

单词 stared
释义 stared 英steərd美steərd COCA³¹⁰⁵BNC²¹⁰⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
动词 stare:
look at with fixed eyesfixate one's eyes用作动词Hestaredat the words in complete puzzlement.他注视着那些语句,茫然不解。
Hestaredfixedly at the woman in white.他一直凝视著那穿白衣裳的女人。
Shestaredout of the windows, lost in daydreams.她凝视窗外,陷入白日梦中。verb.gape, watch
同义词 beam,gawk,glare,look,peerbore,eye,eyeball,fix,focus,gaze,goggle,ogle,rivet,rubberneckeagle eye,glim,lay eyes on,look fixedly,take in
反义词 ignore,look away,neglect The females and youngsters stared at me as they passed.
在经过的时候,雌猩猩和小猩猩盯着我。 yeeyan

The girls stared at their father.
女儿们都对父亲瞪着眼。 ebigear

But as she stared at it, Elena felt herself flush slowly, heat coming in waves up her throat and cheeks. Because it was…looking at her.
但是当埃琳娜凝视它的时候,她感觉到自己慢慢的脸红了,一股股的热流涌向她的喉咙和脸颊。 yeeyan

He simply stared at her with that strange expression on his face.
他只是带着那种奇怪的神情死死地盯着她看。 ebigear

He stared at her blankly.
他茫然若失地盯着她。 putclub

He stared at me.
他两眼瞪着我。 ebigear

He stared fixedly across the glittering surface of the water towards the lines of washing in the narrow streets on the opposite bank, waiting for them to go.
越过闪闪发光的水面他目不转睛地盯着对岸狭窄的街道里一条条晾衣绳上的衣物,等待他们离开。 yeeyan

He stared me in the face for a good two minutes and then told me that I couldn't be served wine as I was still a teenager.

I had noticed him because he stared at me.
我早就注意到他了,因为他总是盯着我。 yeeyan

I stared at the abyss every day and I wanted to run away from it.
我每天凝视着那个深渊而现在我想逃走远离它。 blog.sina.com.cn

I stared out the window. I watched fall turn into winter, winter into spring.
我凝视窗外,眼见着秋天变成了冬天,冬天又被春天更替。 yeeyan

Instead, she just stared at the wall.
然而,她只是呆呆地盯着那堵墙。 joyen

Leonard stared back at her.
伦纳德死死盯着她。 yeeyan

She turned abruptly away, then stared back at him a moment.
她立即转身离去,又回过头来盯了他一会儿。 yeeyan

She stared at it.
她紧紧地盯着它。 yeeyan

She stared at Lucius hungrily, devouring him with her green eyes.
她饥渴的盯着卢修斯,用她绿色的双眼吞噬着他。 yeeyan

She stared towards them and they ran to his car and sped off.
她紧盯着他们,他们俩吓得赶紧跑进车开走了。 kekenet

She stared thoughtfully into the distance.

Some stared out of curiosity because a strange man strolling in a dark gray suit on a summer evening was something of an oddity.
一些人是出于好奇而注视我,因为在夏日的傍晚,一个身着深灰色外套的陌生男子独自散步,总有几分奇怪。 yeeyan

Stan stared for hours at the quiescent scene of the Japanese rock garden.
斯坦盯着这座宁静的日本岩石花园看了好几个小时。 hxen

The boy stared at the floor embarrassedly.
那男孩局促不安地盯着地板。 yeeyan

The father, sitting on his cot, stared at her like a madman.
这个父亲坐在帆布床上,像个精神失常的人盯着她看。 yeeyan

There was a long quiet time. She stared out of the window, taking all this in.
她安静了很长一段时间,眼睛盯着窗外,消化吸收着这些信息。 yeeyan

Toby stared at me a moment and then laughed a thick laugh, like uncombed wool.
托比瞪视了我一会儿,然后发出一阵混浊的笑声,就像一团乱毛。 yeeyan




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