

单词 stencil
释义 sten·cil 英ˈstensəl美ˈstɛnsəlAHDstĕnʹsəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GCOCA³²⁶⁸²BNC³⁷²⁶⁴iWeb¹¹⁷⁴⁷

a sheet of material metal, plastic, cardboard, waxed paper, silk, etc. that has been perforated with a pattern printing or a design; ink or paint can pass through the perforations to create the printed pattern on the surface below
mark or print with a stencil来自中古英语 stencellen,装饰以明亮图案,来自中古法语 estencele,闪光片,火星,火花,来 自通俗拉丁语*stincilla,置换自 scintilla,火星,火花,词源同 scintilla,scintillate.引申诸相关词 义。stencil film漏印薄膜filter stencil漏印模access stencil存取模板stencil pen刻蜡纸用铁笔…stencil paper油印用蜡纸stencil paint镂花涂装用漆…stencil sheet蜡纸chemical stencil化学仪器模绘板…stencil bit特征位mimeograph stencil sheet蜡纸mimeograph stencil蜡纸stencil plate模版镂花模版…
GRE红宝书源于: pencil(n 铅笔也是用来写字的
steel + pencil 钢针刻版
stencil an address on a packing case在包装箱上用模板印地址
联想记忆st看作stop+ encil看作pencil,铅笔→ 停下铅笔 ⇒用模板刻写GRE难词记忆stencil→clientspl. 客户→客户的模板近义词 draw拖plate碟work工作guide向导apply应用paint油漆trace痕迹adorn装饰design设计border边界sketch速写pattern模式template样板cutout剪切块frieze横饰带decorate装饰lettering刻字motif音乐的动机…

用作名词Thestenciland print process will not change.模板和印刷工艺无需更改。
Do you know how to cut astencil?你会刻蜡版;吗?用作动词He canstencilthe following same shipping mark on all the packages.他就可以在所有的包装上刷下同样的唛头。as in.pattern
同义词 arrangementdecoration,device,diagram,figure,guide,impression,instruction,markings,mold,motive,original,ornament,patterning,plan,template,trim
反义词 disorder,disorganization,plainness
patternnoun design, motif
patternsnoun design, motif
constellations,kinds,methods,orderliness,plans,sequences,shapes,sorts,styles,systems,types,varieties And we compare the character of normalized moment of inertia of extracting target image and stencil image to ensure the target kind.
通过提取目标图像的归一化转动惯量特征,使之与模板图像的归一化转动惯量特征做比较,从而确定目标的种类。 cnki

HPS is capable of stencil printing downtimes up to60 minutes with an effective first print down to20 mils without any kneading.
还具多达60分钟的模板印刷停机时间性能,首次印刷无搅拌有效精度可达20密耳。 kuenglish

It is possible to perform simple arithmetic operations on the contents of the stencil buffer on a per-pixel basis as polygons are rendered.
在绘制多边形时可以对模板缓存中的数组做逐像素的简单算术操作。 iciba

The paint goes through the open areas of the stencil cut out onto the paper.
然后,涂料就从模板的空隙处流到纸上。 remword

A brief review of these materials and techniques indicates that manufacturers can select from a wide variety of stencil types to meet specific application needs.
粗略回顾一下这些物料和技术,可以看出,制造商可以选择多种多样的钢网类型来满足特殊的应用要求。 globrand

A stencil is a thin sheet of metal or plastic out of which a design has been cut.
这个模板就是照着设计图的一张金属或塑料的薄板。 remword

Cap Stencils are a stencil form for Stamp Marking.
盖模板主要是冲压形式的模板形式。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Chinese composition stencil, as a shortcut to deal with examinations, is more and more accepted by students during the past years.
语文作文模版,作为一种应付考试的捷径,近些年来越来越受到学生的青睐。 dictall

Design stencil according to requirement of inserter soldering quality and reflow soldering technology.
根据插件焊接质量的要求,按照回流焊工艺设计印刷模板。 cnki

For every color in the print, the printmaker makes a different stencil.
在版画中,每一种颜色都会专门制作一个模板。 remword

For this transfer to take place successfully, the materials have to be chosen so that the ink is more attracted to the substrate than it is to the stencil.
为了让这种转化成功完成,材料的选择要特别谨慎,也就是说,要使得墨水对感光底层的粘附力要大过对蜡纸的粘附力。 ecocn

Form elements stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.
表单元素模板出自雅虎的设计模式库的设计模板套件。 yeeyan

If your walls are in good condition then this work could be done with the help of a stencil and pencil.
如果你的墙壁还不错的话,我们用蜡笔或者铅笔就能完成 上述工作。 yeeyan

It is based on screen printing, which uses a stencil and paint to create an image.
该技术基于屏幕打印,即使用一张蜡纸和油墨来创建一个图像。 ecocn

Liquid paint is passed over the cloth and stencil.
液态的涂料会穿透这个布和模板。 remword

Provide device separate test, fault diagnose, system self resume and some other functions to improve the stability, reliability and automatic control intelligence of stencil printer.
设计机构单独测试、机构故障自诊断,机构故障自恢复等智能化控制功能,提高锡膏印刷机控制系统的稳定性、可靠性。 cnki

The hole- making process course control the hole precision& clearance and the three ways of making stencil are chemically etched, laser- cut, electroformed.

The second stage was to transfer the gold from the stencil to a screen, or substrate, by pressing the template onto it.
第二阶段是将通过把模板按在一个屏幕上,或感光底层,从而把黄金从蜡纸转化到它们之上。 ecocn

This method is based on the stencil.
这种方法需要用到一个模板。 remword

With silkscreen printing, a stencil is attached to a fine piece of stretched silk or nylon cloth.
在做丝网印刷的时候,我们会把模板贴到一块有伸展性的丝绸或尼龙布上。 remword

Stencil it on your forehead if you must.
如果有必要请印在自己的脑门上提醒自己。 yeeyan

Stencil manufacturing techniques include chemical etching, laser cutting and electroforming.
钢网制作技术包括化学腐蚀,激光切割和电铸。 globrand




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