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词汇 Stefan
释义 Stefan
At Xing, too, a hyper-local network which went public in 2006, the typical member is not a senior executive but a middle manager, says Stefan Gross- Selbeck, its boss.
同样的, Xing的老板 Stefan Gross- Selbeck表示,2006年面世的超级本土社交网络 Xing,其典型的会员也是中层经理而不是高级主管。 ecocn

In1893, he achieved his goal of becoming Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Vienna, succeeding his old mentor, Joseph Stefan.
1893年,他接替他的导师约瑟夫·斯蒂芬成为维也纳大学理论物理学的教授。 yeeyan

“ As soon as you start dealing with the public Internet, the whole notion of trust becomes a quagmire, ” said Stefan Savage, an expert on computer security at the University of California, San Diego.
“一旦你开始与公共互联网打交道,所谓信任的概念就成为一个泥潭,”美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的计算机安全专家 Stefan Savage说。 yeeyan

“ They defy the traditional rules of Japanese business culture,” explains Stefan Lippert of Temple University in Tokyo, who studies Japan’s “ hidden champions”.
东京坦普尔大学的斯蒂芬.里贝特专攻日本的“隐形冠军“,他解释“他们藐视日本商业文化传统”。 ecocn

But Stefan wasn't entirely happy with any of those solutions.
但是 Stefan对这些解决方案都不是完全满意。 ibm

During her “ break” from Stefan, she shares her personal philosophy: “I’m not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy.”
在和 Stefan“分手”期间,她向我们展现她的人生哲理是:“我不是那些因为某些人世界就会停止转动的可悲女孩。” hjenglish

Elena convinces Jeremy to use his connection to the other side to help her find a new way to reach Stefan, leading Jeremy to a terrible choice.
Elena说服 Jeremy用他特殊能力帮她找到一种和 Stefan取得联系的新方法,这也让 Jeremy陷入了两难的抉择之中。 hjenglish

For example, Stefan apparently wanted line breaks before and after each comment.
例如, Stefan就明显希望在每条注释的前后使用换行。 ibm

For Stefan Fule, one of the commissioners in charge, the first paper tried to answer“the easy question”: how to help Tunisia and Egypt after they had got rid of their dictators.
对委员会负责人之一的 Stefan Fule来说,第一篇文章试图回答“简单的问题”:如何帮助废除独裁者之后的突尼斯和埃及? ecocn

From there, viewers will be taken back to Stefan's darkest days, after he murdered his father and turned his brother.
在这一集里,观众们将会看到 Stefan在亲手杀了自己父亲、转变了自己哥哥之后,他经历的最黑暗的日子。 hjenglish

However, Stefan Szymanski, an economist at Cass Business School in London, suggests that hosting the Olympics may be a mark of recognition: the effect rather than the cause of change.
然而,伦敦卡斯商学院经济学家斯蒂芬.斯曼斯基暗示,举办奥运会也许只是被认可的标志:只是果而不是能起推动作用的因。 yeeyan

In big cities they crowd together and go to schools from which native German children have fled, making it harder to integrate, says Stefan Luft, a scholar at the University of Bremen.
不来梅大学的学者斯特凡.勒夫特 Stefan Luft指出,在大城市里,移民学生抱团生活,一起上学。 而德国孩子常常逃课,在学校里几乎找不见他们的身影。 ecocn

Like national governments, sporting bodies provide collective goods for their citizens, notes Stefan Szymanski, an economist at in London.
伦敦卡斯商学院的经济学家斯蒂芬•西曼斯基 Szymanski称正如国家的政府一样,运动组织也向他们的市民提供集体财产。 ecocn

No, Zheng says, though Bing product manager Stefan Weitz did note in a USA Today interview that Zheng's stock at the company rose after the Google Instant introduction.
没有,郑龙说,可是必应产品经理 Stefan Weitz在今日美国报的采访中确实提到,在谷歌即时被推出后,郑龙的声誉在他的公司微软上升了。 yeeyan

The referee, Stefan Johansson, noticed the irregularity and moved the goalposts back to their positions, but Christensen was allowed to continue playing because his guilt had not been discovered.
裁判 Stefan Johansson注意到球门不太对劲儿,把球门推回了原位。但 Christensen的行为并未被发现,因此裁判允许他继续参加比赛。 yeeyan

With Stefan showcasing his evil side on this season of The Vampire Diaries, the show's original bad boy, Damon, has had to step up and behave himself.
随着这一季《吸血鬼日记》剧情的不断发展, Stefan越来越展现他的邪恶面。 这部剧集里原本的坏男孩 Damon却越来越出挑越来越展示风度。 hjenglish

Stefan explains in detail how to perform both the very simple and the most tedious tasks.
Stefan详细解释怎么执行最简单以及最单调乏味的任务。 yeeyan

Stefan might simply rewrite his stylesheet so it generates comments at the start and end of each template's execution.
Stefan可能只是重写了他的样式表,以便于它在每个模板开始执行和结束执行时生成一些注释。 ibm

Stefan really wanted to have the trace information incorporated into the stylesheet's output, so he could examine it directly in the context of the generated document.
Stefan确实希望能使跟踪信息并入样式表的输出,这样他就可以在生成的文档的上下文中直接检查跟踪信息。 ibm

Stefan Weitz Bing spokesman: Competing with Google in classical ranked algorithm search isn’t a thing we spend tons and tons of time thinking about.
Stefan Weitz Bing的代言人:与谷歌在传统的排序搜索算法的竞争,非我们所想,也无需在这方面花费大量的时间。 yeeyan

Stefan Weitz, director of Bing, said that for certain types of tasks, like finding a list of American presidents, people found answers 28 percent faster with a search of images rather than of text.
必应的编辑斯蒂芬.薇茨说,为了能够找到像美国总统名单这样确定的信息,人们用图片搜索会比用文档搜索快28%。 yeeyan




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