

单词 stashing
释义 stash·ing 英stæʃ美stæʃ COCA⁵⁴⁹³⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a secret store of valuables or money
save up as for future use近义词 pile堆heap堆hide藏stack堆mass大量hoard贮藏store商店supply供应put by储备reserve保留secrete隐藏cache隐藏所put away收拾squirrel松鼠hideaway隐匿处stockpile贮藏堆squirrel away贮存salt away省钱以备将来…lay away把 … 留待后用(积…

用作及物动词Select the option tostashthe password to a file.选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。
And you will have your personal garage tostashyour rides.你将拥有自己的个人修车场以隐藏你的赛车。 And while companies are finding the credit- market thaw is making it easier to borrow money they would need to expand, many are stashing these funds rather than spending them.
此外,虽然公司发现信贷市场解冻降低了企业扩张的融资难度,但是仍有许多人选择储备这些资金而不是将其用于支出。 iciba

Back at the church door, Whitney is up and stashing their gear.
等我们再回到教堂门口,惠特尼已经在收起帐篷。 yeeyan

But instead of ignoring the peanuts and only stashing the raisins, the birds appeared to plan ahead.
但鸟儿似乎在为将来考虑,而不是仅仅储存葡萄干,把花生丢在一边。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

But memories of having that close-up view during as painful a crash as the2008 crisis can explain why bankers are throwing their courage to the wind, stashing their money in cash and Treasurys.
但银行家们曾亲历像2008年危机那样痛苦的重挫,留下了刻骨铭心的记忆,这就是为什么他们的勇气荡然无存,而把钱投入了现金资产和美国国债。 cjzg

Expenses are kept low by having headquarters in SoHo, a chic bohemian bit of New York, and by stashing many lawyers in even cheaper places such as Houston and Hyderabad.
通过把总部设在索霍区/休南区——这个雅致又富有波西米亚风格的纽约一角,还有通过把律师们储备在像休斯顿和海德拉巴这样消费更低的地方,律所的开销就能保持低廉了。 ecocn

For example, she said, crows have been seen stashing food away for the next day and even finding ways to protect it from being stolen.
例如,她说,乌鸦会把食物藏起来第二天再吃,甚至能保护食物不被偷走。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

For the moment, younger male protesters arm themselves with bricks, rocks and screwdrivers, but few people would be surprised if more radical groups were stashing away firearms.
目前,年轻的男性抗议者靠着砖头、石头和螺丝起子武装自己,但是毋庸置疑肯定会有更激进的团伙会藏把枪在身上。 ecocn

He's even stashing away savings for his eventual return.
他甚至还在为他以后回国存钱。 yeeyan

In this hypothetical world, individuals can save by stashing their cash directly with the Treasury or Federal Reserve.
在这个假设的世界,每个人都可以将其现金直接置于财政部或联储局储存。 yeeyan

Insurgents in this area tend to cruise about on motorbikes, stashing weapons if necessary before speeding back to hideouts in the desert.
这个地方的叛乱分子习惯于骑着摩托车巡回往返,如果必要的话,在他们驶向沙漠中的隐蔽处之前,会迅速地将武器隐藏好。 ecocn

Its diminutive size, which makes it so handy for stashing in a coat pocket, also makes it unlikely to satisfy more than one antsy kid on a long car ride.
它出奇的小尺寸使它能够方便地放在外衣口袋里,但除了在长途旅行中安抚汽车后座里不安分的小孩,它无法满足更多人的需要。 yeeyan

No, I’m not stashing gold bars under my bed. But that’s only because I lack the courage of my convictions.
不,我不会把金条藏在床下,因为我仅仅只是对我的信念缺乏一些勇气罢了。 yeeyan

This method can reduce the amount of garbage your group must pack out at the end of the trip and eliminate the undesirable need of stashing or burying unwanted trash.

To developers, EB-5 offers a new track to raise money, appealing to foreign investors who see residency status as an extra bonus for stashing money in U.S. property.
对于开发商而言, EB-5提供了一个筹集资金的新渠道:用美国绿卡作为额外奖励来吸引国外那些想把钱藏于美国财产中的投资者。 yeeyan

Today's featured workspace sports a hinged compartment for out- of- sight cable stashing.
今天的特色桌面就提供一个基于看不见铰链柜的设备。 yeeyan

Unfortunately solid-state memories, such as flash, that do not have these disadvantages are too expensive for stashing the vast programs needed to run a modern computer.
不幸的是,如闪存那样的固态存储器虽然没有硬盘的这些缺点,但价格昂贵,难以存储运行现代电脑所需要的大量程序。 ecocn

Various entrepreneurial researchers are looking at ways of extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stashing it out of harm’s way.
不同的敢冒风险的研究人员正在寻找方法从大气中提炼二氧化碳,并用一种无害的方法储存起来。 ecocn




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