

单词 stares
释义 stare·s 英steəʳ美ster COCA⁶²⁶²BNC²⁶⁶⁹⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. & vi. 凝视; 瞪视

look for a long time with wide-open eyes

C 盯视,凝视

an act or way of staring; long steady look

a fixed look with eyes open wide
look at with fixed eyes;

The students stared at the teacher with amazement

fixate one's eyes;

The ancestor in the painting is staring down menacingly

stare, gape, gaze


1.gaze可表示倾慕、神往; stare表示吃惊或深思; gape强调看得“目瞪口呆”。

2.gaze和stare既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词; gape仅用作不及物动词。例如:

Never in his life had he gazed on such splendor.他生平从没有见过如此辉煌壮丽的场面。
What are you gaping at?你目瞪口呆看什么呢?
They gaped at me when I told them about the gold I had found.我告诉他们我找到黄金的情况时,他们惊讶得张着大嘴看着我。stare at, fix on, gaze at, glare at


fix on是普通用语,指目光集中在某物上或注意力集中在某事上; glare at指愤怒、凶猛地看,强调敌对或威胁的态度; gaze at指着迷地或惊羡地看,强调目不转睛; 而stare at则指呆呆地看,含有无礼或粗鲁的意味。例如:

He glared at me hatefully.他以仇视的眼神盯着我。
He is gazing at the beautiful woman.他凝视着那位漂亮的女人。
It's rude to stare at other people.直勾勾地看人不礼貌。glance,stare,glare


glance意为“匆匆一瞥”,是不及物动词,其后必须接介词at, over等才可以接宾语。



用作动词 v.
~+名词stare baby盯着婴儿stare child盯着小孩stare doctor盯着医生stare dog盯着狗stare face盯着脸stare ground盯着地面stare husband盯着丈夫stare mother盯着母亲stare teacher盯着老师~+副词stare abruptly突然注视stare aggressively盛气凌人地注视stare angrily怒气冲冲地盯着stare boldly大胆注视stare bravely勇敢地注视stare constantly不断地盯着stare deeply深深地注视stare deliberately故意盯着stare directly直盯着stare fearfully可怕地盯着stare fixedly目不转睛地盯着stare groundlessly无理由地注视stare handsomely大方地注视stare harmlessly无恶意地注视stare haughtily轻蔑地注视stare incessantly持续不断地注视stare quickly迅速注视stare rapidly迅速注视stare shortly立即注视stare sincerely严肃地注视stare slowly慢慢地盯着stare solemnly严肃地注视stare sternly严厉地注视stare thoughtfully沉思地凝视着stare unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地盯着stare utterly完全注视stare vacantly茫然凝视stare wholly完全注视stare down〔out〕盯得某人不敢再看下去,以逼视的目光压倒~+介词stare after盯着…的背影stare at盯住…stare in盯视…stare with以某种表情盯着用作名词 n.动词+~get admiring stare招来赞叹目光give sb a stare盯某人一眼形容词+~blank stare茫然的凝视cold stare冷眼凝视curious stare好奇的目光disbelieving stare不相信的盯视glassy stare漠不关心的看rude stare不礼貌的看vacant stare茫然注视着介词+~with a cold stare冷漠地凝视with a solemn stare严肃地瞪着
stare after v.+prep.

盯着…的背影 follow the movements of (usually sb with fixed eyes)

stare after sbShe stared after him as he left her, tears blinding her eyes.他离开她时,她凝视着他的背影,泪水模糊了她的眼睛。
stare at v.+prep.

盯,凝视 look fixedly with wide-open eyes

stare at sb/sthWhy are you staring at me?你为什么盯着我?
Boys gather by the coffee-bar to stare at the passing girls.男孩子们聚集在咖啡馆旁盯着路过的女孩子们。
When the country boy visited the big city for the first time, all he could do was to stare at the tall buildings in wonder.那乡下男孩第一次进这个大城市时,他好奇地盯着大楼看个没完。
Do you like being stared at?你愿意被盯着看吗?
stare down〔out〕 v.+adv.

盯得某人再不敢对视下去 defeat (sb by looking at him steadily with fixed eyes until he lowers his eyes)

stare sb ⇔ down〔out〕Children enjoy a silly competition in which they try to stare each other down.孩子们喜欢玩一种天真可笑的比赛,他们互相逼视,看谁把对方压倒。
Stop trying to stare me out.别打算把我吓倒。
The two children were having a competition to see who could stare the other out.两个孩子在较量,看谁能把对方瞪得受不了。
stare out of v.+adv.+prep.

向外凝视 gaze outward

stare out of sthThey were staring out of the window.他们从窗口向外凝视。
He stares out of the sea.他凝视着外面的大海。近义词 seegazelookglarewatchv. gape
S+~+ADon't stare, it's rude!不要盯着人看,这是不礼貌的!
His eyes stared straight ahead.他双眼凝视着前方。
S+~+ n./pron.The child stared the stranger up and down.那孩子上下打量着这个陌生人。
She stared him into silence.她把他盯得不吭声了。用作名词n.The police fixed him with a solemn stare.警察严肃地瞪眼看着他。
He looked at her with a cold stare.他冷漠地凝视着她。
She is a beautiful girl who always gets admiring stares from men.她是一个经常招来男人赞叹目光的漂亮女孩。
We received a number of curious stares from passers-by.过路人向我们投来好奇的目光。





用作动词Shestaredhim into silence.她把他盯得不吭声了。
They allstaredwith astonishment.他们全都惊讶地瞪着眼。
It's impolite tostareat people.盯着看人是不礼貌的。
You can enjoy its beauty each time youstareat its wonderment.每当你凝视它,你都能重温旧梦。
I see his eyes curiouslystareon me.我看见他的眼睛好奇地盯着我。用作名词Peter looked at them with glazystare.彼得用呆滞的目光凝视他们。
She gave him a long coolstare.她冷冷地久久凝视他。 And she stares into my eyes, patiently waiting and anticipating the advice I’m about to dispense.
她盯着我的眼睛,耐心地等待着、期望着我可能马上提出的一些建议。 yeeyan

In a convalescent home in Chicago, a brain-dead Don Self stares out the window and drools.
在芝加哥的一个康复院,脑痴呆的赛尔夫盯着窗外看着,流着口水。 yeeyan

The dislocated head of a baby doll stares blindly through the gate; WALL- E and Barbie Pet Doctor boxes are strewn across the yard.
掉下的玩偶头无神地盯着大门外; WALL- E和芭比宠物医生的盒子散满了院子。 yeeyan

The Kepler Space Telescope stares unblinkingly at a single patch of sky and watches for planets that cross in front of their stars, or transit.
开普勒望远镜坚定不移的盯着天空中一小块地方,寻找旋转或经过恒星的行星。 yeeyan

The wearer stares at a computer screen, which flashes highlights over different rows in a matrix of letters and symbols set up like a keyboard on the screen.
戴头盔的人会盯着电脑屏幕,它会反射由不同的字母和符号组成的矩阵行的高光位,这就像屏幕上的键盘一样。 yeeyan

All well-known faces, they are blown up to A4, and I sit here rather dazzled by their starry smiles or sultry stares.
所有这些知名的面孔都被放大成 A4大小的照片,我坐在这里因他们星光熠熠的笑容,风情万种的凝视而感到如此晕眩。 yeeyan

Alright bitch, you’ve got a massive hole in your shirt and pretty much everybody stares at it when they talk to you.
好吧,贱人,你衬衫上有这么大一个洞,每个和你说话的人都会盯着它看。 yeeyan

But the longer he stares the stranger she becomes— thick brows and dark lashes on a paper face.
但盯得越久,越是陌生-浓浓的眉毛,长长的睫毛,白皙的脸蛋,无一不让他感觉到生疏。 yeeyan

Everybody stares into nothingness in fact you spend a week of your life staring into space.
每个人都不直到自己在凝视什么,实际上他们花了人生的一些时间来凝视空间。 yeeyan

He punctuated his speeches with meaningful pauses and long stares at the audience.
他会使用意味深长的停顿来分割演讲,并长时间的盯住听众。 yeeyan

He chews, arms on the table, and stares at something across the room. He looks at me and looks away.
他的胳膊放在桌子上,一边嚼着,一边目光发直地盯着屋子另外那边的什么地方。 yeeyan

He just stares.
他只是凝视着。 oobang

He leans forward, stares toward the driver, sits back, then repeats the process.
他身子往前一倾,盯着司机那儿望,然后靠着椅背坐下,接着他又反复这个过程。 ebigear

He stares at the ground, studies me from the corners of his eyes.
他凝视着地面,从他的眼角打量着我。 yeeyan

He stares down at the headstone for a moment, then hoists the shovel up and smashes it into the earth.
他凝视着墓碑石,过了一会,举起了铲子向地上的泥土猛地铲下。 yeeyan

He stares into its eyes, which are his own eyes.
杰克也盯着它的眼睛,那双他自己的眼睛。 yeeyan

Hugging her knees, she stares anxiously at her father’s guests, who sit cross- legged around a smoky kerosene lamp on the smooth mud- floor.
她抱着膝盖,担心地盯着父亲的客人,后者盘腿坐在光滑的泥地上,周围弥漫着煤油灯冒出的黑烟。 ecocn

If a doctor stares at blood all day dark red and closes his eyes, he’ll see the “ opposite” of that color.
比如,一个医生,整天盯着血液暗红色,当他闭上眼睛,他就会看到“互补色”。 yeeyan

Mayor Wharton walks across his office to a picture window and stares at a shimmering Mississippi River.
华顿市长穿过办公室,来到大落地窗前,盯着波光粼粼的密西西比河。 yeeyan

Nobody shoves anybody, nobody stares at you, and even when I was in a wheelchair, nobody seemed to mind.
没有人乱推别人,没有人盯着你看,甚至似乎也没有人介意我坐在轮椅里。 yeeyan

Quaritch stares at him through his breathing mask.
夸里奇透过他的呼吸面罩盯着他。 yeeyan

Removes crown, stares lovingly at it Dare I now risk the crown I so desired?
我敢么? 取下王冠,凝视着我敢拿渴望得到的王冠冒险么? ecocn

She looks past me and stares out the window. Her eyes tear up.
她的目光从我身旁扫过,凝视着窗外,眼泪流了下来。 yeeyan

Surgeon Ralph Metson stares at a big video screen that shows, with amazing clarity, the inside of Nancy Butler's nasal passages.
外科医生拉尔夫-米特森凝视着大屏幕,病人南希-巴特勒的鼻腔内手术的图像,正在以惊人的清晰度显示在大屏幕上。 yeeyan

When a user stares at one of the checkerboard patterns, electrodes on the back of his head pick up the resulting brain signals and are sent to a computer software program.
当用户凝视棋盘的格子时,在他的后脑勺电极收到大脑产生的信号,并传送到计算机软件程序。 yeeyan

When someone stops blinking and stares at you when you are talking it’s a sign of aggression.
当你和某人交谈时,对方一眼不眨得盯着你,就是一种进攻性的表现。 yeeyan




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