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词汇 steinmeier
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Addressing a glum group of SPD supporters in Berlin, Frank- Walter Steinmeier, the outgoing foreign minister and SPD candidate for chancellor, said it was a“ bitter day for German social democracy”.
即将卸任的外交部长和社民党总理候选人弗兰克-沃尔特•施泰因迈尔在柏林对一群垂头丧气的社民党支持者们发表感言,说这是一个“德国社民党心痛的日子”。 yeeyan

The campaign culminated on September13th in a turgid televised duelswiftly branded “ a duet” between the two main candidates for chancellor, Angela Merkel and Frank- Walter Steinmeier.
9月13日,选举活动在一个声势浩大的电视对决中达到高潮很快就转变为两个候选人的二重奏, Angela Merkel和 Frank- Walter Steinmeier,竞选总理一职。

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken part in a televised debate with her main rival in national elections later this month, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
德国总理默克尔与施泰因迈尔进行了电视辩论。施泰因迈尔将是本月末举行的全国大选中默克尔的主要竞争对手。 jp345

“THAT wasn't as boring as I thought it would be, ” exclaimed Gudrun Giesmann, a supporter of the Social Democratic Party SPD, after watching Frank- Walter Steinmeier at a rally in Hanover.
“至少没有想象中的沉闷。”社民党支持者古德•吉泽曼看完弗朗克•沃特•施泰因迈尔的汉诺威集会如上评论道。 ecocn

A long- time bureaucrat who has never run for public office, Mr Steinmeier needed to convince sceptical voters that he has the heft to do Ms Merkel's job.
官僚阶级很长时间未曾竞选公共职位,斯泰因迈尔需要说服持怀疑态度的选民相信他有足够的能力承担默克尔的工作。 topsage

As foreign minister, Mr Steinmeier has proved soft on Russia, and his party is turning against the war in Afghanistan.
作为外交部长,施泰因迈尔已经表现出了对俄罗斯的手软,而且他所在的社民党也开始反对阿富汗战争。 ecocn

Berlin’s ruling coalition of Social Democrats and the Left Party is anti-Reli, but some Social Democrats are pro, including the foreign minister, Frank- Walter Steinmeier.
基本上柏林市的执政党,社会民主党和左派党联盟,都是反对护教的,不过有些社会民主党人是护教的,包含外交部长 Frank- Walter Steinmeier。 yeeyan

But nearly half said their opinion of Mr Steinmeier had improved.
几乎半数选人表示他们对斯泰因迈尔的印象已有提高。 ecocn

For Mr Steinmeier one important goal is to save the SPD from what could be its worst result in modern history.
对于施泰因迈尔,一个重要的目标就是避免社会民主党遭受近代史上最差的结局。 yeeyan

FRANK- WALTER STEINMEIER, Germany’s foreign minister, is unlikely to become chancellor after parliamentary elections are held in two weeks’ time.
在为期两周的国会选举结束后,德国外长弗兰克.瓦尔特.斯泰因迈尔无望成为总理。 ecocn

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the former foreign minister, would be more formidable.
前任外长弗兰克施泰因迈尔更加臭名昭著。 yeeyan

He rejects the idea that Mr Steinmeier favours “ equidistance” between Russia and the United States, a notion advocated by some members of his party.
他不认为施迈因泰尔在俄罗斯和美国之间会采取其所在政党一些成员所提倡的“中立”立场。 ecocn

If allowed to govern with the FDP, she would slash taxes for the rich and vandalise the welfare state, Mr Steinmeier claims.
施泰因迈尔声称:如果默克尔得以与自民党结盟并成功当选,她将大砍富人税收,“肆意破坏”福利系统。 ecocn

It does not help that Frank-Walter Steinmeier, an SPD leader and her main political rival, is also the foreign minister.
更糟糕的是,默克尔的主要政敌—社民党领导人施泰因迈尔是该国的外交部长。 ecocn

Mr Steinmeier asserted this month that peace was “ no longer based on military deterrence but on the willingness for co-operation.”
这个月 Steinmeier先生断言说,和平“不再以军事威慑为基础,而是以合作的意愿为基础。” ecocn

Mr Steinmeier, who will challenge Ms Merkel for the chancellorship next year, is renowned, and often reviled, for not allowing a foreign government’s shortcomings to spoil a fruitful relationship.
作为明年挑战默克尔总理宝 座的施迈因泰尔在不允许一个外国政府的缺点破坏掉富有成果的外交关系上享有声誉的同时也常常饱受着责难。 ecocn

Mr Steinmeier, now foreign minister, has less than a month left to try to unseat Angela Merkel as chancellor after Germany’s federal election on September27th.
现任德外交部长的施泰因迈尔试图通过9月27日德国大选把安格拉•默克尔拉下马,而现在他只剩下不到一个月的时间。 ecocn

Mr Steinmeier’s Social Democratic PartySPD is trailing in the polls more than ten points behind Ms Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union CDU, its partner in the “ grand coalition government”.
斯泰因迈尔所在的社会民主党在民调中比分落后默克尔的基督民主联盟十个点,这两个党在“德国大联合政府”中是搭档。 ecocn

Mr Steinmeier hopes to transform the election—which has so far felt like an exercise in renewing Ms Merkel’s job contract— into a real contest.
到目前为止,大选感觉像是为默克尔总理续合约的排演,施泰因迈尔希望把大选变成一场真真正正的竞选。 ecocn

Mr Steinmeier's chance of winning the election remains remote, but it is not quite as far-fetched as it was before.
斯泰因迈尔赢得竞选的机会仍显遥远,但远不之前那般渺茫。 ecocn

Ms Merkel is popular: three times as many Germans want her to remain chancellor as want Mr Steinmeier to replace her.
默克尔可是受大众追捧的:支持默克尔连任的德国民众相当于支持施泰因迈尔取而代之的三倍。 ecocn

So Mr Steinmeier’s main hope for becoming chancellor would be to lead a“ traffic light” coalition of the SPD, the FDP and the Greens.
所以施泰因迈尔如果想成为总理的主要希望就是领导一个由社会民主党,自由民主党和绿党组成的交通灯联盟。 yeeyan

So the SPD’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier, foreign minister in the grand coalition, is unlikely to replace Angela Merkel, leader of the Christian Democratic Union CDU, as chancellor.
如此看来 SPD的弗兰克-沃特·斯坦米尔 Frank-Walter Steinmeier,大联合政府中的外交部长,不太可能取代基督教民主联盟 CDU的领袖安吉拉·默克尔,成为总理。 ecocn

Steinmeier also appreciated China's positive role in international and regional affairs.

Steinmeier emphasized that the new German government will continue adhering to the one- China policy that it has always pursued.

Steinmeier said that bilateral relations have been developing smoothly and both sides have maintained sound cooperation in the areas of politics, economy & trade, science & technology and culture.




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