

单词 stegosaurus
释义 stego·sau·rus 英,steɡə'sɔːrəs美ˌsteɡə'sɔrəs 高COCA⁸⁷¹⁶⁶BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁴⁸⁴⁴⁰
herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along its back and a spiked tail probably used as a weapon来自希腊语 stegos,屋顶,屋顶瓦,来自 PIE*steg,覆盖,词源同 deck,detective,tegular.-saurus, 恐龙,词源同 dinosaur.因这种恐龙背部覆盖有三角板而得名。钱博士stego遮盖+saurus恐龙→身上有脊状突出的恐龙⇒剑龙stego遮盖+saurus恐龙→身上有脊状突出的恐龙⇒剑龙近义词 stegosaur剑龙

用作名词Stegosaurus was one of the many plant-eating dinosaurs.剑龙也是食草恐龙之一。
Stegosaurus lived in the Jurassic period, the middle period of dinosaur history.剑龙生活在恐龙时代的中期侏罗纪时代。 Photo Gallery: Jurassic Period Ghosts of an earlier age, an Allosaurus and a Stegosaurus brace for battle at the Denver Museum in Colorado.
侏罗纪时代图片集。幽灵的较早的时期,古生异龙和剑龙振奋精神战斗在丹佛博物馆在科罗拉多州。 a0598

The brain of stegosaurus was about the same size.
剑龙的脑子差不多就那么大。 www.funshare.com.cn

This group, which includes such famous names as Stegosaurus and Triceratops, is one of the two clades into which the dinosaurs are divided.
按照当今考古界的分类法,恐龙被分为两大类,一类即鸟龙类,包括很有名的剑龙和三角恐龙; ecocn

Decorated fan of Green, Jade Hall, gill net ball, life, stegosaurus angle.
青扇缀化、翡翠殿、网刺球、寿、剑龙角。 qite8

Jurassic bark: A non- too smiley dog dresses as a stegosaurus.
侏罗纪的吠叫:一只看起来还蛮严肃的狗狗打扮成剑龙。 kekenet

That is a Stegosaurus.
那就是剑龙。 ebigear

The Stegosaurus uses them for protection.
剑龙用它们来保护。 ebigear

Stegosaurus was a plant eater.

Stegosaurus walked on4 feet. They might have lived in groups. The Stegosaurus had a very small brain and was not smart.




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