇,并决定和她叔叔住。 yeeyan

There are days that Stephanie wishes she could just leave but she reminds herself that she is choosing to stay.
虽然有时斯蒂芬妮仍希望自己可以一走了之,但这时她会提醒自己,是她自己选择留下来的。 yeeyan

You can scoff at some of Stephanie's methods and some of her actions, but I would not.
你可以嘲笑斯蒂芬妮的一些方式方法,但我不会。 yeeyan

Stephanie, a17-year-old girl of Bulgarian origin, concurs. When she hung out with a mixed- race bunch, the police used to search the black boys and nobody else, she says.
有着保加利亚血统的17岁姑娘 Stephanie意见相同,当她和一群各种族都有的小伙子出去玩时,警察过去只搜查黑人男孩而对其他人不闻不问。 ecocn

Stephanie Cassidy, Ryan's48-year-old mom, said summer rules are more lax, but during the school year she and her husband banned computer use— except for homework— on weeknights.
瑞安的妈妈斯蒂芬妮.卡西迪48岁,她说,暑假的规定比较宽松,但是在上学时,她和她的丈夫禁止孩子在工作日夜晚使用电脑,除了做作业之外。 yeeyan

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, a leader of the Blue Dog coalition of conservative Democrats in the House, thinks it is“ an important step forward.”
参议员中,保守民主党蓝狗联盟的一位领导者斯蒂芬妮•赫思•萨德宁,认为“这是重要的一步。” ecocn

Stephanie Sinclair first visited Afghanistan in2003 and has been back four times.
斯蒂芬妮.辛克莱于2003年去往访阿富汗,共去过四次。 yeeyan

Stephanie was smart, politically astute, and less hard- edged than most of the boys.
斯特芬妮是个聪明人,在政治上精明敏锐,并且不像大多数我手下的男子们黑白分明。 yeeyan




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