

单词 steamship
释义 steam·ship 英ˈstiːmˌʃɪp美ˈstimˌʃɪpAHDstēmʹshĭp' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁶⁰⁶⁴BNC⁵³⁰¹⁷iWeb²⁴⁸³⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a ship powered by one or more steam enginessteam,蒸汽,ship,船。steam-ship性质|状态⇒n.汽船⁴³;轮船⁵⁷n.大轮船⁵⁷;用有蒸汽机船船名;蒸汽机船近义词 packet小袋steamer汽船

用作名词The time is 1905.Asteamshipsailed on a vast ocean.时间是在1905年,一艘汽船航行在浩瀚的大海上。
We saw that there was an oncomingsteamshipon the river.我们看到河面上有一艘汽轮正在向这边驶来。 Acquaintances are indeed made as rapidly on an overland train as on an ocean steamship, but theirs had dated from the preceding winter, during which they had often met in San Francisco.
路上的火车上合海里的蒸汽船上,人们一样迅速的认识着陌生人,但这两位则是今年冬天的旧金山就开始认识了。 yeeyan

In all 1,517 lives were lost when the world's largest passenger steamship collided with ice on her maiden voyage in April1912.
1912年4月,世界最大的客运轮船在她的处女航中与冰山相撞导致1517人丧生。 yeeyan

Instead, shortly before noon, the steamship company dispatched two launches to the ship to take the passengers ashore.
磨到近中午,船公司派两条汽船来,摆渡客人上岸。 jukuu

On the third night the rioters attacked the docks of the Pacific Steamship Company and set fire to a lumberyard.
第三天半夜,暴乱分子又开始袭击太平洋汽轮公司的码头,并放火烧毁该公司的木料储运场。 yeeyan

The designer put a steamship model on the desk and asked the assistants to approach.
设计师把一个蒸汽轮船的模型放在桌上,招呼助手们走近。 mdaxue

The return may be made on the same steamship.
可乘同一艘汽船当天回来。 iciba

When the civil war break out, Mark Twain was working on a steamship.
美国内战爆发时马克·吐温正在一条蒸汽船上工作。 hotdic

A steamship moored to its berth at the pier.
一艘轮船在码头泊位停泊。 hjenglish

Down at the docks of Yokohama, Japan’s biggest port and its gateway to the West, hundreds of well- wishers were seeing off the Empress of Australia, a615-foot luxury steamship bound for Vancouver.
在日本最大的港口横滨港的西侧出口,上百位善心人士为澳大利亚王后号送行,一艘前往温哥华的615英尺长的豪华蒸汽船。 yeeyan

He telephoned the steamship office to find out what time the steamer is due.
他打电话到轮船公司办公室询问轮船何时到达。 iciba

Her parents had arrived in the United States in a steamship, travelling steerage, the cheapestaccommodation, and settled in Denver.
睡在三等舱最廉价的铺位上,乘坐着一艘蒸汽船,她的父母抵达了丹佛。 ecocn

I would use a motor car or a steamship to travel, these are only physical mechanisms which have nothing whatever to do with spirituality.
我愿意使用汽车或者轮船旅行,这些只是物理机械,和灵性完全没有关系。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

If junk-borne shipments of wheat increased along with the expansion of railway and steamship carriage, the overall argument about the survival and growth of the junk trade is greatly strengthened.
如果经营小麦的舢板运输随着铁路、火轮船运输的扩张而增长的话,那么所有关于舢板贸易幸存和成长的论点都将得到加强。 yeeyan

My great-great- grandfather was tricked in Singapore and was put on a Dutch steamship to Bangka.
我的老太公我祖父的祖父就是受骗从新加坡被装进荷兰船转口到邦加去的。 iciba

Nevertheless, Norway's national steamship advisor called for an express ship service between Trondheim and Hammerfest.
然而,挪威的国家汽轮顾问要求在特隆赫姆与哈默菲斯特之间开办快船服务。 ryedu

On the long- roofed steamship piers one is in a country that is no longer here and not yet there.
站在有着长长的顶篷的轮船码头上,人就犹如置身于一个四处漂泊的国度。 blog.sina.com.cn

Only four years later, the first steamship crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, you should claim on it for recovery of the loss.
货物的损不既然是货运公司因野蛮装卸造成的,所以贵方应该向它索赔你们的损失。 ebigear

The first development in modern transportation was the steamship.
现代交通工具的首次飞跃是轮船。 hxen




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