

单词 startle
释义 star·tle 英ˈstɑːtl美ˈstɑrtļAHDstärʹtl ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA⁷²¹³BNC⁴¹⁵⁷⁹iWeb¹³⁷⁰⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

vt. 使惊跳;使大吃一惊

cause sb to be suddenly surprised,sometimes making them jump;give an unexpected slight shock to

a sudden involuntary movement;

he awoke with a start

to stimulate to action ;

…startled him awake

galvanized into action

move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm;

She startled when I walked into the room

startle, surprise, wonder

这组词都有“惊异”“震惊”的意思。其区别在于:wonder指对异常现象或难以解释的事感到“惊讶”或“疑惑”; surprise是普通用词,表示各种各样的惊讶; startle指因没有提防而“大吃一惊”或“吓了一跳”。

















来自古义 start,跳动,跳起,-le,表反复。引申比喻义吃惊,震惊。GRE红宝书star星星长出tle头-star头-使吃惊害怕得跳起
钱博士start猛地跳起,猛地启动+le反复动词形式→受到惊吓跳来跳去⇒使吃惊,使吓一跳start猛地跳起,猛地启动+le反复动词形式→受到惊吓跳来跳去⇒使吃惊,使吓一跳。非常记忆start出发〖熟词〗+le了〖拼音〗⇒这么快就出发了,使我大吃一惊蒋争熟词记忆start出发 le了 这么快就出发了,使我大吃一惊联想记忆start惊起+le表动作→不断惊起→使…吃惊近义词 jolt震摇jump跳跃shock震惊alarm警报start开始stun使震惊scare受惊吓upset心烦的amaze使吃惊disturb扰乱surprise惊奇disquiet担心electrify通电unnerve使气馁astound使惊骇overwhelm打击galvanize镀锌terrify使害怕frighten使惊吓astonish使惊讶intimidate胁迫galvanise通电流disconcert使困惑unsettle使某人不安或担忧…
S+ ~+n./pron.Her sudden stop startled us.她突然停了下来,这使我们吃了一惊。
The least noise would startle the child.最小的响声也会使孩子受惊。
He answered all the questions with a readiness that startled everyone present.他敏捷地回答了所有问题,使在座的每个人为之震惊。
A crowd of 2000 was startled near the end of the concert.2000名观众在音乐会将近结束时大吃一惊。
He was startled at a loud noise.他被一声巨响吓了一跳。
We were startled by the news.我们听到这消息大吃一惊。Pstartlern.令人惊骇的人startledv.“startle的过去分词和过去式网络震惊吓一跳吓了一跳

用作动词He wasstartledby the news.这消息使他大吃一惊。
Hestartledfrom sleep.他从睡梦中惊醒起来。
The least noise wouldstartlethe timid child.最小的响声也会吓着这个胆小的孩子的。
Let's hide ourselves behind the door andstartleher.藏在门后面,咱们吓她一下。用作名词He gave me astartle.他吓了我一跳。
The man was awaken with astartle.由于受到惊吓,他醒了过来。verb.frighten, surprise
同义词 agitate,alarm,amaze,astonish,astound,awe,scare,shake up,shock,stagger,stun,terrifyaffright,bolt,consternate,floor,fright,jump,rock,spook,spring,start,terrorizegive a turn,make jump,scare to death,spring something on,take aback
反义词 bore,calm,expect,reassure,soothecomfort,compose
affrightverb frighten
alarmverb upset
amaze,astonish,chill,daunt,dismay,distress,frighten,give a turn,make jump,panic,scare,scare silly,scare stiff,scare to death,spook,startle,surprise,terrify,unnerve
amazeverb surprise
affect,alarm,astonish,astound,bewilder,blow away,blow one's mind,bowl over,daze,dumbfound,electrify,flabbergast,impress,move,perplex,put one away,shock,stagger,startle,strike,stun,stupefy,touch
amazesverb surprise
affects,alarms,astonishes,astounds,bewilders,blows away,blows one's mind,bowls over,dazes,dumbfounds,electrifies,flabbergasts,impresses,moves,perplexes,puts one away,shocks,staggers,startles,strikes,stuns,stupefies,touches
astonishverb surprise
amaze,astound,bewilder,blow away,blow one's mind,boggle,bowl over,confound,daze,dumbfound,flabbergast,floor,knock over,overwhelm,put one away,shock,spring on,stagger,startle,stun,stupefy,take aback,throw a curve
astonishesverb surprise
amazes,astounds,bewilders,blows away,blows one's mind,boggles,bowls over,confounds,dazes,dumbfounds,flabbergasts,floors,knocks over,overwhelms,puts one away,shocks,spring on,staggers,startles,stuns,stupefies,takes aback,throws a curve A clampdown on a prominent web firm could startle investors and prompt a broader sell-off, as could a financial scandal.
与财务丑闻一样,一旦一家知名互联网公司遭到制裁,就会令投资者不安,并引发大范围抛售。 cnblogs

In the dim light squeezing through the door, she watched him startle.
借着从门缝透过来的微弱光线,她看见他吓了一跳。 yeeyan

That America should encourage negotiations with an enemy which NATO has been fighting for the best part of a decade will startle many supporters of the war.
美国竟会支持阿政府与北约在过去几年的敌人进行和谈,这让很多阿战支持者大跌眼镜。 ecocn

The faeries approached cautiously so as not to startle me, the way one might approach a fallen fledgling or a fawn separated from its doe.
他们为了不吓着我,小心翼翼地走过来,就像走近一只坠落的雏鸟,或是一头和母鹿走散了的小鹿。 ebigear

The idea that you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker up is a myth, but it's probably also a bad idea to startle him or her.
所谓不应该叫醒梦游者是一个荒诞的说法,但是让他们受惊也是个糟糕的主意。 yeeyan

The write-offs took place during the global financial crisis, when gloomy announcements were so common that they ceased to startle anyone.
奥林巴斯在全球金融危机中贬值惊人,当时令人黯然伤神的通告随处可见,奥林巴斯也就没再刺激大家。 ecocn

The least noise would startle the timid child.
最小的响声也会吓着这个胆小的孩子的。 ebigear

They dwelt in a cold spot and a dangerous one; for a mountain towered above their heads, so steep, that the stones would often rumble down its sides and startle them at midnight.
这份人家选的地方不但寒冷,而且还危险重重。因为陡峭的大山就耸立在他们头顶,时不时会有巨石从山坡滑过,把他们从睡梦中惊醒。 yeeyan

Ahead of me, I noticed some taillights. I shut off my high beams and slowed down, so as not to startle the car in front of me.
我看到前方汽车尾灯的光,便把大灯关了并减慢车速,避免吓着前边车里的人。 cri

Ahead of me, I noticed some taillights.I shut off my high beams and slowed down, so as not to startle the car in front of me.
我看到前方汽车尾灯的光,便把大灯关了并减慢车速,避免吓著前边车里的人。 cri

Antidepressant medication will lower anxiety and reduce sleep disturbances, startle reactions, difficulty in returning to function.
抗抑郁症药物能够缓解焦虑、减轻睡眠干扰、惊厥反应以及功能恢复障碍等。 yeeyan

Each anemone maintained its“ startle response” for anywhere from about3 to20 minutes, but the duration was roughly the same in response to every squirt.
每一只海葵能随处维持其“惊吓反应”大约20至30分钟,此外每次水喷射后持续时间大体相同。 yeeyan

He picked up a rotting banana skin and hung it on the leaves of a neem tree that grew near the gate of the house, so that it would startle the owners when they came out.
后来,他捡了一块腐烂的香蕉皮挂在印楝树的叶子上,那棵树长在那所房子靠近大门的地方,所以当他的主人走近时,准能把他们吓一大跳。 ecocn

I kept my heart silent lest it should startle her, but she eluded me like my flowers and like my songs, and my love remains alone.
我屏住呼吸,生怕惊动了她;但是,她也像我的花儿和歌声一样离开了我,只有我的爱情留着。 putclub

I didn't mean to startle you by driving like that.
我这样开车不是想吓你的。 kekenet

Less officially, but with permission, his job was to startle, harry and trick the accused into admitting what they had done.
但在私底下,他却获许对被告进行惊吓和干扰,设计使其承认所犯罪行。 yeeyan

Military researchers are looking to combine an acoustic gunshot detector with a dazzling laser that will startle shooters who take aim at American helos.
军事研究员们正在试图将声学枪响探测器与一条耀眼的激光相结合,激光将惊吓到将美国直升机作为目标的射手。 yeeyan

One visitor said she thought it was one of those painted humans who startle tourists in Times Square.
一个来观光的游客说,她以为这是那种全身被涂满的活人,正站在时代广场吓唬游客。 yeeyan

Poetry should be great and unobtrusive, a thing which enters into one's soul, and does not startle it or amaze it with itself, but with its subject.
诗歌应当是非凡而不唐突的,它是这样一种东西:它进入人的心灵,不是以其本身,而是以其主题使之震动或惊奇。 jukuu

Sometimes a sudden shift in color can be used to startle potential predators or threaten intruders.
有时候,色彩的快速变换可以用来惊吓掠食者或威胁入侵者。 ebigear

The deer startle easily.

The researchers found that people given propranolol had a much lower emotional response— measured by a startle reflex— to the images.
通过惊吓反射测量,研究者发现,服用了治疗心脏病的药品的人们对这些图片的情绪反应低很多。 yeeyan

These practices startle consumers who think such high fees and interest rates must be against the law.
这些做法令消费者震惊,他们认为这样高的收费和利息肯定违反了法律。 hjenglish

They found that varenicline significantly reduced startle reactivity and saccade errors, regardless of subjects' smoking status.
他们发现,不论被试对象的吸烟情况如何,伐伦克林能显著减轻惊跳反应和跳阅错误。 yayan123.com

This constant feeling that danger is near causes exaggerated startle reactions.
这种持续的危险临近感会引起过度的惊吓反应。 yeeyan

You suddenly realize you don't remember the last few miles, miss turn-offs, or you startle, and realize you've just been snoozing.
你忽然发现你不记得之前的几公里,忘记了岔路,或者你惊愕地发现你刚刚打盹儿了。 yeeyan




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