

单词 starbursts
释义 starbursts ˈstɑ:ˌbɜ:sts COCA¹⁰²⁸⁰⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.星暴starburst的名词复数原型starburst的三单 Now it seems that starbursts can, in their turn, nudge the galaxies they occur in.
专家们对于星群爆发如何能控制所谓赛非星系的产生已经有所了解。 schoolscn

The one on my right eyebrow, for example, and a couple of ancient pockmarks and starbursts on my knees.
比如,右眉上的那个疤,几个很久以前留下的痘痕,还有膝盖上星星点点的疤痕。 yeeyan

“ If the starbursts were driven by mergers, you would expect the latter, ” says Dickinson.
“如果被兼并的星爆驱动,你希望是后者,”狄金森说。 mtxsnow

Astronomers also use massive clusters to study distant starbursts that occur when galaxies collide, igniting a flurry of star formation.
当星系碰撞,点燃了星体构造的活动时,天文学家也用团块星云来研究遥远的星体爆炸发生的情形。 yeeyan

More homely galaxies, too, may be controlled by their starbursts.
较为普通的星系,同样有可能受制于星群爆发。 schoolscn

Now it seems that starbursts can. in their turn, nudge the galaxies they occur in.
目前一般认为,星群爆发能够反过来对所在星系产生作用。 tdict

One such potential downside is that patients' night vision can be adversely affected, with some seeing halos or starbursts around lights after dark.
其中一个潜在的缺点是病人的夜视能力可能会因此受到不良的影响:天黑以后,有人会在光线周围看到光环或光点。 englishtide

Simulations predict that the same“ gas- funneling” mechanism may trigger starbursts in the central regions of other dwarf galaxies that interact with larger neighbors.
模型预测:当矮星系受到大邻居星系的引力扰动时,类似“气体漏斗”机制会导致核心区的星暴现象。 www.astronomy.com.cn

The one on my right eyebrow, for example, and a couple of ancient pock marks and starbursts on my knees.
比如我右眼眉毛上的那一块,还有膝盖上那些很久以前留下的痘点和放射状疤痕。 blog.sina.com.cn

Starbursts are thought to begin because a cloud of gas gets nudged in just the right way to cause it to collapse under its own gravity and thus to start forming stars.
一般认为,星群爆发是由于星云受到某种适当的刺激,在自身引力的作用下崩溃,因而形成许多恒星。 jukuu

Starbursts may have more subtle effects as well.
星群爆发的影响也许更要复杂。 iciba




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