

单词 stepdaughter
释义 step·daugh·ter 英ˈstepˌdɔːtə美ˈstɛpˌdɔtɚAHDstĕpʹdô'tər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³³⁶²¹BNC⁴⁴⁷³⁹iWeb²⁶⁴⁰¹

a daughter of your spouse by a former marriagestep-步-daughter⇒n.继女⁹⁰;过继的女儿¹⁰n.妻与前夫所生的女儿;夫与前妻所生的女儿
用作名词Henry was accused of abusing hisstepdaughter.亨利被指控虐待他的继女。
I warned her against wronging herstepdaughter.我警告她不要虐待她的继女。 As stepdaughter of ia middle- class parson, Margaret Hale has enjoyedia privileged upbringingiin rural southern England.
马嘉丽是中产阶级教区牧师的女儿, 她一直享受着英国南部农村特权式的教养。520885

Don’t forget that my stepmother is my stepdaughter.
别忘了,我的继母又是我的继女。 kekenet

He broke the nose of a fellow named Rooster MacBride, a heavy-gutted farmer who was in for beating his stepdaughter to death.
安迪打破了一个叫卢斯特的家伙的鼻子,那家伙是个粗壮的农夫,因为打死继女而被关进牢中。 jp345

Her stepmother, then Queen, was cruel and vain. She hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, and she watched her stepdaughter with angry, jealous eyes.

My largest contributor was my friend Anne Bartley, Governor Winthrop Rockefellers stepdaughter, who later ran the Arkansas office in Washington, D.C., when I was governor.
捐款最多的是我的朋友安妮.巴特利。 她是温斯罗普.洛克菲勒州长的继女,我当了州长时,她管理着阿肯色州驻华盛顿市的办事处。 yeeyan

Probyn said he had long lost hope that they would ever see his stepdaughter alive.
他很久以前就对继女会活着回来失去了希望。 yeeyan

The Bond pictures' success permitted Connery to move his wife, their son, Jason, and his stepdaughter into a town house overlooking London's Acton Park.
邦德影片的成功使康纳利得以把妻子,儿子贾森,和他的继女搬进城里俯瞰伦敦阿克顿公园的居所。 edu114

A jealous and wicked queen attempts to kill her beautiful stepdaughter who is deemed“ fairer” than the queen.
内心充满着嫉妒和邪恶的皇后企图杀死她漂亮的继女,那位被认为比她更美丽的白雪公主。 cri

After one particularly strenuous dinner, when both her stepdaughter and stepson snubbed her, she retreated to her bedroom in tears.
在一次气氛别扭的餐后,当继子和继女故意怠慢她的时候,她含泪退回到卧室。 suiniyi

An unemployed German man sold his six-year-old stepdaughter's pet beagle for a beer. He was desperate to quench his thirst. But in callous disregard he trampled the tender spirit of a child.
一名失业的德国男子为了一瓶啤酒而卖掉六岁继女的一头宠物猎犬,因为他实在太渴望一瓶啤酒了,可是不顾别人感受的行为,却伤害了一个小孩子的幼小心灵。 blog.sina.com.cn

He also built devices to amuse Clark's stepdaughter, including floating lanterns and a windmill run by a live mouse.
他还制作了一些小设备逗克拉克的继女高兴,包括浮水灯笼及用老鼠跑步所带动的风车。 tingvoa

Just think of the famous Disney cartoon Cinderella, in which an evil stepmother makes her stepdaughter work as a servant in her house!
只需想想著名的迪斯尼卡通片《灰姑娘》,里面那位邪恶的继母居然让她的继女在家中像佣人一样工作! englishbaby

Meanwhile, Cam copes with the stress that comes from being a new parent, and Booth helps keep Cam's stepdaughter Michelle guest star Tiffany Hines in line.
同时,凸轮不单符合强调,从一个新的父母来了,展位有助于保持凸轮的继女米歇尔嘉宾蒂芙尼海因斯一致。 offid

My dad came to visit us, fell in love with my lovely stepdaughter, and then married her.

Not long after the wedding, the wife began to mistreat her stepdaughter.
婚礼过后不久,这位太太就开始虐待她的继女。 dict.v.wenguo.com

Police in McAllen, Texas, have arrested a man for allegedly killing his2-year-old stepdaughter because she kept crying during the U.S.- Ghana World Cup game on Saturday.
在麦卡伦,得克萨斯州的警方已经逮捕涉嫌杀害其2岁继女的男子,因为她在上周六美国对加纳的世界杯比赛一直在哭泣。 yeeyan

So my stepdaughter is now my stepmother.
所以我的继女现在就是我的继母。 kekenet

The witch flew into a rage, jumped to the window, and as she could see far into the world, she saw her stepdaughter hurrying away with her sweetheart Roland.
老巫婆长着千里眼,一下就看见了她的继女,正跟着自己的爱人罗兰匆匆忙忙地远去。 hudong




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