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词汇 star
释义 star 英stɑː美stɑrAHDstär

C 星,恒星

a very large mass of burning gas in space, especially one that can be seen as a small bright point of light in a clear sky at night

C 明星,名角

a famous or very skilful performer; the main performer in a film, play, etc.

C 功名; 机遇; 运气

a person's fame or chance of getting it

vt. 标示; 点缀

mark or decorate with, or as with a star or stars; take an asterisk to direct attention to sth

vt. & vi. 主演

be a star in a play, film, etc.

astronomy a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interiorsomeone who is dazzlingly skilled in any fieldany celestial body visible as a point of light from the Earth at nightan actor who plays a principal rolea plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblema performer who receives prominent billinga star-shaped character * used in printingthe topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub
indicating the most important performer or role;

the leading man

prima ballerina

prima donna

a star figure skater

the starring role

a stellar role

a stellar performance

feature as the star;

The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man

be the star in a performancemark with an asterisk;

Linguists star unacceptable sentences





来自中古英语 sterre,来自古英语 steorra,星星,来自 Proto-Germanic*sterno,星星,来自 PIE*ster, 星星,来自 PIE*es,*as,燃烧,照明,词源同 ash,ardent,-ter,表施动者。
用作名词 n.
动词+~find a star发现星球observe a star观察星球see stars眼里冒金星,目眩watch a star观看星星bless one's lucky stars谢天谢地thank one's stars谢天谢地trust one's stars相信自己的命运形容词+~bright star明亮的星星brilliant star耀眼的星星distant star遥远的星星falling star流星five-pointed star五角星fixed star恒星international star国际明星lucky stars福星new star新发现的星球,新秀shining star明亮的星shooting star流星sparklingstar闪闪发光的星the North star北极星名词+~battle star战役星章the Evening S-启明星,金星the Morning S-晨星baseball star棒球明星basketball star篮球明星child star童星film star电影明星football star足球明星guest star特约演员明星Hollywood stars好莱坞明星movie star电影明星soccer star英式足球明星tennis star网球明星track star田径明星介词+~a cloud of stars一群星星under a star福星高照born under a lucky star生来福星高照red flag with five stars五星红旗用作动词 v.~+名词star article在文章上打星号star best actor由最好的演员主演star film主演电影~+副词star bravely勇敢地主演star cautiously小心地主演star cheerfully兴致勃勃地主演star extremely完全地主演star faithfully有信心地主演star gladly高兴地主演star gleefully兴奋地主演star guardedly谨慎地主演star nervously紧张地主演star splendidly辉煌地主演star successfully成功地主演star triumphantly得意洋洋地主演star unconditionally无条件地主演star unwillingly勉强主演star usually经常主演~+介词star in在…中演主角,由…主演star with用…来点缀
用作名词n.see stars

眼冒金星 apparently see flashing lights (after a blow to the head)

thank one's lucky stars

自庆幸运 regard oneself as very fortunate

star as v.+prep.

担任主角 take a leading part in (a play, film, etc.)

star as sbRobert Powell is starring as Philip Marlowe.罗伯特·鲍威尔担任主角,扮演菲利普·马洛。
star in v.+prep.

在…里演主角,由…出演主角 take a leading part in (a play, film, etc.)

star in sthWho is starring in the film at the local cinema?本地那家电影院上演的那部片子是谁主演的?star sb in sthThe film stars a famous actor in the part of the mad scientist.本片中的那个疯狂的科学家是由一位著名演员扮演的。故事记忆天上有 Star星星路上铺 Tar柏油有一辆 Car小汽车满身是 Scar伤疤司机喝 Jar酒瓶撞进了 Bar酒吧压坏了 Guitar吉他跑得很 Far远引起了 War战争)非常记忆st身体+ar矮人⇒我身体的高度在明星中算矮人故事记忆开着 Car车向着 Star星星路途 Far遥远小学英语速记联想记忆:坐在stair楼梯上看star星星近义词 fann. act
用作名词n.A new star attracted the notice of the astronomer.新发现的一颗星引起了那位天文学家的注意。
The mass of that star amounts to millions of times that of the earth.那颗星球的质量相当于地球的几百万倍。
Even the coolest star is unimaginably hot by human standards.即使是最冷的星体,用人类标准衡量起来,也是热得不可想象的。
Twilight deepened, first one, then another star appeared.暮色加深了,先出来一颗星星,接着又出来一颗星星。
Many stars are invisible without a telescope.许多星辰不用望远镜便看不见。
The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.天上无数的星星离我们太远了。
At night I like to look at the remote stars in the clear sky.晚上我喜欢观看晴朗的夜空中离我们遥远的星星。
The telescope reveals many distant stars to our sight.望远镜把许多遥远的星星展现在我们面前。
Some stars look as tiny as pinheads, but they are even bigger than the sun in fact.有些星星看起来像针尖儿一样小,但它们实际上甚至比太阳还大。
The sun and stars are luminous bodies.太阳与恒星都是发光体。
This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook.这家餐馆在旅游指南中标有三颗星。
This is a four star hotel.这是一家四星级宾馆。
He lay down with his limbs spread out in a star.他四肢向外伸展成星形躺下。
The film star flashed an artificial smile at the crowd.这位影星抛给人群一个矫揉造作的微笑。
The film star insisted that his part be completely rewritten.那影星坚持他的角色应彻底改写。
The film star feels proud that she has won an Oscar.那名电影明星得到奥斯卡奖感到很得意。
He's got the star role in the new film.他将主演这部新片子。
The rose was chosen as the star flower because of its immense popularity.玫瑰花被选作明星花是因为它极负盛名。
His star has set on the wane and people have begun to forget him.他的气数已尽,大家已开始把他遗忘。
She often went out to have her stars read.她时常出去找人算命。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Why did you star question 5?你为什么给第5个问题打上星号?
Autumn crocuses star the grass under the tree.秋天的藏红花点缀着树下的草地。
He was an interesting and intelligent man who had starred the field of Chinese diplomacy.他是个风趣聪颖的人,为中国外交界增色不少。
The new play stars three of Britain's best actors.这部新戏由英国最出色的三位演员主演。
He starred her when she was fifteen in her first movie.她15岁拍第一部影片时,他就使她走红了。其他v -ing as Attrib.There are so many stars starring the sky.无数的星星点缀着天空。v -ed as Attrib.In the list the starred questions are the most difficult.在这张表里,加〈星号〉的问题是最难的。
The starred dishes on the menu are suitable for vegetarians.菜单上标有星号的菜最宜素食者选用。Pdaystarn.晨星Pstarfishn.海星Pstarlightn.星光Pstar-driftn.星流Ptelstarn.通讯卫星Pall-stara.全明星的Pstardustn.星团幻觉Pstarflowern.七瓣莲Pstar-fish海星海盘车Pstarlita.星光照耀的Psuperstarn.超级明星Punstarred未加星号的Pthree-stara.三星级的Pstarletn.小星星小明星Pmegastarn.巨星演艺巨星Pstardomn.明星身份明星们Ppolestarn.北极星指导原则Pstar-anise八角茴香大茴香Pstar-studdeda.星罗棋布的Ptwo-stara.二星级的中等的Pstar-spangleda.星光灿烂的Pstar-chambera.秘密的专断的Pstarlikea.星形的星般闪烁的Pstargazingn.凝视心不在焉空想Pstarlessa.没有星的没有星光的Pstarrinessn.满天星斗星光闪烁Pcostarn.合演者合演明星vi.合演Pill-starreda.运气不佳的不幸的starP-dot-star星点星文件名Pstarry-eyeda.幻想的过分乐观的Pfive-stara.五颗星的第一流的五星级的Pfour-starn.四星上将a.卓越的最优秀的Pstargazevi.眺望星辰耽入梦想做白日梦Pstargazern.看星星的人占星师天文学家Plodestarn.指示方向之星北极星指导原理Pstarrya.星光照耀的多星的星形的明亮的Pstar-crosseda.时运不济的运气不好的不幸的Pstarreda.用星装饰的用星号标明的受命运支配的担任主角的



star在正式文体中可作“功名; 机遇; 运气”解,是可数名词。





用作名词A lonelystarshone out against the black sky.一颗孤星在黑色的夜空中闪闪发亮。
Thisstaris not visible to the naked eye.这颗星肉眼看不见。
The operastarwanted in her later years.那位歌剧明星晚年生活困苦。
Her ambition was to become a filmstar.她一心追求的是做电影明星。用作动词The cast of the play included a internationalstar.这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
Thestaractor was ill, so his understudy had to alternate for him.这位明星演员病了,因而他的替角必须代他演出。adj.famous, illustrious
同义词 capital,celebrated,chief,dominant,leading,main,major,principalbrilliant,outstanding,paramount,predominant,preeminent,prominent,talented,well-known
反义词 auxiliary,extra,inessential,inferior,insignificant,lesser,minor,nonessential,secondary,subordinate,unimportant,unnecessaryunknownnoun.person who is famous
同义词 celebrity,favorite,hero,idol,name,superstardraw,headliner,lead,luminary,starletbig shot,leading role,somebody,someone,topliner
反义词 commoner
VIPnoun very important person
big cheese,big enchilada,big kahuna,big name,celebrity,dignitary,famous person,heavyweight,high-muck-a-muck,luminary,mogul,notable,personality,public figure,superstar,top banana,worthy
acenoun expert in some activity
actverb entertain by playing a role
be on,bring down the house,burlesque,characterize,do a turn,dramatize,emote,enact,feign,go on,go over,ham,ham it up,impersonate,lay an egg,make debut,mime,mimic,mug,parody,perform,personate,personify,play,play act,play gig,play part,play role,portray,pretend,put it over,rehearse,represent,say one's piece,simulate,star,stooge,strut,take part,tread the boards
actornoun person who performs, entertains by role-playing
amateur,artist,barnstormer,bit player,character,clown,comedian,entertainer,extra,foil,ham,hambone,headliner,idol,impersonator,ingenue,ingénue,lead,mime,mimic,pantomimist,performer,playactor,player,soubrette,stand-in,star,stooge,straight person,thesp,thespian,trouper,understudy,ventriloquist,villain,walk-on
bespangleverb embellish
big namenoun somebody famous
big star,captain of industry,celebrity,headliner,heavyweight,idol,megastar,mogul,nabob,panjandrum,person to be reckoned with,star,superstar,topliner,very important person,well-known person




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