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stems from短语¹⁸³⁵⁶ 基本例句 v.出于;基于;🌏由…造成的;源自 Much of today’s inflation stems from temporary influences beyond its control: a surge in energy and food prices, increases in VAT, a consumption tax and the delayed effects of a weaker pound. 如今的通胀大多源于不受控制的临时性影响:能源和食品价格的一波迅猛上涨,消费税中的增值税增加,以及弱势英镑姗姗来迟的效应。 ecocn Much of this hollowing out of the American workforce is down to technology, but some of it stems from globalisation. 美国的劳动力已经挖空,大多只剩下技术,除了其中一些源于全球化之外。 ecocn The problem stems from the need to describe movements that have become instinctive, in effect switching the brain from autopilot to manual. 问题是源于要描述已经成为本能的动作,实际上这将大脑从自动状态调成了手动状态。 yeeyan The ultimate power of older folk, however, stems from their propensity to vote. 然而老年人的最终力量源于他们的投票倾向。 ecocn An important instance of this nested governance stems from the fact that organizations are contained within other organizations. 这种嵌套的治理的一个重要实例源于组织包含于其他组织之中的事实。 ibm But if you follow the money, you’ll realize the injustice stems from our desire to have more in more ways. 但是当你渴望需要钱的时候,你才会认识到,不公正源于我们对于更好生活的渴望。 yeeyan I think this stems from the fact that, up to now, very little interest has been paid to this frankly less than incendiary topic. 我想这种现象源于这个事实,那就是,直到目前为止,公众投入这一问题的兴趣、坦率地讲要少于煽动性话题。 yeeyan If our self- respect is primarily determined by the approval we receive from others, and our confidence stems from being better relative to others, then our self-esteem will be mostly dependent. 如果我们的自我尊重程度多取决于他人的表扬,而我们的自信心来源于与别人比较的优越感时,我们的自尊心多半是依赖性的。 yeeyan If your urge to procrastinate stems from anxiety or avoidance, the best solution may be to simply get to work. 如果你的延迟源于焦虑和逃避,最好的解决方案可能简单,就是开始工作。 yeeyan In truth, their success stems from a combination of factors: They both raise the level of abstraction and automate the transformation of information representation from higher to lower levels. 实际上,它们的成功源于一些因素的组合:它们都提高了抽象层次,并且将从较高到较低层次的信息表示的转换自动化。 ibm It stems from the character of gravity. 它源于引力自身的特性。 yeeyan Much of Buffett’s wisdom stems from this one investment trait: when you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything. 巴菲特大多数的智慧都源于一条投资信条:当你不知道该做些什么的时候,那么就什么也别做。 yeeyan Not all stress stems from things that happen to you. 并不是所有的压力都来源于发生在你身上的事情。 yeeyan Some of the confusion around HL7 conformance strengths stems from the way they are implemented in the release schemas. 一些围绕 HL7一致性强度的混淆源于它们在版本架构中实现的方式。 ibm Some of this antipathy stems from genuine differences over policy. 这种反感部分源于政策上的分歧。 ecocn The desire stems from a deeper need to protect the community they live in. 这种渴望源于她们保护自身生活环境的一种深层次需要。 huanqiu The name stems from the waveform's appearance on a scope; it looks like the teeth of a hand saw. 锯齿波的名字来源于示波器上其波形的形状,它看上去就像是手锯的齿一样。 yeeyan The other problem with this type of framework stems from the serious shortage of implementation guidance. 伴随该类型框架的另一个问题源于实现指导的严重短缺。 ibm This time the problem stems from economic mismanagement in the United States, not at home. 此次危机的出现,源自美国经济管理不善,而非源于墨西哥国内。 yeeyan This complexity stems from the variety of IT resource providers and application providers that enterprises use to build their business systems. 这种复杂性来源于 IT资源供应者和应用程序提供者的多变性,而企业以它们来构建业务系统。 ibm |