

单词 statesmen
释义 statesmen 英'stetsmən美'stetsmən COCA²⁸⁴⁹³BNC²¹²¹⁹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
名词 statesman:
a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairsstate国家-smen⇒n.政治家名词stateman的复数形式.as in.senator
同义词 lawmaker,legislator,politician
senatornoun statesperson
lawmaker,legislator,politician,statesman The other major statesmen in Paris, Prime Ministers David Lloyd George of Britain and Georges Clemenceau of France, reluctantly agreed, and Germany equally reluctantly signed the treaty.
巴黎和会上其它主要的政治家英国总理大卫•劳莱•乔治和法国的乔治•克列孟梭勉强同意这个观点,德国也勉强同意并签署了条约。 yeeyan

There was a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen on the bilateral cooperation.

What gives unaccountable agents the right to do that, statesmen and business leaders ask.
政治家和商界领袖们常常质问,无需负责的机构为什么有权这么做。 blog.sina.com.cn

A few hours after Singh's Yankee plainspokenness, Obama delivered a speech to India's Parliament with a subtlety and political skill worthy of the nation's great statesmen.
辛格的美式直率几小时后,奥巴马在印度议会发表了一个配得上这个国家伟大政治家敏锐和富于政治技巧的讲话。 yeeyan

A grand bargain that combines tax and entitlement reform requires statesmen willing to risk their political careers, who are notable by their absence from this panel.
一个包括了税收和福利改革的双赢方案需要从这个小组中退出的政治家愿意拿他们的政治生涯冒险。 ecocn

And over time, as codes of law sought to control violence within groups, so did philosophers and clerics and statesmen seek to regulate the destructive power of war.
后来,随着旨在控制群体内部暴力的规范的出现,哲学家、宗教领袖和政治家也纷纷致力于用条文限制战争的破坏力。 putclub

At least since1918, statesmen and lawyers have dreamed of a world in which any unscrupulous leader who sent troops across a state border could expect criminal prosecution.
至少自1918年起,便有政治家和律师梦想着世间能有一个机构可以将那些肆意率军侵犯他国领土的人治以罪行。 ecocn

Bismarck once said that the mark of statesmen is recognizing Fate as she rushes by, so as to grab on to the mantle of her cloak.
俾斯麦曾经说过,政治家的标志是在命运女神匆匆经过时认出她,抓住她斗篷的衣角。 worldbank

Discussions, if they could be called discussions, on foreign affairs were confined to the elder statesmen who had seen service in some previous ministerial existence.
有关外交事务的商讨如果还可以称之为商讨的话仅在那些在过去内阁中从政过的老政治家之间开展。 yeeyan

ECONOMISTS turn over the hows and whys of the Depression in much the same way as statesmen once reflected on the decline of Rome or the eclipse of Athens by Sparta.
经济家们思考大萧条发展形式和原因的方法与政治家分析古罗马之衰落和雅典被斯巴达推翻时使用的方式大体是一样的。 ecocn

I very much value morality and do believe that entrepreneurs, economists and statesmen alike should pay much more attention to morality and ethics.
我非常珍视道德,确实认为企业家、经济学家和政治家等都应该对道德规范给予更多关注。 blog.sina.com.cn

Instead of vanquishing military foes, today’s statesmen are called on to knock down debt.
不是战胜军事上的敌人,今天的政治家在呼吁降低债务。 yeeyan

It is also a virtue of great statesmen.

Little more than200 years later artists and writers, scientists and statesmen saw such value in Fraser Island that in1992 it was declared a World Heritage site.
不到200年以后,艺术家、作家、科学家以及政治家却如此看重弗雷泽岛,他们于1992年宣布它为世界自然遗产。 yeeyan

The two statesmen differ greatly in their perceptions of the world.

They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen.

Upon his return, he established this school at Athens he called the Academy, “Academy” for the training of philosophers, statesmen, and legislators.

Statesmen who want to clamber onto their high horses should note that, in some cases, not talking can be a form of appeasement.
那些希望摆大架子的政治家应该注意到,不予对话在某些情况下可能成为一种绥靖政策。 ecocn

Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.




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