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词汇 Steinbrück
释义 SteinbrückEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Late last month Mr Steinbrück also insisted, in a letter to a member of the federal parliament, on the sanctity of the red S.
上月财长 Steinbrück先生在一封给联邦议会成员的信上强调维护神圣尊严的红色“ S”标志。 ecocn

Mr Steinbrück has said that the extra cost to his taxpayers would make it hard to sell politically.
斯泰因布吕克说,给德国的纳税人增加额外成本使得联合债券的提议在政治上难以让人接受。 ecocn

Mr Steinbrück’s ambiguity may have been deliberate. The mere hint that aid might be available caused the financing costs of weaker countries in the euro to fall.
施泰因布吕克模棱两可的发言也许是有预谋的,有关于求助可能性的暗示使得那些欧洲问题国家的融资成本开始下降。 ecocn

Mr Steinbrück is battling budget-busting proposals from the foreign- aid, transport, education and economy ministries.
施泰因布吕克还在与外国援助,交通,教育,经济等部长讨价还价,而他们的种种建议都会进一步扩大赤字。 ecocn

Peer Steinbrück, Germany’s finance minister, has said it would be“ fatal” not to support German carmakers when competitors in America were receiving billions of dollars.
德国的金融部长 Peer Steinbrück,说道在美国的竞争对手得到数十亿美元的情况下,不给德国汽车制造商一些支持将会是毁灭性的打击。 ecocn

The hapless Mr Steinbrück is not alone.
倒霉的施泰因布吕克先生并不孤单。 ecocn

The hapless Mr Steinbrück is not alone. European banks were collapsing at a dizzying pace even as Christian Noyer, governor of the Bank of France, declared that“there is no drama in front of us.”
倒霉的施泰因布吕克先生却并不孤单:即使法国央行理事 Christian Noyer,宣布“我们面前没有什么悲剧”,但欧洲银行还是以令人晕眩的速度进入崩塌状态。 ecocn

The outgoing finance minister, Peer Steinbrück, said they had“ no chance”. His successor will face similar constraints but will find it hard to speak so bluntly.
Peer Steinbrück,德国即将离任的财政部长,说他们已没机会实施税减政策了。 下一任财长也将面对类似的政策限制,但是他会发现如此率直的说出来是很难的。 topsage

They “ don't want to be spoon- fed” by the state, says Peer Steinbrück, who was finance minister in the grand- coalition government.
曾任执政大联盟财政部长的 Peer Steinbrück说,这些年轻人不想被国家“拿着勺喂”。 tianya

“THE launch pad is not as good as we had imagined,” said Peer Steinbrück, the finance minister.
“选举活动开展得不如我们想象的那样好”,财政部长 Peer Steinbrück说道。 ecocn

But barring the way are the CDU chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the SPD finance minister, Peer Steinbrück.
但是挡在他们前面的是 CDU成员首相安吉拉默克尔,和 SPD成员财政部长施泰因布吕克。 ecocn

Despite hosting a gathering of G8 finance ministers on May18th and19th, Mr Steinbrück found himself a lone advocate of a government- sponsored code of conduct for hedge funds.
除了主持在5月18日和19日的西方8国财长会议外,皮埃尔•施坦布吕克还感到在向对冲基金实施政府主导行动守则方面,自己是一个孤独的倡导者。 ecocn




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