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Stapleton ˈsteɪpəltən 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.斯特普尔顿¹⁰⁰ But we did not find any sign of Stapleton. 但是,我们没有发现斯台普顿的任何迹象。 caowu Statleton and Sir Henry were sitting and smoking their cigars, but there was no sign of Miss Stapleton. 斯台普顿和亨利爵士正坐着,还抽着雪茄,可是没有斯台普顿小姐的迹象。 duwenzhang After all, Stapleton said, the chemicals don't actually prevent things objects burning. 毕竟,阻燃剂不能防止物质燃烧。 yeeyan First of all, I think Stapleton told you to write the letter to Sir Charles and to ask him for help. 首先,我认为斯台普顿要您给查尔斯爵士写信并向他求救。 www.sz213.com He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was, and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house. 他想要知道斯台普顿小姐在哪里,我不得不对他说了两遍,说屋内没有她的迹象。 gzsj.org I had been walking for only a few minutes when I was surprised to see Miss Stapleton sitting on a rock ahead of me. 没走几分钟便惊奇地看到斯台普顿小姐正坐在我前边的一块岩石上。 duwenzhang I decided it was a good time to ask him the final questions about Stapleton and the hound. 我决定,这该是向他询问有关斯台普顿和那只猎犬的最后一些问题的大好时机了。 zhujiwx I went back to the diningroom window, and as I looked in again, Stapleton left the room and came out of the house. 我又返回到饭厅的窗户旁;当我又向里张望时,斯台普顿离开了房间,又走出了屋子。 renshengblog In the meantime, Stapleton recommended that parents look for baby products made with polyester or other materials instead of polyurethane foam. 在此期间, Stapleton建议家长挑选含有聚酯纤维或非聚氨酯泡沫材料的婴儿产品。 yeeyan Now the mum- of- one from Stapleton, Bristol, hopes the application will be downloaded by customers around the world hoping to replicate her clipped English accent. 她现在是一个孩子的妈妈,她希望全球用户都能通过这个软件学到纯正的英式英语。 hxen On the following morning Miss Stapleton took us to the path through the marsh. 第二天早上,斯台普顿小姐带我们到了贯穿泥潭的一条小路旁。 renshengblog Sarkozy invited then ambassador Craig Stapleton to see him in 2006 and introduced his9-year-old son, Louis, who had“a small dog at his feet and a large rabbit in his arms”. 2006年,萨科齐邀请美国驻法大使克雷格·斯塔布雷顿会面,并把9岁的儿子路易斯介绍给大使。路易斯“脚边有一只小宠物狗,手上还抱着一只大兔子”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Sir Henry will take some time to forget Miss Stapleton. 亨利爵士要经过一段时间才能忘掉斯台普顿小姐。 hhfw ' That cruel devil Stapleton has beaten her, ' Holmes said. “那个残忍的恶魔斯台普顿打了她,”福尔摩斯说道。 sz213.com Then, after I heard about Sir Charles' death, Stapleton told me to say nothing about my letter and the meeting. 接着,在我听到查尔斯爵士已死一事之后,斯台普顿叫我决不要把关于我写的信件和约他见面的事情说出去。 bokee They argued about the hound that evening, and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons. 他们在那个傍晚因猎犬的事情吵了起来,争吵时斯台普顿告诉了她有关莱昂斯太太的事情。 cceschool This sound was originally developed by Howard Stapleton of Compound Security Systems as a way to prevent young people from loitering around businesses. 这个声音最初是由霍华德斯特普尔顿复方保障制度作为一种防止青少年游荡周围企业。 www.gt567.com To find out, Stapleton and colleagues acquired101 samples of foam from a variety of products purchased around the United States. 为了找到答案, Stapleton和同事从各种在美国常见的产品中抽取101个样本进行研究。 yeeyan Wayne Rooney is on the cusp of his peak years, but former Red Frank Stapleton says the best is still to come from United's talismanic front man. 鲁尼是对正处在他的高峰年,但前红色特普尔顿弗兰克说,最好的仍然是来自美国的这位前男子。 bbs.zhibo8.com Stapleton put phosphorous paint on the hound in the hut beside the house. 斯台普顿在房子旁边的那个小屋里给那只猎犬涂上了含磷的涂料。 yuloo Stapleton and Sir Charles gave her some money. 斯台普顿与查尔斯爵士给过她一些钱。 iinnff.com Stapleton had caught the butterfly, and was walking bath to us. 斯台普顿已抓到了那只蝴蝶,正向我们这边走回来。 mumayi Stapleton married a beautiful South Ameri can, and came to England, where he started a school in the north. 斯台普顿娶了一位南美美女,又来到了英格兰,在那儿的北部开办了一所学校。 www.91kst.com Stapleton stopped when he saw us, and then walked forward again. 斯台普顿看到我们时停下了脚步,然后又向前走了起来。 www.dada9.com |