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词汇 stash
释义 stash 英stæʃ美stæʃAHDstăsh ★☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝COCA¹⁵⁷³⁵BNC⁶⁴⁴⁰⁶iWeb¹¹⁵⁰⁸Economist¹¹⁸⁸¹

a secret store of valuables or money
save up as for future use可能合成自 stow,存放,放置,cache,隐藏处,贮藏。GRE红宝书st = stay, ash-停留在灰里-藏匿
store 贮藏 + cash 钞票,有老人不是把钱存银行,而是把现钞藏起来
分割记忆:st看作sta y+ash灰→放在灰里→藏匿
非常记忆st尸体〖拼音〗+ash灰烬〖熟词〗⇒尸体火化后的灰烬被存放在坛子里GRE难词记忆stash→haste n.匆忙→在匆忙中藏了起来联想记忆st看作stay,在+ash灰→放在灰里→藏匿联想记忆st=stay+ ash → 停留在灰里 ⇒藏匿近义词 pile堆heap堆hide藏stack堆mass大量hoard贮藏store商店supply供应put by储备reserve保留secrete隐藏cache隐藏所put away收拾squirrel松鼠hideaway隐匿处stockpile贮藏堆squirrel away贮存salt away省钱以备将来…lay away把 … 留待后用积…

用作及物动词Select the option tostashthe password to a file.选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。
And you will have your personal garage tostashyour rides.你将拥有自己的个人修车场以隐藏你的赛车。noun.(supply, esp. hidden
同义词 cache,hoard,inventory,nest egg,stockpile,troveabundance,accumulation,agglomeration,aggregation,backlog,collection,conglomeration,cumulation,fund,garner,heap,mass,pile,reserve,reservoir,riches,stock,store,supply,treasure,wealthamassment,treasure trove
反义词 debt,lack,need,povertyverb.hide
同义词 bury,conceal,disguise,hole up,lock up,secrete,smuggle,tuck awayadumbrate,cache,camouflage,cloak,cover,curtain,dissemble,ditch,duck,eclipse,ensconce,harbor,mask,obscure,occult,plant,protect,reserve,screen,shadow,shelter,shield,shroud,squirrel,stifle,suppress,veil,withholdblot out,go into hiding,go underground,hold back,hush up,keep from,keep secret,lie low,not give away,not tell,put out of the way,salt away,stow away,take cover
反义词 expose,lay bare,open,reveal,tell,uncover,disregard,encourage,ignore,lay out,let go,releaseverb.hoard
同义词 amass,buy up,collect,deposit,hide,pile up,stockpileacquire,cache,garner,gather,keep,save,scrimp,squirrel,store,treasurelay away,lay up,put aside for rainy day,put by,sock away,stow away
反义词 disperse,divide,scatter,separate,spread,squander,waste
assetsnoun property or money possessed
ace in the hole,ace up sleeve,backing,budget,capital,credit,equity,estate,funds,goods,holdings,means,nest egg,possessions,rainy day fund,reserve,resources,riches,something put aside,something put away,stake,stuff,valuables,wealth
bankverb collect money or advantage
amass,deposit,heap,hill,hoard,invest,lay aside,lay away,mass,mound,pile,put by,salt away,save,sock away,speculate,squirrel,stash
bankedverb collect money or advantage
amassed,deposited,heaped,hilled,hoarded,invested,lay aside,lay away,massed,mounded,piled,put by,salt away,saved,socked away,speculated,squirreled,stashed
buryverb conceal, cover
cache,cover-up,ensconce,enshroud,hide,occult,plant,screen,secrete,shroud,stash,stow away
cachenoun hidden supply
accumulation,assets,drop,drop joint,drop off,fund,hideout,hiding place,hoard,kitty,nest egg,repository,reserve,shade,stake,stash,stockpile,store,storehouse,supplies,treasure,treasury,wealth
cacheverb hide a supply of something
accumulate,bury,conceal,cover,ditch,duck,ensconce,lay away,maintain,park,plant,put away,put in the hole,save,screen,secrete,squirrel,squirrel away,stash,stash away,store And you will have your personal garage to stash your rides.
你将拥有自己的个人修车场以隐藏你的赛车。 jukuu

As the gene is only linked to lower levels of fat stored just below the skin, known as subcutaneous fat, it may be that people who have IRS1 stash theirs elsewhere.
这种基因还会与较少的身体的皮下脂肪含量有关,这些被称为储存性脂肪,然而这些带有 IRS1基因的人的脂肪可能“藏”在了其他的地方。 ebigear

But if you move your stash into stock funds you'll be taking more risk.
但是如果你决定将积蓄投入股票基金,那你就得冒更大的风险。 yeeyan

But minutes before allowing the birds to recover their stash, the researchers fed the birds to satiety with that second food— the one they had already stored.
但在让鸟重新找寻储备的食物前几分钟,研究人员们又用这些鸟已经储备的第二种食物将这些鸟喂得饱胀. ecocn

But most casual photographers want something to stash in a pocket.
但大多数业余摄影师希望能塞在口袋里东西。 yeeyan

Detectives believe both may have been tortured in a bid to reach a stash of money they had made through rigging bets and issuing false academic qualifications.
警探相信,两个受害者都曾被拷打,凶手的目的是得到藏匿的钱款,这笔钱是受害者通过操纵赌博和发放假文凭获得的。 yeeyan

Even as they stash away this year's bonuses, the bankers are betting that politicians and regulators will bow before demands that they protect London's“ competitiveness”.
就在银行家藏匿今年的奖金的时候,他们也在押注,政治家和监管机构将屈服于保护伦敦“竞争性”的要求。 vsharing

Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times; I could carry my little bag to museums and tourist sites, and stash it in a locker when need be.
此外,我观光的计划没有被旅店的入住和退房时间所绊;我可以随身带上我的小包前往博物馆和旅游景点,若有必要往储物柜中一塞就行。 yeeyan

I raided my stash of fabric that was given to me earlier this year when a relative wasn’t going to do a project she had planned.
我赶紧翻出了我的针线包,这是今年早些时候一个亲戚因为没有按计划做她想做的东西而给我的。 yeeyan

I fold up my chair, stash it in the entry to my building, leave the bag of food with Whitney.
我把椅子折起来,寄存在公寓门应那儿,把盛着食物的包留给了惠特尼。 yeeyan

I simply painted some of the leaves with various craft paints from my stash.
我拿了收藏的几种手工颜料用来简单地涂了树叶。 yeeyan

If this is your second or more, you may be disappointed to already be breaking into your old maternity stash.
如果你是第二次怀孕或更多,你可能为已经穿上了旧孕妇装而感到沮丧。 yeeyan

I'm taking you in for questioning. We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.
我要带你回去问话。我们已经发现了一个违法烈性酒的藏匿处,我想你可能知道关于它的一些情况。 yeeyan

ISS crew members also get to stash a few“ preference items” away, enough to equal 1 cubic foot of storage space for every month they're in orbit.
国际空间站的宇航员还可以另外储藏一些“个人爱好食品”,他们在轨道上每生活一个月就要消耗1立方英尺的储存空间。 yeeyan

Its trade surplus mounts inexorably, as does its stash of foreign exchange— the essence of influence in today's world.

More likely, China is looking for a way to offload some of the currency risk in its stash of dollars.
更可能的是中国正在寻求一种方法去减小一些其美元储备的风险。 yeeyan

Mr Kim admits to a plutonium stash, though there is a dispute about its size.
金先生承认藏了一些钚,但是有关其数量存在争议。 ecocn

On January19th it asked the government to release more details on how rich Indians stash money abroad to evade taxes.
在1月19号,它要求政府发布更多关于富裕的印度人在国外藏匿财富从而逃税的更多细节。 ecocn

One alternative worth considering for at least some of your stash: Blue-chip stocks— especially those that combine high dividend yields with strong balance sheets and cash flow.
至少可以投点钱的另一个值得考虑的选择就是:绩优股——尤其是那些融合高股息收益率与强劲资产负债表与现金流为一体的股票。 poly888

Select the option to stash the password to a file.
选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。 ibm

The entire process is managed via the Stash website.
整个流程都在 Stash的网站上完成。 yeeyan

Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew.
我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。 yeeyan

To slow the spoiling process, stash them in the refrigerator immediately.
为减缓它们的腐败过程,应立即将它们放入雪柜贮藏起来。 yeeyan

We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.
我们已经发现了一个违法烈性酒的藏匿处,我想你可能知道关于它的一些情况。 yeeyan

Whether you should do so, too, depends on how much you can afford to sink into your inventory and how much room you have to stash the products until they're purchased or shipped out.
你是否也提供相同的这些服务和销售以及相同的食品完全取决于你能为你的货存投入多少资金,在物品被购买和销售前你可以提供多大的储存空间。 yeeyan




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