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starscreamIMDB²⁴⁴⁰⁶ 例句 As a consequence, Optimus ordered the Crystal City destroyed as Starscream watched in horror. 结果,擎天柱在红蜘蛛惊恐的目光中毁掉了水晶城。 blogbus Higher and higher speeds the airship, and suddenly it puts on a burst of speed that threatens to leave Starscream behind. 飞船继续提速,突然之间它的速度提高了一个等级,几乎甩掉了红蜘蛛。 blog.sina.com.cn It is impossible to determine whether Starscream hears me. If he does, he ignores me. 无法确认红蜘蛛是否听到了我的呼喊,就算他听到了也是置之不理。 blog.sina.com.cn With his job done, Starscream banks sharply away. Again it could well be my imagination, but I think I may have heard mocking laughter as Starscream departs. 大功告成,红蜘蛛扬长而去。或许只是我的想象,但我的确听到他离去之时留下的一串嘲弄的笑声。 blog.sina.com.cn According to the graphic novel “ Transformers: Prequel, ” the destruction of the Beagle2 Mars roveras seen in the film and a trailer was carried out by Starscream. 根据图画小说《变形金刚太空篇序曲》的描述,小猎犬2号火星漫游车是被红蜘蛛破坏的。 moviepub During the Battle of Mission City, Bumblebee and Ironhide use a “Furby” truck as a shield against Starscream's attack. The“ Furby” toy line is also owned by Hasbro. 在大黄蜂和铁皮对抗红蜘蛛的战斗中,它们用来防御的卡车上印有“菲比小精灵”,这也是孩之宝公司旗下的玩具品牌。 taoke777 I know all too well that once Starscream is locked upon his quarry, he will never give up. 我心里再清楚不过,一旦红蜘蛛锁定了猎物,他就绝不会放过。 blog.sina.com.cn In his youth, Starscream was one of the most brilliant scientific minds to ever graduate from Crystal City Science Institute on Cybertron. 在他年轻的时候,红蜘蛛是塞伯坦的水晶城学院毕业的最有才华的科学头脑之一。 blogbus It is a style of leadership that Starscream takes to with gusto, punishing disobedience without mercy and rewarding success only with a narrowed eye and threatening gesture. 红蜘蛛有他自己津津乐道的领导方式,那就是毫不留情惩罚不服从者,只用妒忌和威胁的姿态对待霸天虎们的成功。 the-arker It is Starscream, leader of the air command. 那是红蜘蛛,空战部队的队长。 blog.sina.com.cn One of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy, Starscream commands the Decepticon search for the Allspark while Megatron is missing. 在威震天失踪期间,红蜘蛛,银河系里最危险的生物之一,命令霸天虎们寻找火种源。 the-arker Optimus, what do we do to those malfunctioning decepticons? And what about Starscream? 大哥,你打算怎么处理那些受伤的霸天虎,还有红蜘蛛? tfslash.com Ruthless, cold-blooded, and capable, STARSCREAM makes no secret of the fact that he wants to replace MEGATRON as leader of the DECEPTICONS. 红蜘蛛残酷、冷血但却精明强干,他想要取代威震天成为狂派首领的野心早已是公开的秘密。 tfclub Shortly afterward, the Decepticons rescued Starscream and it was at that point he knew his purpose. 不久之后,霸天虎救了红蜘蛛,那个时候他终于明白了他的生存意义。 blogbus THRUST'S meteoric rise to the top earned him the lasting contempt of STARSCREAM& DEMOLISHER, who constantly strive to undermine his authority. 冲锋地位的迅速上升遭到了红蜘蛛和破坏者的鄙视,他们经常搞小动作破坏他的威信。 tfcc To Starscream, this is more of a game than a challenge. 对红蜘蛛而言,这一切根本算不上挑战,不过是一场游戏而已。 www.actoys.com.cn We're refraining from posting any spoilers in the open, but we hear his character Hardcore Eddie kills Starscream. 我们能在任何不合的发布,我们听到他的性格死硬埃迪杀死红蜘蛛。78dm You fail me yet again, Starscream. 你又让我失望了,红蜘蛛。 blog.sina.com.cn STARSCREAM uses his speed and maneuverability as a jet to launch aerial attacks on the AUTOBOTS. 红蜘蛛变形为喷气机,利用他的速度和机动性对汽车人进行空中打击。 tfcc |