

单词 Stelmach
释义 Stelmach ˈstelmək COCA²⁴¹⁷⁹¹
Danielle Smith, the alliance’s young leader, criticises Mr Stelmach’s government for spending too freely and“blowing through” the province’s savings.
联盟的年轻领导人丹尼尔•史密斯批评史堤玛政府花销太过自由,而且花起各州的积蓄简直如流水。 ecocn

Ed Stelmach, Alberta’s premier since2006, won72 of the83 seats in the legislature at an election just two years ago.
埃德•史堤玛2006年当了亚伯达的总理之后,已经在两年前搞定了立法机构83个席位中的72个。 ecocn

Ed Stelmach, the premier of the energy-rich province of Alberta, certainly knows how to make the case for Canadian petroleum.
加拿大能源富省艾伯塔省长埃德.施特尔马奇 Ed Stelmach当然知道该怎么做来推销加拿大的石油。 ecocn

Ed Stelmach, the premier of the energy-rich province of Alberta【2】, certainly knows how to make the case for Canadian petroleum.
加拿大能源富省艾伯塔总理埃德.施特尔马奇 Ed Stelmach当然知道该怎么做来推销加拿大的石油。 ecocn

Mr Stelmach named Ted Morton, a fiscal and social conservative, as finance minister in a cabinet shuffle last month.
上个月史堤玛任命泰德•默尔顿一个财政及社会的保守派为内阁的财长。 ecocn




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