

单词 stashed
释义 stash·ed 英stæʃ美stæʃ COCA²⁸⁰⁴⁰BNC⁵¹¹⁴⁸Economist¹¹⁵¹⁴
a secret store of valuables or money
save up as for future use近义词 pile堆heap堆hide藏stack堆mass大量hoard贮藏store商店supply供应put by储备reserve保留secrete隐藏cache隐藏所put away收拾squirrel松鼠hideaway隐匿处stockpile贮藏堆squirrel away贮存salt away省钱以备将来…lay away把 … 留待后用(积…

用作及物动词Select the option tostashthe password to a file.选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。
And you will have your personal garage tostashyour rides.你将拥有自己的个人修车场以隐藏你的赛车。 Billions of dollars in Egyptian land deals over the past20 years are coming under scrutiny by Egypt's revolutionaries, amid a worldwide hunt for assets stashed away by former president Hosni Mubarak.
在各方在全球搜寻埃及前总统胡斯尼?穆巴拉克 Hosni Mubarak藏匿的财产之际,过去20年间埃及土地交易产生的巨额财富正受到埃及革命者的密切关注。 enfamily

The profits are often stashed away in foreign bank accounts or quickly spent: on luxury property in European capitals, or on their children's education in British private schools.
他们获得利润后,要么存入外国银行账户,要么挥霍一空:购买欧洲都市豪华地产、让子女在英国私立学校接受教育。 yeeyan

Even toss out that emergency pack you have stashed in the secret pocket of your backpack. Get rid of your ashtrays and lighters, too.
所以即使把那些你藏在背包秘密处用来应急的香烟也要扔掉,还有你的烟灰缸和打灰机也要扔掉。 yeeyan

Federal agents found$90, 000 in cash stashed in his freezer.
联邦探员在他的冰柜里发现了9,0000美元的现金。 ecocn

Fortunately for Saudi Arabia, it has stashed a cushion of petrodollars to manage this. It also has other factors to consider.
幸运的是,沙特已储备了石油美元来应付这种可能局面。它还有其他因素要考虑。 blog.sina.com.cn

Gadhafi had been a check on Islamic extremists in the region, and now those extremists are collecting the weapons Gadhafi stashed across the country.
卡扎菲曾对这个地区的伊斯兰教激进分子进行阻止,现在那些激进分子正在搜罗全国上下卡扎菲所储藏的武器。 yeeyan

Had I been caught with the hundred or so already stashed in my apartment building, perhaps we would have been talking grand larceny.
假如我是因盗窃上百个锥标,或者把锥标藏匿在我的公寓大楼里的话,也许我们就会被说成是重大盗窃案。 yeeyan

He never could figure out how the twin teens had stashed it in his truck.
他怎么也想不清楚的是,双胞胎少年怎么会一直躲在他的卡车里。 iask.sina.com.cn

He stashed the money in his sack and fled, telling staff and customers he needed the cash because Santa needed to pay his elves.
他把钱都装进麻袋之后,边逃边告诉在场职员和顾客,他之所以抢劫是因为圣诞老人要付钱给他的精灵们。 liuxueban

He stashed a Red Sox jersey in the foundation of the new Yankee Stadium now under construction.
他将一件红袜队球服埋藏在正在施工的新扬基体育场的基础下。 putclub

I had jewelry that I never wore but I thought I might someday need stashed away all over my room.
我还留着一些自己从来都没戴过的首饰,想着哪一天要把它们好好藏在房间的每一个角落。 tingvoa

I will now buy plastic-free whenever I can and have a cloth shopping bag stashed in my handbag.
我现在将在任何时候都购买非塑料包装的物品,并在手袋里随身携带布购物袋。 yeeyan

If money is not circulating, but is stashed in reserves or under mattresses, it cannot boost spending or push up inflation.
如果货币没有进入流通领域,而是作为储备或者被藏在床垫底下,那它无论对刺激消费还是推动通胀均无助益。 yeeyan

If there is an item, return the stashed response.
如果有这个项,那么就返回已存储的响应。 ibm

Libya is sitting on vast oil wealth and can tap into the millions of dollars that Gadhafi stashed away in foreign banks, he said.
利比亚有着巨大的石油资源并且能将卡扎菲存在外国银行的数百万美金取出,他说。 yeeyan

Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box.
吉吉总是把它的宝贝藏在它的玩具箱里,它非常执着地要把玩具都存放在箱子里。 blog.sina.com.cn

Maybe he is stashed away in the wardrobe.

Memories are not stashed away, fully formed, in the vaults of the brain; they are constructed, when needed, according to the demands of the present.
记忆不是被埋没而是被融合于大脑穹顶;必要时,它们可以根据目前的要求被编制。 yeeyan

Only later did Wasserstein learn that she had another brother, Abner, stashed away in a mental institution.
她后来才了解到她还有个兄弟阿伯尼尔藏在一家精神病院。 ecocn

She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.
她在不同的银行账户上秘密储存了一大笔钱。 zzzdao.com

That night, when he ate a granola bar, she left hers untouched. Once he was snoring, she stashed it under the seat.
当晚只有汤姆吃了燕麦卷,待他打鼾时,塔米莎就把自己的那片藏到了座位下面。 yeeyan

They stashed the guns away under the ground.

Wrapped in parchment paper, the slice was stashed in a“ cabinet of curiosity” for all these years.
这些年来,这块蛋糕用羊皮纸包着,一直栖身在一家“古玩店的橱柜里”。 yeeyan




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