

单词 statement
释义 state·ment 英ˈsteɪtmənt美ˈstetməntAHDstātʹmənt ★★★★☆初高四六研IS牛46八COCA¹⁰³³BNC⁸⁵²iWeb⁷⁴⁹Economist²⁷⁵¹

C 声明,陈述


C 结算单,报表

a list showing amounts of money paid, received, owing, etc., and their total

a message that is stated or declared; a communication oral or written setting forth particulars or facts etc;

according to his statement he was in London on that day

a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true;

it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true

music the presentation of a musical theme;

the initial statement of the sonata

a nonverbal message;

a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are

his tantrums are a statement of his need for attention

the act of affirming or asserting or stating somethingcomputer science a line of code written as part of a computer programa document showing credits and debits词根词缀: -stat-放置→公开放置→陈述,声明 + -e动词词尾 + -ment名称词尾
用作名词 n.
动词+~issue a statement发表声明make a statement陈述,供述,声明形容词+~solemn statement严正声明official statement正式声明介词+~in the light of this statement根据这种说法
非常记忆state国家〖熟词〗+-ment表结果门徒〖拼音〗⇒国家的门徒在发表声明state陈述,声明+-ment表结果名词后缀⇒陈述,声明。词根记忆state+-ment表结果=站着说话=声明立场来自statev. 声明来自statev. 声明近义词 declarationannouncement
用作名词n.The government issued a statement urging the public to cooperate in this inquiry.政府发表声明要公众对这项调查给予合作。
He made a statement about the householder's love of furniture.他就房主对家具的喜好作了说明。
We ought to verify the witness's statement.我们应当证实一下那位目击者的陈述。
The company prepared a statement of its profits and losses.该公司做了一份损益清单。Pmacrostatement宏语句Pmicrostatement微语句Pcopy-statement复制语句Pexecute-if-statement执行如果语句Pcounterstatement反陈述反声明抗辩书Pexecute-assignment-statement执行赋值语句

用作名词She refused to make astatementto the police lest she should incriminate herself.她拒绝向警方作陈述以免受连累。
Her views were fully elaborated in a writtenstatement.她的观点在一篇书面声明中得到了充分的阐述。noun.declaration, assertion
同义词 account,affidavit,allegation,announcement,assurance,charge,comment,description,explanation,presentation,proclamation,remark,report,testimony,wordABCs,acknowledgment,affirmation,articulation,aside,asseveration,averment,avowal,communication,dictum,ejaculation,make,manifesto,mention,narrative,observation,picture,presentment,profession,protestation,recital,recitation,relation,rundown,utterance,ventilation,verbalization,vocalization,voiceblow-by-blow,communiqué
反义词 quiet,silencequestion,requestnoun.account of finances
同义词 affidavit,bill,charge,record,reportaudit,budget,invoice,reckoning,score,tab
反义词 question,request
accountnoun record of finances, fees, or charges
IOU,bad news,balance,bill,book,books,charge,check,computation,cuff,grunt,inventory,invoice,ledger,reckoning,record,register,report,score,tab,tally
acknowledgmentnoun physical symbol of recognition
admissionnoun confession or acknowledgment
affirmationnoun declaration of the truth of something
affidavit,assertion,asseveration,attestation,averment,avouchment,avowal,certification,confirmation,declaration,green light,oath,okay,pronouncement,ratification,stamp of approval,statement,sworn statement,testimonial,testimony
affirmationsnoun declaration of the truth of something
affidavits,assertions,asseverations,attestations,averments,avouchments,avowals,certifications,confirmations,declarations,green lights,oaths,oks,pronouncements,ratifications,stamp of approvals,statements,sworn statements,testimonials,testimonies
alibinoun defense against charges of wrongdoing;evidence of absence
account,affirmation,airtight case,allegation,answer,assertion,assurance,avowal,case,cop-out,cover,declaration,excuse,explanation,fish story,justification,plea,pretext,profession,proof,reason,reply,retort,song and dance,stall,statement,vindication The Business Information Conformance Statement BICS is a simple specification that provides an extensible solution to both of these challenges.
业务信息一致性声明 BICS是一种简单的规范,为这些挑战提供了可扩展的解决方案。 ibm

The subject of every statement must be a resource.
每个命题的主语必须是一个资源。 ibm

What does that statement do?

“ Our aim was to execute them, ” the statement said.
“我们的目标是处死他们”,该声明表示。 yeeyan

But that is an odd statement.
但是,这是个古怪的陈述。 ecocn

Can you deny the truth of her statement?

Conversations usually involve some sort of reply and response, where one person makes a statement or asks a question and the other responds based on what the first person said.
通常谈话将包括一些答复和响应,其中一个人给出陈述或提出问题,然后其他人根据第一个人所说的内容进行响应。 ibm

He complains that the statement on uncertainties is also misleading because it does not reveal that uncertainties about future climate projections are, in his view, immense.
他抱怨说,对于不确定性的声明也是误导,因为它没有披露出未来气候预测中的不确定性,在他看来那是巨大的。 yeeyan

He issued a statement to clarify the situation.

I recommend using this method, as it gives you more information about the failure of the SQL statement.
我推荐使用这个方法,因为这个方法可以给出有关 SQL语句失败的更多信息。 ibm

In the final output version, however, or the reconciliation version, I see the statement only once, not duplicates.
但是,在最终的输出版本中或调和版本中,我仅看到该语句一次,并没有重复看到。 ibm

In a statement Friday, she asked the Burmese people to “ struggle together with new strengths, new force and new words” in 2011.
她星期五在一份声明中请求缅甸人民,在2011年“以新的优势、新的力量和新的语言一起进行奋斗。” voa365

Live by this statement.
用这种姿态活着。 kekenet

Next comes the actual statement itself, which contains the actual information on what you collect and what you do with it.
接下来是实际语句本身,其中包含一些信息,说明了您将收集哪些信息以及将如何处理这些信息。 ibm

Only then can you execute this statement.
只有这样才可以执行这条语句。 ibm

The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.

The source of this statement?
上面这段声明的出处是? yeeyan

There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are.
做任何事情,它的理由看来只有一个,即:向宇宙万物宣示你是谁。 yeeyan

This is the first time that this example is using a relation as a declarative statement to define an expressionin other words, a value assignment instead of using it for model- to- model mapping.
这是本例子第一次把关联作为一个定义表达式换句话说,一个赋值语句的声明性陈述来使用,而不是用它作模型到模型的映射。 ibm

We attached no significance to his statement.

What do you think about the following requirement statement?
你是如何看待下面这份需求陈述的呢? ibm

Statement and portrait together form a single image of a thinker.
陈述和肖像一起构成了一位思想家的独有影像。 yeeyan




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