

单词 staphylococci
释义 staph·y·lo·coc·ci 英,stæfiləu'kɔsi美,stæfiləu'kɔsi 高COCA⁷¹¹⁴⁶BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁴⁷¹⁶⁰

spherical Gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infectionsstaphylo-葡萄状-cocci⇒n.葡萄球菌近义词 staph葡萄球菌staphylococcus葡萄球菌

用作名词As for the pathogenic bacteria,staphylococciwere most common.but B.致病菌以葡萄球菌为常见,大肠杆菌和克雷伯菌少见。
Streptococci andstaphylococciare responsible for a wide variety of infections.链球菌和葡萄球菌是引起许许多多不同感染的原因。 After further research, he found that the mould could kill other bacteria as well as staphylococci.
他进一步研究,发现这黴菌除了消灭葡萄球菌,还可消灭其他细菌。 bomoo

Most common pathogens are gram- negative bacilli and staphylococci.
病原学主要是革兰阴性杆菌和葡萄球菌; fabiao

OBJECTIVE To detect the pathogenicity of staphylococci and in vitro susceptibility with a view of offering references for controlling hospital infection.
了解葡萄球菌的致病性及药敏情况,为医院感染控制提供参考。 dictall

The prominent contaminants were as follows: coagulase- negative staphylococci, Streptococcus pyogenes, Micrococcus and Gram- positive rods.
主要的污染菌有凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌、酿脓链球菌、微球菌属和革兰阳性杆菌。 cnki

A fast semi- quantitative plate assay has been applied to select staphylococci and micrococci with possible value as meat starter cultures.
应用一种快速半定量平板方法初步筛选可作为肉品发酵剂的葡萄球菌和微球菌。 cnki

Coagulase negative staphylococci accounted for 81.2% of allinfectionsin this series Table2.
凝固酶阴性的葡萄球占所有感染的81.2% 表2。 hyu9

Going on holiday, Fleming above, then a professor of bacteriology, left several Petri dishes containing staphylococci, which he had been studying, on the mahogany workbench of his lab.
弗莱明上图是细菌学教授,那次他外出度假前,把几个装有他研究的金黄色葡萄球菌的培养皿忘在了自己实验室的桃花心木工作台上。 yeeyan

He said that his team identified for the first time ever a previously unknown mechanism by which a product of staphylococci prevents inflammation.
他说,他的团队首次确认了以前未知的机制。 葡萄球菌通过这个机制产生了预防炎症的抗体。 yeeyan

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative staphylococcus accounted for75.7% and92.9% respectively, but no vancomycin resistant staphylococci were found. 46.8% strains of E.
甲氧西林耐药株分别占金黄色葡萄球菌和凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌的75.7%和92.9% ,未发现万古霉素耐药株。 cnki

Methods: MRSA and MRCNS were detected and analyzed for the isolated staphylococci of burn patients in last5 years.
方法:从近5年烧伤住院患者中分离的葡萄球菌进行 MRSA和 MRC NS的检测和分析。 chemyq

OBJECTIVE To determine the clinical distribution and antimicrobial resistance of coagulase- negative staphylococci CNS isolated from hospital- acquired infections in our hospital.
目的探讨我院凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 CNS医院感染的临床分布及耐药现状。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the drug susceptibility of staphylococci epidermids S. epidermids isolated from neonates with septicemia and to establish guidelines for clinical use of antibiotics.
目的观察临床新生儿表皮葡萄球菌以下简称表葡菌败血症的抗生素耐药情况,指导临床抗生素的应用。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the involved factor of antimicrobial rate of Staphylococci strains of clinical isolates.
目的探讨临床分离葡萄球菌耐药率的相关因素,指导临床用药。 cnki

Objective To find out the clinical distribution and drug-resistance character of staphylococci for using anti- infective drug reasonably.
目的了解葡萄球菌的临床分布和耐药特性,为临床合理使用抗感染药物提供依据。 chemyq

Objective To investigate the contamination incidence of coagulase- negative staphylococci CNS in blood culture.
目的调查血培养中凝固酶阴性的葡萄球菌 CNS血样本的污染率。 cnki

Objective To study the resistance of methicillin-resistant staphylococci MRS against antibiotics.
目的研究耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌 MRS的耐药状况。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the antimicrobial resistance of methicillin resistance coagulase negative staphylococci MRCNSand to analyze the relationship between their phenotype and genotype.
目的:调查耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 MRCNS耐药现状,分析其耐药表型与基因型的关系,为临床合理选用抗菌药物提供依据。 dictall

Objective:To evaluate the clinical significance of coagulase negative staphylococci CNS in blood culture.
目的:评价血培养中凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 CNS阳性的临床意义。 cnki

Results The most common pathogens were pseudomonas aeruginosa11.63%, coagulase negative staphylococci11.11% and candida albicans9.67%.
结果常见病原菌是铜绿假单胞菌11·63%、凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌11·11%、白色念珠菌9·67%。 cnki

RESULTS& CONCLUSION: Cefdinir is applicable for infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, haemophilus, moraxella catarrhalis, neisseria, escherichia coli and klebsiella, et al.
结果与结论:头孢地尼适用于葡萄球菌、链球菌、嗜血杆菌、卡他莫拉菌、奈瑟菌、大肠埃希杆菌、克雷伯菌属等敏感菌引起的感染。 cnki

The majority of Gram positive coccus were coagulase- negative staphylococci.
球菌中凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌占绝大多数。 cnki

The Northwestern researchers have discovered that a special DNA sequence found in certain bacteria, called a CRISPR locus, can impede the spread of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic staphylococci.
西北大学研究人员在一种细菌中发现了一个叫做 CRISPR位点的特殊 DNA序列,该位点可以阻止抗生素抗性在致病性金黄色葡萄球菌中的传播。 dxy

These staphylococci, labeled“ vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus, ” did not possess the resistance genes but had a reduced susceptibility to vancomycin.
这些标有“万古霉素中敏金黄色葡萄球菌”标签的葡萄球菌,并不具备抗性基因,但对万古霉素敏感性降低。 oaopdoc

Unlike the affected children, the animals were susceptible to a large number of pathogens, not just pneumococci and staphylococci.
与前述患儿不同,研究中的转基因动物对大多数病原体易感,而不仅仅是肺炎球菌和葡萄球菌。 dxy

Staphylococci is fully sensitive to vancomycin and teicoplanin.
葡萄球菌对万古霉素和替考拉宁完全敏感。 fabiao




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