

单词 starvation
释义 star·va·tion 英stɑːˈveɪʃən美stɑrˈveʃənAHDstär-vāʹshən ★★☆☆☆高四T八COCA¹⁴⁴⁴⁵BNC¹⁰⁷⁵¹iWeb¹²⁵³²Economist¹¹⁸⁸⁰
a state of extreme hunger resulting from lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged periodthe act of depriving of food or subjecting to famine;

the besiegers used starvation to induce surrender

they were charged with the starvation of children in their care

来自 starve,使挨饿,饥饿,-ation,名词后缀。starvation wages低于基本工资的费用…lubricant starvation润滑剂不足fuel starvation燃料不足starvation cure禁食疗法,饥饿疗法…accelerator starvation促进剂用量不足…amino acid starvation氨基酸禁食法…
starve饿死,挨饿+ation动名词后缀,表行为⇒饿死,挨饿。词根记忆starve使饿死近义词 want要lack缺乏need需要famine饥荒hunger 饥饿poverty贫困depletion消耗emptiness空虚extreme极度的exhaustion疲惫starving饥饿的deprivation剥夺food shortage粮食短缺malnourishment营养不良undernourishment营养不良famishmentfamish的名词形式…inanition因无食物和水而身体虚…

用作名词The old woman died ofstarvation.老妇人被活活饿死。
These people are living on the verge ofstarvation.这些人正在饥饿线上挣扎。
He suffered fromstarvationand disease.他因饥饿和疾病而受苦。noun.hunger
同义词 deprivation,famine,malnutritioninanition,need,want
反义词 supply,plenty
dietnoun abstinence from food
dietary,fast,nutritional therapy,regime,regimen,restriction,weight-reduction plan
emaciationnoun gauntness
anorexia,atrophy,attenuation,boniness,consumption,haggardness,malnutrition,marasmus,skinniness,starvation,tabes,thinness,undernourishment,wasting,wasting away,withering
faminenoun hunger
griminessnoun dirtiness
grubbinessnoun dirtiness
hungernoun appetite for food, other desire
a stomach for,ache,appetence,appetency,appetition,big eyes,bottomless pit,craving,desire,emptiness,esurience,eyes for,famine,famishment,gluttony,greed,greediness,hungriness,longing,lust,mania,munchies,ravenousness,starvation,sweet tooth,vacancy,void,voracity,want,yearning,yen And yet for all the apparent abundance, this area is so short of food that many are dying from starvation.
然而,除了以上这些表面上的富足外,这个地区对食物却是如此缺乏以致于许多人正死于饥饿。 ecocn

For a moment I saw my home through her eyes: feces, rats, starvation, houses so close together that no one can breathe.
那一刻我看到了她眼中的我的家乡:到处都是粪便、老鼠、饥饿,房屋都挤在一起让人无法呼吸。 yeeyan

The green revolution of three decades ago helped keep the country from starvation, but since then productivity growth in Indian agriculture has hardly moved.
三十前的绿色革命帮助这个国家摆脱了饥饿,但自那时起印度农业生产率的增长几乎停滞不前。 yeeyan

The men with a sense of life’s scarcity wanted their women to carry some extra pounds, almost as if their partner’s fat could protect them against starvation.
对生活某一方面感到匮乏的男人希望他们的女人更重一些,好像他们约会对象的脂肪可以保护他们避免饿死一样。 yeeyan

While virtually no one died from starvation, many did not have enough to eat.
事实上,没有人是因挨饿而死的,只是许多人没有足够吃的。 yeeyan

All told us that hunger and starvation are returning to their country.
所有人都告诉我们,饥饿又回到了他们的国家。 yeeyan

And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.
到那时,将不再有全球性的战争,不再有众多的人挨饿。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the risk of a secondary catastrophe, of disease and starvation, remained high.
不过,缅甸再次面临疾病和饥饿等灾害的风险依然很高。 ecocn

But crime and starvation are hardly the only options.
但犯罪和饥饿几乎不是惟一的选择。 ecocn

For the poorest farmers, the diversity of life may be their best protection against starvation.
对最为贫困的农民来说,生物多样性是他们避免饥荒的最佳保障。 fao

He had to decide between surrender and starvation.

I think many people think suffering is dire starvation or poverty.
我觉得许多人认为痛苦就是可怕的饥饿和贫困。 yeeyan

In this region, drought, crop failure, livestock deaths, and human starvation ravage the Horn of Africa in the worst food security crisis experienced in decades.
这个区域正经历几十年来最严重的粮食安全危机,干旱、作物歉收、牲畜死亡以及人类饥荒在肆虐非洲之角。 who

One woman we talked to had started in such penury that four of her children had died of starvation or disease.
我们和另一个女人聊过。一开始,她穷困潦倒,有四个孩子或死于饥饿,或死于疾病。 yeeyan

Our female ancestors grew accustomed to watching many of their children— perhaps as many as half— die of various diseases, starvation, warfare and so on before being able to have kids of their own.
我们的母性祖先在成长过程中已经习惯性地看到许多子女或许高达一半在还没有机会生育子女之前便死于各种疾病、饥饿、战乱以及其它灾祸。 yeeyan

Somalia is a failed state known for its anarchy, corruption, lack of government, and starvation.
索马里是一个以其混乱、腐败、无政府和饥荒而名著于世的国家。 yeeyan

The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we like in a time of widespread want add starvation.
我们花在宠物身上的金钱和时间在广泛渴望帮助和饥饿遍布的时代绝对不是我们可以随心所欲花费的私有物。 ebigear

These people face increased risk of starvation and disease.
这些民众面临增加的饥饿和疾病危险。 who

They are a crucial terrestrial group and we would face mass starvation without them.
它们是重要的陆地生物组,如果没有蜜蜂,我们将面对大规模饥荒。 yeeyan

They died of thirst or starvation.

We have to“ fight on” because without modern industrial civilisation the psychopaths will take over, and there will be“ mass starvation and war”.
我们必须“战斗”因为如果现代工业文明毁灭的话,心里变态者将会接管世界,而且会有“大规模饥荒和战争”。 yeeyan

When we go on a starvation diet to reduce our calorie intake, we not only destroy muscle tissue but also actually slow our metabolic rate.
当我们进行饥饿节食来减少我们的卡路里的摄入时,我们不仅破坏肌肉组织,实际上还减小了我们的新陈代谢率。 ibm

Yet it has no choice, for two reasons: North Korea is a nuclear menace; and some of its people risk starvation.
然而外界别无选择,基于两个原因:朝鲜的核威胁,它的一部分人民面临饥饿的威胁。 ecocn




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