

单词 stasis
释义 sta·sis 英ˈsteɪsɪs, ˈstæsɪs美ˈstesɪs, ˈstæsɪsAHDstāʹsĭs, stăsʹĭs ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁸⁷²¹BNC³¹⁶⁴⁸iWeb²³⁰⁷⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

an abnormal state in which the normal flow of a liquid such as blood is slowed or stoppedinactivity resulting from a static balance between opposing forces来自希腊语 stasis,停止,静止,保持站立姿势,来自 PIE*sta,站立,词源同 stand,-asis,表状态。diffusion stasis医 弥散性停滞…pressure stasis外伤性窒息circulatory stasis循环停滞intestinal stasis肠停滞blood stasis血液停滞fertilization stasis受精停滞venous stasis郁血,静脉停滞…stasis eczema医 停滞性湿疹…stasis dermatitis郁血性皮病,郁滞性皮…stasis cirrhosis停滞性肝硬变…stasis gallbladder医 胆囊郁积…duodenal stasis医 十二指肠停滞…
钱博士sta站立,静止+sis希腊语名词后缀,表行为和状态,在英语中常改写为-se,但在此保留了希腊语拼写。→静止,停滞→用作医学术语郁积,瘀。词根sta-站立,静止来自希腊语。它和拉丁词根st-站立以及日耳曼单词stand站立,停止同源,最终都源自原始印欧语词根*sta-站立,静止。sta站立,静止+sis希腊语名词后缀,表行为和状态,在英语中常改写为-se,但在此保留了希腊语拼写。→静止,停滞⇒用作医学术语郁积,瘀。词根sta-站立,静止来自希腊语。它和拉丁词根st-站立以及日耳曼单词stand站立,停止同源,最终都源自原始印欧语词根*sta-站立,静止。GRE红宝书static 静态的, 不动的;state 状态,状态本身有静止,固定在某状态之意近义词 poise平衡inertia惯性balance平衡stillness静止status quo现状stability稳定性equilibrium平衡continuity连续性immobility不动性

用作名词In treatment,bloodstasisis an important factor that should be seized.在治疗中noun.balance
同义词 antithesis,correspondence,counterbalance,counterpoise,equilibrium,equipoise,equity,equivalence,evenness,hang,harmony,parity,proportion,symmetry,tensioneven-steven
反义词 difference,disagreement,disproportion,imbalance,inequality,unevenness
balancenoun equilibrium
equilibriumnoun balance;evenness
inactionnoun state of doing nothing
poisenoun self-composure, dignity
address,aplomb,assurance,balance,bearing,calmness,confidence,cool,coolness,delicatesse,diplomacy,elegance,equability,equanimity,equilibrium,grace,gravity,polish,presence,presence of mind,sangfroid,savoir faire,self-assurance,self-possession,serenity,stasis,tact,tactfulness,tranquility
stagnationnoun inactivity
calm,dullness,quiescence,sluggishness,stasis,status,torpidity,torpor And the money is in solving people's diabetic foot ulcers and venous stasis ulcers.

That's because economic growth and human welfare must trump environmental stasis and ecosystem welfare.
个中原因在于,经济的增长和人类的福利一定会压倒环境的稳定和生态的繁荣。 yeeyan

The despair is histrionic and purposefully distorted; the stasis proved disastrous during the Bush Administration.
绝望是因为长期蓄意的歪曲,停滞是由于 Bush政府的灾难遗产. yeeyan

The long-term consequences of a more populist and nationalistic Egypt might be better for the United States than the stasis of the Mubarak era, and the terrorism that it helped inspire.
长远来看,比起穆巴拉克时代停滞的埃及及其引发的恐怖主义,一个更加民粹主义和民族主义的埃及对美国来说更好一些。 yeeyan

Stasis induced by hydrogen sulphide could, for instance, help save the lives of severely injured people if medical treatment is not readily available.
由硫化氢引起的新陈代谢减缓可以用来挽救医疗手段尚不能及的危重病患。 ecocn

But when visiting journalists parachute in to Port-au-Prince for the anniversary of the earthquake, they will see few signs of progress and many of stasis.
但是,当来访的记者涌进太子港作地震周年的专题报告时,他们所看见的是困境没有任何的改变,许多工作停滞不前。 ecocn

Creative churn, America's staple diet unless you're too big to fail, is not the Italian way. Sensual stasis is.
创意搅动,美国的主食除非你是巨无霸,不会失败,不是意大利的风格。性感的静止才是。 yeeyan

During times of relative stasis, the winning algorithm exploited the information it had.
在一段相对固定的时间内,这种制胜方法先发掘出信息。 yeeyan

Evolutionary stasis is fairly common at the higher levels of the Linnaean system of biological classification class, order and family.
在林耐生物分类类,属和门系统的高等类别中进化停滞现象是相当普遍的。 ecocn

I will strengthen the link between us during stasis, and you will be able to speak for me any length you wish.
我会在停滞期期间加强我们之间的连接,你以后会替我讲话,不论你希望多长时间都可以。 humanreborn

In the end, though, Palin is offering the opposite of hope and change: despair and stasis.
反而,到最后, Palin给了我们反希望和反变革,那是绝望和停滞。 yeeyan

In this Eden, too, the woman's curiosity is the driving force that rouses creation from the stasis of repetition.
在这样一个伊甸园里,也是女人的好奇心,成了从一再重复的停滞中唤醒创造的推动力。 yeeyan

It symbolizes the end of the period of lightning advance and the beginning of the period of nasty stasis.
这次事件标志着先进科技时代的快速结束和令人不安的停滞期的到来。 yeeyan

No place on the planet is fully at rest. Only time— unimaginable stretches of time that conceal from human eyes the dynamic natural forces shaping the Earth— creates the illusion of stasis.
地球上没有任何一处地表可以安于一隅,伟大的自然之力不停的以鬼斧神工塑造山河,而时间的长流却将这一切静悄悄的掩藏起来,它制造了静止的假象。 yeeyan

Sensual stasis is.
性感的静止才是。 yeeyan

Since2005, the base class library was in stasis.
自2005年以来,基类库就处于停滞之中。 infoq

The cul-de-sac stasis of life in the suburban middle class?
是郊区中产阶级生活的静止的死胡同? yeeyan

The jerksso dubbed by the creeps think it happens in sudden jumps that are separated by long periods of stasis.
而“跳蚤”“毛毛虫”们给起的绰号们认为进化的方式是被长时间停滞分隔开的突然的跳跃。 ecocn

Their expectations for participation in economic and political life are frustrated by political stasis and debilitating greed.
但是他们参与经济和政治生活的热情被政治高压严重挫伤而不再那么有野心。 yeeyan




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