

单词 Statoil
释义 Statoil stəˌtɔɪl Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
And Statoil, a large Norwegian oil and gas company, performs a similar trick at two places in the North Sea.
挪威大型石油天然气公司国家石油公司也在北海的有两处类似的项目。 yeeyan

As Norway's biggest company, two-thirds owned by the Norwegian government, Statoil would be a prime target for any retaliatory Chinese measures.
作为政府持有三分之二股份的挪威最大公司,中国采取任何报复措施,挪威国家石油公司都会成为首要目标。 www.rfp.org.cn

He has locked himself in with his dream of a better world and a jerry can from the Statoil station around the corner.
他将自己锁了起来,连同他改革世界的美梦和在街角挪威汽油站买来的一罐汽油。 yeeyan

Many oil analysts expected the 24 pct stake awarded to the French oil major to go to one of its Norwegian counterparts, either Norsk Hydro or Statoil.
大多数石油分析家预计,授予法国石油公司24%的股份,将会落到一家挪威公司手中,或者是挪威水电公司,或者是挪威国家石油公司。 ecocn

No wonder then that Statoil, Norway's NOC, is generally thought to be the best of the lot.
毫无疑问,挪威的国家石油公司, Statoil是被大家普遍认为是最好的国有公司了。 ecocn

Norway’s Statoil postponed new investment it had planned for two North Sea oilfields, saying that the tax“ significantly impacts the economics” of the projects.
挪威石油国企推迟了原计划在北海油田的两个新建投资项目,并称税费对这两个项目的“经济收益产生严重影响”。 ecocn

Norway, after all, was a rich, efficiently administered country long before Statoil produced its first drop of oil.
毕竟久在 Statoil生产出第一滴石油前,挪威就是个经济富裕而且政管有效的国家。 ecocn

Norway's Statoil has just spent$2 billion on a Canadian firm with oil- sands rights.
挪威的国家石油公司已经对其拥有油沙开发权的加拿大公司投资了近20亿美元。 ecocn

Russian owned Gazprom is already working with Norway's Statoil on the Shtokman field,310 miles off the Russian coast.
俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司正与挪威国家石油公司一同开发什托克曼气田。该气田距俄罗斯海岸线310英里。 yeeyan

The bank’s only such investment is in Statoil of Norway, because of its renewables focus.
这家银行唯一这样的投资是挪威国家石油公司,因为他对再生能源的重视。 yeeyan

Statoil, Norway’s national oil company, has had such a “ carbon sequestration” project in the North Sea for almost a decade, and BP now has a similar plant in Algeria.
Statoil――挪威一家国有石油公司,在北海地区展开 “压缩二氧化碳”的方案已经将近十年。目前, BP公司在阿尔及利亚也建立了类似的工厂。 ecocn

Statoil, Norway's national oil company, started pumping carbon dioxide into aquifers under the North Sea a decade ago and BP has a similar onshore project in Algeria.
十年前,挪威国立石油公司 Statoil就开始把二氧化碳泵入北海的蓄水层,英国石油 BP在阿尔及利亚也有相同的海岸项目。 ecocn

Statoil still trades at a discount to the value of its assets.
挪威国家石油公司的交易价格仍旧低于其资产价值。 renren




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