

单词 stealth
释义 stealth 英stelθ美stɛlθAHDstĕlth ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA¹⁶⁴⁰²BNC²⁰²⁹⁵iWeb⁸³⁶⁹Economist¹⁵¹⁵²

avoiding detection by moving carefullysteal,偷,-th,名词后缀。引申形容词词义偷偷摸摸的,隐形的。stealth bomber隐形轰炸机stealth tax隐形税stealth plane隐形飞机stealth aircraft隐形飞机by stealth偷偷地秘密地…
steal(-th⇒n.秘密行动³⁴;鬼祟¹⁸;隐形飞机⁴²;隐蔽性n.偷窃;偷偷摸摸;不声张的活动;背人的活动;秘密;不为人知的活动;行窃;隐形;潜入;悄悄的行动;鬼祟行为adj.飞机的GRE红宝书来自steal 偷词根记忆steal偷来自stealv.偷近义词 silence沉默slyness狡猾secrecy秘密stealing偷窃craftiness狡猾covertness秘密

用作名词She prefers to do good bystealth.她喜欢秘密地为他人做好事。
Without a family to depend on, they hunt alone, slinking through the shadows, surviving onstealthand intelligence.因此没有家庭可以依赖,他们只能独自狩猎,潜行阴暗处,靠著的是鬼祟以及智取才能生存下来。
The burglars had entered the house bystealth.窃贼偷偷进入那所房子。
Thestealthbomber made its maiden flight in 1989.那架隐形轰炸机在1989年完成它的处女飞行。noun.secrecy
同义词 covertness,furtiveness,slynessclandestineness
clandestinenessnoun secrecy
clandestinitynoun secrecy
missilenoun projectile weapon
secrecynoun concealment
secretivenessnoun secrecy
secretnessnoun secrecy
clandestineness,clandestinity,concealment,confidence,confidentiality,covertness,dark,darkness,furtiveness,hiding,huggermugger,huggermuggery,hush,isolation,mystery,privacy,reticence,retirement,seclusion,secretiveness,silence,solitude,stealth,suppression,surreptitiousness The Air Force wants modern UCAVs with twin engines, low infrared signature, stealth features, electronic countermeasures and the ability to link with satellites.
空军希望现代无人战斗机能拥有双引擎,低红外特征,隐身功能,电子对抗,以及连接卫星的能力。 www.etiri.com.cn

The engineers' goal was to determine whether the so- called stealth fighter was truly radar resistant.
工程师们的目标是测定这架号称隐形的轰炸机是否真的抵御雷达。 yeeyan

Also, members can be stopped, as per the instructions under stealth maintenance, without the application knowing this operation has even occurred.
另外,可以根据隐形维护下的指令停止成员,而应用程序甚至都不知道发生这一操作。 ibm

America is the only nation to produce an operational stealth fighter jet, and Russia is the only other country to even test one.
美国是唯一一个能够制造隐形作战飞机的国家,而俄罗斯仅是另外一个能进行这种飞机试飞的国家。 yeeyan

But that dream of the easy score was dashed this month, after China introduced its own stealth fighter jet, the J-20.
但这个容易得分的梦想已在本月中国引进了自己的隐形战斗歼击机 J-20之后瞬间破灭。 yeeyan

Designing a vaccine to do this entails creating the biological version of a stealth weapon encased in a smart bomb equipped with a guided missile.
设计一种疫苗来达到这个效果,就意味着要制造一种生物上的隐形武器,这种隐形武器被包装在一个带制导的灵巧炸弹中。 yeeyan

Due to past experience we were aware of the potential issues associated with thermal management on a fifth-generation stealth platform.
鉴于过去的经验,军方意识到第五代隐形平台上的热气流控制管理等一些潜在问题。 www.etiri.com.cn

In mock battles, its stealth and sensors allow a lone Raptor to kill a flock of any other kind of aircraft.
在模拟战斗中,一架“猛禽”凭借其隐形机能和传感装置,便可击溃其他任何机种所组成的集群。 ecocn

Moves to regulate this space are afoot, but Wall Street continues to turn to these stealth exchanges to cover their activities from the general public.
规范这一领域的各种措施正在实施当中,但华尔街继续选择利用这些秘密的交易所,使自身活动不为普通大众所知。 fortunechina

New, more powerful radars using active electronically scaled arrays can pick up fainter and fainter targets, and are fast catching up to stealth technology.
新的,更强大的雷达采用了积极的电子定标阵列能够检测到非常微弱的目标,快速地抓住它的隐身技术。 yeeyan

Next, the researchers plan to explore how the cloaking technology could influence applications from military stealth to soundproofing to health care.
研究人员下一步计划拓展这种隐声技术的应用,从军方的秘密行动到卫生保健领域隔音。 blog.sina.com.cn

Photos and videos of the new stealth bomber were published on the Internet.
一种新型隐形轰炸机的图片和视频也在网上公布。 yeeyan

Republican presidents who chose“ stealth” candidates with no record to shoot at have sometimes been sorely disappointed.
选择没记录可攻击的秘密候选人的共和党主席有时候也让人大失所望。 ecocn

Simply speaking, stealth technology allows an aircraft to be partially invisible on radar or any other detection methods.
简单来讲,隐形技术可以使飞机在雷达或其他检测方法下变得部分不可见。 iciba

The system reportedly is capable of detecting and engaging targets, including stealth aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles.
据报道,该系统能够检测和锁定包括隐形飞机、巡航导弹和弹道导弹等目标。 www.etiri.com.cn

They also suspect the municipality of denying them services, to prise them out by stealth.
他们还怀疑市政当局拒绝为他们提供服务,通过秘密行动驱逐阿拉伯人。 ecocn

This followed the leaking of a tape in which he appeared to urge his followers to take over the state by stealth.
此后,他的声音出现在了一盘泄漏出去的录音带里,要求追随者们秘密占领国家。 yeeyan

This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation.
它良好的隐身能力使得其在攻击敌方目标时不用担心被击落。 yeeyan

Twelve years later, some of those components may have finally surfaced—in the design of China’s new J-20 stealth fighter.
十二年后,这些部件中的一部分浮出了水面——出现在中国新式J-20隐形战斗机的设计中。 yeeyan

Stealth technology is even more difficult to master because it relies on systems to hide the presence of the plane while equipping the pilot with enough information to attack an enemy.
隐形科技相比之下更难完全掌握,因其关键系统要可以在装载能获得足够信息的飞行员去攻击敌人时保证不暴露目标。 yeeyan




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