

单词 stays up
释义 stays up短语⁴⁶⁰⁶⁵
Do you worry endlessly and even stays up till your kid get home from a night out with friends?
孩子晚上和朋友们出去玩,你是否会担心不断,甚至熬夜等到孩子回家? yeeyan

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in . A pessimist stays up to make the old year leaves.
乐观者等至深夜为的是看到新的一年的开始,而悲观者等到深夜只是想证实旧年的逝去。 blog.sina.com.cn

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in.
乐观者等至深夜,为的是看到新的一年的开始。 blog.sina.com.cn

He normally stays up late.
他通常都熬夜。 kekenet

He often stays up late.
他常常会熬夜。 i21st

He stays up tale , sometimes he does not go to bed until twelve.
他睡得很晚,有时候十二点才上床。 dcjyw

His wife always stays up until he gets home safe and sound.
他媳妇总是熬夜等他,直到看到他安然无恙地回家才算放心。 yeeyan

The girl studies very hard and she often stays up.
这女孩学习很认真,经常熬夜。 jysls

Unless those changes look likely to disrupt my own work, I usually proceed to retrieve the latest versions of things so that my working folder stays up to date.
如果那些变更看来不会使我的工作中断,我通常会取得最新的版本来保持我的工作目录同步。 itf8

Who even stays up for 22.9 straight hours?
谁能熬上个22.9个小时? yeeyan

Stays up all night and wonders if there is a dog.
整夜醒着,怀疑那是不是有只狗。 yeeyan




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