

单词 starches
释义 starch·es 英stɑːtʃ美stɑːrtʃ COCA⁵¹¹⁶⁰BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
n.淀粉⁹⁹vt.给…上浆¹原型starch 的三单过去分词starched现在分词starching三单starches
U 淀粉

a white tasteless substance forming an important part of foods such as grain,rice,beans,and potatoes

U C 含淀粉的食物

food containing this

a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textilesa commercial preparation of starch that is used to stiffen textile fabrics in laundering
stiffen with starch;

starch clothes

alkali starch碱淀粉starch syrup淀粉糖浆carboxymethyl starch羧甲基淀粉starch value淀粉价,淀粉值…starch paste浆糊pearl starch颗粒状淀粉liver starch糖原,肝淀粉…tuber starch块茎淀粉hydroxyethyl starch化 羟乙基淀粉…starch sugar淀粉糖potato starch马铃薯淀粉animal starch糖原,动物淀粉,糖元…corn starch玉米淀粉maize starch玉蜀黍淀粉,玉米淀粉…unmodified starch非改性淀粉modified starch改性淀粉wheat starch小麦淀粉reserve starch贮藏淀粉starch iodide化 淀粉碘化物;…soluble starch可溶淀粉
近义词 amylum淀粉arrowroot竹芋thickener浓缩器stiffener加劲杆
用作名词n.Corn starch is used as a thickener in stews.玉米淀粉在炖煮菜肴中被用作增稠剂。
You should avoid sugars andstarches.你应避免吃糖和含淀粉的食物。
用作名词Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。
You eat too much starch.你吃的含淀粉的食物太多了。
I think there's too much starch in their diet.我看是他们的饮食里淀粉太多了。用作及物动词 A low glycemic diet— high fiber, with moderate amounts of fat and protein— is broken down more slowly in the body than high glycemic foods, such as sweets and white starches.
低血糖饮食高纤维、适量的脂肪和蛋白质在体内的分解速度低于高血糖的食物,如甜食和白色淀粉质食物等。 yeeyan

Foods covered include meat, fish, seafood, fruits, berries, starches, fats and even water.
规范中提及了肉类、鱼、海产品、水果、浆果、淀粉类食物、油脂甚至于水。 yeeyan

The serving sizes of the foods in each list starches, fruits, milks, vegetables, meats and fats reflect the mean macronutrient and energy values for each of the groups in this database.
每个列表中的食物的列项如淀粉类、水果类、乳制品、蔬菜类、肉类和脂肪反映了数据库中的每种组群食品的主要营养素和能量值。 yeeyan

The transparency of all the pastes made of granular starches soluble in cold water was improved and increased with improvement of solubility.
三种颗粒状冷水可溶淀粉糊的透明度大大提高,且随着溶解度提高其透明度增大。 iciba

This converts the starches in the banana to sugars and gives it its fabulous taste.
香蕉内的淀粉转化为糖,使香蕉美味无比。 hjenglish

“ Algae presents the same kind of physical and thermal property that we find in starches, ” he said.
藻类呈现出我们在淀粉中发现的那种物理和热性能。 yeeyan

Avoid carbohydrates in starches like bread, pasta, and sugary desserts.
避免淀粉里的碳水化合物,如面包,意粉和甜点。 yeeyan

Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and starches that remain on your teeth after eating.
你口腔中的细菌靠你牙齿里残留食物的糖分和淀粉存活。 yeeyan

But the answer is not to avoid starches, but to restore the body's ability to use them.
但答案并不是要避免淀粉,而是要恢复身体利用它们的能力。 yeeyan

Chemical analysis of the starches revealed that both the noodles and cakes were made of common millet.
这些淀粉类食物的化学分析显示面条和糕点都由普通的小米磨制烹制而成的。 yeeyan

Cooked starches, such as breads, crackers, pastas, pretzels, and potato chips, contribute to cavities just as much as sugary foods, because they tend to dissolve slowly and linger in the mouth.
淀粉类熟食,如面包、饼干、面条、椒盐卷饼和土豆片等会象含糖食品一样造成龋齿,这是因为它们溶解缓慢,萦绕在口中。 yeeyan

Each time you eat food containing sugars or starchescomplex sugars, your teeth are exposed to these acids for20 minutes or more.
每当你吃的食品里含糖或者淀粉,你的牙齿就会暴露于酸里20分钟甚至更久。 yeeyan

It contains less starches and carbohydrates than regular pasta, but still leaves you feeling full after a meal.
虽然全麦面条较一般面条含有更少的淀粉和碳水化合物,但它仍能让你觉得饱腹。 yeeyan

Malabsorption difficulties and adverse physiological effects are known for all the available carbohydrates but gelatinized starches give little or no trouble.
大家都知道,除了糊化淀粉大致上没有问题以外,所有可利用碳水化合物都有吸收不良的问题和有害的生理影响。 ebigear

Meat, milk, fruit, and starches constitute a balanced diet.
肉、牛奶、水果和淀粉构成一种均衡的饮食。 iciba

Meat, milk, vegetable, fruit and starches constitute a balanced diet.
肉、牛奶、蔬菜、水果和淀粉构成均衡的饮食。 tdict

Refined grains like white bread and starches like potatoes actually have a higher glycemic index value than sugar does.
精制谷物比如白面包和淀粉比如说土豆实际上血糖指数比糖还高。 yeeyan

Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease— but sugars, starches and processed vegetable oils do.
饱和脂肪不会引起心脏病---而糖、淀粉质食品和加工植物油则会引起心脏病。 yeeyan

Sugars and starches are broken down into simple sugars during digestion.
糖和淀粉在消化过程中被分解为单糖。 yeeyan

The layman’s conception of carbohydrates generally involves only the sugars and starches of foods—those that generate calories and fat. The food chemist knows many other types that are ingested.
外行人的碳水化合物概念一般仅包括食物中能产生热量和脂肪的糖和淀粉,而食品科学家还知道许多摄入的他种碳水化合物。 ebigear

There are various ways of making biofuels, but they generally use chemical reactions, fermentation, and heat to break down the starches, sugars, and other molecules in plants.
如今是有很多种方法来制造生物燃料,但多数情况下还是采用化学反应,发酵和热能来分解植物中的淀粉、糖分以及其他分子。 yeeyan

They also played with the mix of juice and puree to achieve the desired thickness without adding gums or starches.
他们也尝试了不同的果汁、果泥组合,在不添加胶质和淀粉的基础上,来达到最佳的厚重度。 yeeyan

You do not want to combine any pure fats with high starches in one meal.
你不能在一餐中将任何的纯脂肪类食物和高淀粉食物一起搭配。 daan.90yizhi.com

Starches are fattening.
淀粉是增肥的。 yeeyan

Starches digest well with non- starch vegetables but some people report problems when mixing starches with animal protein.
淀粉食物和非淀粉的蔬菜组合会消化得比较好,但有人报道了淀粉与动物蛋白混合出现的问题。 yeeyan




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