

单词 star witness
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He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8“ fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.”
他也抨击辩方的主要证人并且说第8号议案“没有给出通过拒绝发放结婚证书来指认男女同性恋者这种行为的合理性。” yeeyan

His testimony was a telling rehearsal for the imminent appearance of the star witness: his old boss, Tony Blair.
坎贝尔的证词也为即将出场的主要证人——他的前领导托尼•布莱尔,做了个铺垫。 ecocn

It is unprecedented for prosecutors to discredit their own star witness.
检察官怀疑自己的主要证人,这是史无前例的。 yeeyan

Mr Saiful, now aged25, is the prosecution’s star witness.
赛弗•布卡里今年25岁,是原告律师的重要证人。 ecocn

Plus they can't even track down their star witness.
加上他们都找不到主要证人。 blog.sina.com.cn




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