

单词 stapled
释义 sta·ple·d 英'steɪpl美'steɪpl 高COCA⁵²⁵⁷⁹BNC⁷²⁸⁰¹
C 钉书钉

a small piece of thin wire with two square corners which is driven into sheets of paper,etc.,and bent over on the other side to hold them together

vt. 用钉书钉钉住

fasten with staples

usually plural a necessary commodity for which demand is constanta natural fiber raw cotton, wool, hemp, flax that can be twisted to form yarn;

staple fibers vary widely in length

material suitable for manufacture or use or finishinga short U-shaped wire nail for securing cablespaper fastener consisting of a short length of U-shaped wire that can fasten papers together
necessary or important, especially regarding food or commodities;

wheat is a staple crop

secure or fasten with a staple or staples;

staple the papers together

staple gun铁丝订书机staple food主食staple crop诛,主要作物…staple product主要产品,基本产品…nylon staple尼龙钉matted staple并结纤维pipe staple管子U形马钉…staple goods大路货crimped staple卷曲短纤维staple commodities主要产品staple fiber纺纱用的人造短纤维…acetylated staple乙酰化短纤维…staple length纤维长度staple bolt杆环,卡钉staple diet主食staff and staple主要因素
近义词 clip夹住nail钉子bind捆绑join连接link联系clasp扣子main主要的fasten拴紧attach附上tack大头钉chief主要的affix使附于connect连接basic基本的fastener扣件secure安全的fix使 … 固定primary首要的principal主要的essential本质的important重要的pin别针大头针…raw material原材料staple fibre人造短纤维staple fiber纺纱用的人造短纤维…
用作名词n.Hold the paper together with staples.用钉书钉把纸钉在一起。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.Could you help me to staple the reports together?你能帮我把报告用钉书钉钉在一起吗?
用作名词He used a pair of scissors to take thestapleout of the document.他用剪刀将订书钉从文件上取了出来。
Coffee is thestapleof this district.咖啡是这个地区的主要产品。
Bread, potato and otherstaplecontinue to rise in price.面包、土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨。
For example, rice is astaplecrop in much of Asia.例如,在亚洲大米是原料农作物。用作形容词Short stories are herstaplereading.短篇小说是她经常看的读物。
Rice is thestaplediet in many Asian countries.稻米是亚洲许多国家的主食.
Jeans are astaplepart of everyone's wardrobe.在每个人的衣橱里,牛仔裤是必不可少的。用作及物动词Hestapledthe paper together.他把文件钉在一起。as in.tack
同义词 affix,fasten,nail,paste,pin,stitchadd,annex,append,baste,fix,hem,mount,sew,staple,tag,tie
反义词 detach,let go,loosen,release,unfasten,decrease,subtract,unfixseparateuntack Does the restart of exchange indicate that China has changed its policy of granting stapled visas to residents from India-administered Kashmir?
此次重启是否意味着中方改变了向印控克区居民发放另纸签证的政策? www.fmprc.gov.cn

The cheque should be stapled with this Form and sent to BCT directly.
支票须连同此表格一并直接交往银联信?有限公司。 iciba

“ Peptide molecular medicine is a very hot area, and this concept of stapled peptides is a new area of great promise, ” he said.
肽类药物是个非常热门的领域。钉肽的概念是一个有巨大潜力的新领域。 yeeyan

And what about the patient information leaflets stapled to prescription bags at most pharmacies?
那大多数药店里钉在处方袋上的病人须知单又是怎样的呢? zftrans

Another interesting user interface control is the footer section, which is stapled to the bottom of every screen.
另一个有意思的用户界面控件是页脚部分,这个部分出现在每个屏幕的底部。 ibm

Before it can be used, a wire must be stapled around the perimeter of the lawn to define the area to be cut.
在使用它之前,必须在需要割草的地域边缘,用线固定出一个割草范围。 topsage

Details of the financing are, in theory, stapled to the back of the acquisition term sheet.
理论上,融资细节用订书机钉在收购条款单的背面。 wtokj

He stapled the papers together.
他将文件装订在一起。 iciba

How would you like them stapled, here on the side or at the top left corner?
你想把它们怎么装订呢?是在这里的侧面还是在左上角? veryeast

I rushed home and stapled a bunch ofpapertogether, trimmed the sides down so that it approximated the sizeandshape of a mass- market paperback, and set to work.
我跑回家把一堆纸订起来,切边修整使它的大小和形状与市场上的畅销平装本看上去一样,然后开始工作。 yeeyan

I've stapled your two baggage claim stubs to your return tickets.
我已经把两张行李提领存根订在你们两人的回程机票上了。 hotdic

Indian officials had thought Wen might reverse the stapled visas policy on his trip, but he instead only called for more diplomatic consultations.
印度官员还以为闻可能改变他此行的政策装订签证,但他后来只为更多的外交磋商要求。 club.mil.news.sina.com.cn

It has denied visas other than ones stapled to passports to Indian Kashmiris and to a general responsible for Kashmir, a hint that it might not respect Indian control of the territory.
中国拒绝给克什米尔印度人发放签证除了钉在护照上那种签证,并拒签一位负责克什米尔地区的将军,这暗示它可能不尊重印度对克什米尔地区的控制。 ecocn

Karla and Karen had used simple and unattractive cardboard packaging that was stapled together.
Karla和 Karen曾使用简单的没有吸引力的钉在一起的纸板包装。 yeeyan

Surgeons broke her foot in four places, cut her tendons and ligaments and stapled two-inch screws to her bones。
医生在她右脚的四处地方动了手术,切掉部分跟腱和韧带,骨头里打进了2英寸长的钢钉等。 cri

The stapled strands could then be linked to each other in even more complicated forms.
这些钉在一起的链相互之间再连接,形成更复杂的结构。 yeeyan

You've stapled fliers up all over town, posted Facebook alerts and sent out mass emails to everyone you know, but you still wish there was a bigger and better way to promote the event.
于是你把海报贴满了大街小巷,在 Facebook上发布alert,给每一个认识的人发送 email。但是你还是希望能有更好的,更有影响力的方法来推广活动。 yeeyan

Your claim check is stapled in the back of your ticket.
你的认领查询号订在你的机票背面。 hjenglish

Stapled to his chest.
钉在胸前的衣服上。 douban




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