

单词 staves
释义 staves 英steɪvz美stevzAHDstāvz COCA⁶⁸²⁰⁵BNC³⁵²⁸³
⁶⁰; 棍⁴⁰原型staff的复数
名词 stave:
music the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are writtenone of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucketa crosspiece between the legs of a chair
动词 stave:
furnish with stavesburst or force a hole into somethingstave桶板staff员工go to sticks and staves碎掉
The princes digged the well, the nobles of the people digged it, by the direction of the lawgiver, with theirstaves.这井是首领和民中的尊贵人用圭用杖所挖所掘的。 And he put the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to bear it withal; he made the altar hollow with boards.
把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬坛,并用板作坛,坛是空的。 examw

And he said unto them, Take nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece.
对他们说,行路的时候,不要带拐杖,和口袋,不要带食物,和银子,也不要带两件褂子。 ebigear

And the sons of Levi took the ark of God as Moses had commanded, according to the word of the Lord, upon their shoulders, with the staves.
肋未子孙按照梅瑟奉天主的命所吩咐的,用杠杆在肩上抬着上主的约柜。 ccreadbible

The well, which the princes dug, and the chiefs of the people prepared by the direction of the lawgiver, and with their staves.
这井是领袖挖掘的,是民间的贵人,以权杖和棍棒挖凿的。 ccreadbible

The AL admits that it has distributed staves among its followers for impending battles with BNP supporters.
反对党 AL承认支持者与国民党的拥护者的冲突即将发生。 ecocn.org

The Ark had staves for the shoulders. Even the Ark did not move of itself; it was carried.
约柜有四根长杠,以便放到肩上扛抬,它本身不必行动,要有人去抬它。 ebigear

The laughter rang louder; they clung to the gate, to the posts, rested on their staves, in the weakness engendered by their convulsions at the spectacle of Car.
哄笑声更大了;他们看见卡尔的怪相,捧腹大笑起来,笑得没了力气,都一个个地或靠在栅栏门上,或靠在柱子上,或靠在自己的手杖上。 ebigear

The legacy point costs to rank up TDR are identical to the costs to rank up melee DPS on staves now.
现在花费传奇武器点数来升级 TDR与花费在法杖上近战 DPS等级升级相同。 bbs.178.com

And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof.
又用海狗皮盖在上头,再蒙上纯蓝色的毯子,把杠穿上。 examw

Available in myriad varieties, the calorie-free brew promotes heart health, staves off several types of cancer, strengthens bones and teeth, and protects the skin.
这种零热量的茶饮料对很多方面都有益:可以增进心脏的健康,预防多种癌症,坚固骨骼与牙齿,还可以修护肌肤。 yeeyan

Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves.
木制大桶、琵琶桶、盆和其他木制箍桶及其零件,包括桶板。 china-customs

Even if it staves off disaster, the bail-out will cause huge problems.
即使避开了灾难,救市仍然会带来很大的问题。 yeeyan

Even if it staves off disaster, the bail-out will cause huge problems. It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour.
及时的救助计划可以暂时阻挡灾难的发生,它还是会造成巨大的问题——道德风险:如此明显的安全网会鼓励冒险行为。 ecocn

Every day that he staves off the immediate threat will be a victory, and knowing Olmert as we do, this is what he is going to try to do.
他能每天挡住对他的直接威胁就是一次胜利,正如我们所了解的一样,奥尔默特就是要争取这么做。 ebigear

For crafting things like bows, staves and such. Uses wood-based materials and gems.
用来制作一些弓或者法杖之类的东西。用木头或者宝石作为材料。 iciba

He says that during his time as a guest of Pakistan’s security services he was beaten with staves and rubber tubing and had three fingernails prised off with pliers.
他说他在巴基斯坦安全部门服刑期间曾遭到棍棒折磨和橡胶管的鞭打,他的三只手指的指甲已被钳子撬掉。 ecocn

It's a little white lie, sure, but it staves off a lot of awkward situations. In fact, I wish I'd used it more often.
这是一种毫无恶意的谎话,但是它的确使一些难堪的情形得以缓解。实际上,我从内心深处更愿意如此行事。 blog.sina.com.cn

Just as important, exercise staves off heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other maladies that increase the risk of brain problems as we age.
同样,运动可以避免心脏病、肥胖、糖尿病及其它随着衰老而容易引起大脑疾病的因素。 yeeyan

Rather than flags and banners Mr Bakiyev’s enraged opponents carried staves, clubs and baseball bats.
而不是旗帜和标语。 Mr Bakiyev的愤怒反对者拿着柜子,挡板和棒球棒。 ecocn

The U.S. government- funded research also offers the prospect of a' miracle pill' which staves off the menopause, allowing women to wait longer to have a child.
这项由美国政府资助的研究还向世人提供了这样一个前景,服用'奇迹丸'能推迟绝经期,让女性有更长的生育期。 yeeyan

These passengers were“ armed with iron bars, staves, chains and slingshots, and there is some indication that they also used knives”.
这些乘客的武装有“铁棒,棍子,链子和弹弓,有迹象表明他们还使用了刀子”。 yeeyan




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