

单词 Baseball mitt
释义 Baseball mitt

the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball I gave him abaseball mittfor his birthday.为祝贺他的生日,我送给他一只棒球手套。
Salesman:Would he like abaseball mitt?Boys like baseball,you know.他喜欢棒球手套吗?您知道;男孩子很喜欢棒球.
My brother gave me abaseball mittfor my 14th birthday. I owed him.我过14岁生日的时候,我哥哥送给我一只棒球手套。我很感激他。
Between houses you notice a small boy with abaseball mitton one hand sitting all by himself on a motionless swing.野餐桌上应该还有热得冒汗的冰冻白酒。房子之间,一个小男孩戴着一只棒球手套,静静地坐在秋千上。
Abaseball mittand ball rested on top of the bureau, and on the washstand a pitcher and bowl glowed as white as phosphorous.桌上摆着棒球手套和棒球,盥洗架上的水罐和碗闪闪发光,如磷光般皎洁。
Salesman: May I help you, sir? Customer: It's my son's birthday. I want to buy him a present. Salesman: Would he like abaseball mitt? Boys like baseball, you know.售货员:先生,能为您效劳吗?顾客:我儿子过生日,我想给他买件礼物。售货员:他喜欢棒球手套吗?您知道,男孩子很喜欢棒球。顾客:你说得对。




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