

单词 static state
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A new method, which is based on CMAC neural network's non-linear function approach to improve the static state output characteristic of vibrator-type sensor, is presented.
利用小脑模型连接控制器 CMAC神经网络的非线性函数逼近,并以振筒式压力测试系统为例,提出了一种综合修正传感器静态误差的新方法。 cnki

At the same time, it is hard to realize the strategy objective of our economy structure adjustment and industrial structure promotion relying on the static state comparative advantage simply.
同时,单纯依靠静态比较优势难以实现我国经济结构调整和产业结构优化升级的战略目标。 cnki

Is above calculation of Be just the structure and form that the static state distributes, haven't calculated once escaping A Shu type to launch output variable.
以上计算的只是静态分布的格局,还没算计到一旦遁甲术阵式发动产生的变数。 blog.zol.com.cn

It also researches some problems: contradiction of static state theory and dynamic theory and lacking of the research toward“ I”.
以及传统职业指导理论中存在的问题:静态理论与动态社会的矛盾、缺乏对“主体我”的研究。 cnki

Most of the existing theories of public goods investigate the problem of public goods supply from the angle of the static state.
现有的公共物品理论较多的是从静态的角度考察公共物品的供给问题。 cnki

The existence of nation interest makes the realization of this kind of static state comparative interest run into the obstacle.
国家利益的存在使这种静态比较利益的实现遇到障碍。 cnki

The image survey causes to measure the thing does not use any clipping of noise, therefore may independent, objective to was measured the thing carries on the static state or the dynamic survey.
图像测量使得对被测物不用加以任何干扰限制,因此可以独立的,客观的对被测物进行静态或动态的测量。 dudufly

The mainstream theory of economics neglects the factors of space-time and constrains the enterprise in static state, which restricts the development of enterprises.
主流经济学理论忽略了时空因子,把企业定格在“静态”,限制了企业的发展空间。 cnki

Using the result of the static state test, this paper presents a method of beam system bridge structure damage identification, based on system identification theory.
基于梁桥的静态试验数据,采用系统识别原理,提出了一种梁桥结构损伤的识别方法。 cnki

Absolute static state does not exist in the universe. The nature of money is motional.
宇宙中不存在绝对静止的事物,货币的本性是运动。 jukuu

Is given the equilibrium solution of the model, is analyzed the model by the method of static state analysis and dynamic analysis, are put forward the policy suggestions finally.
给出了模型的均衡解,并对模型进行了比较静态分析和动态分析,最后提出了政策建议。 cnki

Software that is committed is in a static state and can only be removed.
提交的软件处于静态,只能删除。 ibm

The practical results show that if the state feedback matrix is chosen properly, the system has good dynamic and static state performances and has robustness for parameters varying.
仿真结果表明,若适当选择状态反馈阵,则整个系统可以得到优良的动静态特性,并对参数变化具有鲁棒性。 cnki

The second part points the problem existing in static state credit risk supervise model taken by our country's commercial bank by analyzing domestic and static state credit risk supervise theory.
第二部分结合国内外信用风险监控理论的发展及现状,指出了我国商业银行采用的静态信用风险监控模式存在的问题。 cnki

The initial, peak and end temperatures of the reaction and the needed time of the reaction under the static state were stated by differential scanning calorimetry DSC.
示差扫描量热法 DSC测定揭示了反应性挤出过程中化学反应的起始温度、峰温和终止温度,以及在静态下反应所需的时间。 iciba

Under circumstance of static state testing movement slowly, prescribed maximum of measured pressure is two-third of full scale of the selected gauge.
在静态测试或变化缓慢的情况下,规定被测压力的最大值选用压力表满刻度值的三分之二; zhonghangyibiao

Utterance analysis is that of movement, but theoretical linguistics is linguistic description of static state.
话语分析是进行动态的分析,而理论语言学是进行静态的语言描写; cnki

When the wind speed is too high, the most safety measure to wind power set is stop working, the load of wind power set in static state is smaller by far than dynamic state.
风速过高时,对于风机最安全的方法是停机,静态风机受到的载荷要远远小于动态载荷。 www.1x1y.com.cn




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