

单词 start up
释义 start up 英'stɑːtˌʌp美'stɑːrtˌʌp 牛6研I短语⁵⁹¹⁰
惊跳起来; 开动; 创办

get going or set in motion;

We simply could not start the engine

start up the computer

get off the ground;

Who started this company?

We embarked on an exciting enterprise

I start my day with a good breakfast

We began the new semester

The afternoon session begins at 4 PM

The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack

start up惊跳起来
近义词 start开始commence开始embark on上船、飞机等…
Get rid of the baggage andstart upthe machinery.丢掉包袱,开动机器。
He asked me how to start the machine.他问我这机器怎么开动。
He mentioned that he would like to start a school.他提起他想创办一所学校。
She's built up a very successful business.她创办的生意很红火。as in.start-up
同义词 association,charity,company,constitution,corporation,creation,endowment,establishment,guild,inauguration,institute,institution,organization,origination,plantation,settlement,setup,society,trusteeshipas in.turn on
同义词 activate,log on,put on,switch onbegin,energize,get started,ignite,initiate,introduce,put in gear,set in motionas in.vitalize
同义词 enliven,invigorate,juice up,stimulateanimate,arm,electrify,empower,enable,excite,exhilarate,fortify,goose,innervate,inspirit,motivate,prime,quicken,reinforce,strengthen,sustain,triggeractify,activize,build up,jazz up,liven up,pep up,pump up,put zip into,switch on,turn on,work upas in.energize
同义词 animate,electrify,empower,excite,invigorate,motivate,reinforce,stimulate,strengthen,triggerarm,enable,enliven,fortify,goose,innervate,inspirit,prime,quicken,sustain,vitalizeactify,activize,build up,jazz up,juice up,liven up,pep up,pump up,put zip into,switch on,turn on,work upas in.found
同义词 begin,construct,create,erect,establish,form,initiate,launch,organize,plant,raise,settle,startcommence,constitute,endow,fashion,fix,inaugurate,institute,originateget going,ring in,settle up,start the ball rollingas in.ignite
同义词 burn,flare up,inflame,kindleenkindle,fire,lightburst into flames,catch fire,put match to,set alight,set fire to,take fire,touch off
energizeverb activate;give more life
actify,activize,animate,arm,build up,electrify,empower,enable,enliven,excite,fortify,goose,innervate,inspirit,invigorate,jazz up,juice up,liven up,motivate,pep up,prime,pump up,put zip into,quicken,reinforce,stimulate,strengthen,sustain,switch on,trigger,turn on,vitalize,work up
foundverb bring into being
began,commenced,constituted,constructed,created,endowed,erected,established,fashioned,fixed,formed,get went,inaugurated,initiated,instituted,launched,organized,originated,planted,raised,rang in,settled,settled up,started,started the ball rolling,started up
igniteverb set on fire
burn,burst into flames,catch fire,enkindle,fire,flare up,inflame,kindle,light,put match to,set alight,set fire to,start up,take fire,touch off
ignitingverb set on fire
burning,bursting into flames,catching fire,enkindling,firing,flaring up,inflaming,kindling,lighting,putting match to,setting alight,setting fire to,starting up,taking fire,touching off
turn onverb start the operation of
activate,begin,energize,get started,ignite,initiate,introduce,log on,put in gear,put on,set in motion,start up,switch on
turned onverb start the operation of
aroused,attracted,captivated,enchanted,get started,initiated,introduced,showed,stimulated,stirred up,thrilled,titillated,worked up In a few moments, the old woman will come back, life will start up again: the round light cast by the kerosene lamp, the oilcloth on the table, the shouting, the swearing.
过不了多久老太太就要回来了,生活就要再次开始了:煤油灯放出一团圆光,桌上铺起油布,叫喊声,咒骂声。 yeeyan

Add web content control to the list of start up applications.
添加网络内容控制到启动应用程序列表中。 yeeyan

Because of this requirement, you will need to turn off resynchronization of the node on start up.
因为这个需求的原因,您将需要关闭启动时重新同步节点的功能。 ibm

For example, for many server applications it's not important if the server takes longer to start up: what's important is the run rate of transaction performance after startup.
例如,如果这个服务器要花费很长时间来启动,那么对于许多服务器应用软件来说就不重要:重要的启动之后事务性能的运行速率。 ibm

I predict we will see this start to change the UI, design and flow of the OTAs as they seek to chase this consumer desire and fight off the start up response.
笔者预测,我们将看到这些网站开始改变用户界面、网站设计并看到更加生活化的在线旅游网站,因为他们需要满足顾客需求并抵御竞争对手的反击。 yeeyan

If the manager closes some funds to new money, he may well decide to start up others.
如果一些经理关闭一些吸钱的基金,那么意味着他们将开设另外的基金。 ecocn

If I start up something, I really like to finish it and I'm allowed to do that sometimes.
如果我要开始做某件事,那我就真的是想努力完成它并且有时候我也被允许那样去做。 yeeyan

If some of them start up business online and are therefore able to support themselves, it surely reduces the pressure on the government to create jobs.
如果他们中的一些人开始了网上贸易,并能够养活自己,这当然就减少了政府创造就业的压力。 yeeyan

It will not be eligible for recovery during server start up.
在服务器启动恢复期间它就不是合格的了。 ibm

Maybe she would date a technician at the office. Or start up a romance with anther TV star.
也许她应该与办公室里的技术人员约会,或者与另一个电视明星开始一段浪漫史。 yeeyan

Otherwise, the daemon might fail to start properly next time, or another instance might start up later and cause contention.
否则,这个守护进程下次可能无法正常启动,或者可能稍后会启动另一个实例,从而导致争用。 ibm

Recently we were given the opportunity to start up our own dance studio, but Rachel was predictably hesitant because of the obvious risks associated with a start up venture.
不久前我们获得了一次机会,终于可以开始我们自己的舞蹈工作室。当然,瑞秋很犹豫,显而易见,开一家新公司有很高的风险。 yeeyan

Since you have more free time now, why not start up a new business?
现在你有更多自由的时间了,为何不开始做一件新的事情呢? yeeyan

So if we start up here, fast neutrons produced by fission, by thermal fission and then you add the total number of fast neutrons produced.
如果我们在这开始,生产的快速中子,通过裂变,通过热能裂变,你加入生产的快速,中子的全部数量。 open.163.com

Soon, the band would start up.
不久,乐队就要开始演奏。 yeeyan

Then you can start up any virtual machine instances of that image any time as needed.
然后您可以随时按需启动该映像的任何虚拟机实例。 ibm

Then start up again and repeat the process until you feel your own orgasm approaching and cross the finish line with him.
然后重新开始,重复上面的过程直到你感受自己的高潮快要到来时,跟他一起共享超越底线的愉悦。 yeeyan

When you start up SPT, you're prompted to launch the tool see Figure2.
开始 SPT时,就会提示您启动该工具参见图2。 ibm

With the setup and prerequisites complete, start up the application and examine what goes on behind the scenes as you step through it.
在先决条件得到满足,并完成了应用程序的安装之后,启动应用程序,逐步操作并研究幕后所发生的事情。 ibm

You can also start up an emulator configuration programmatically, run one or more tests, and then shut down the emulator.
您也可以用程序启动一个配置好的模拟器,运行一个或多个测试,然后关闭模拟器。 cnblogs

You can physically attach all the devices or start up all the emulators or both at once, connect to each one in turn programmatically, and then run one or more tests.
您可以在同一时间接上所有的设备或一次启动全部模拟器或统统一起,依据程序依次连接到每一个,然后运行一个或多个测试。 cnblogs

Start up the application server.
启动应用程序服务器。 ibm

Start up your application server and open the admin console in your browser.
启动应用服务器并在浏览器中打开管理控制台。 ibm




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