

单词 stand-ins
释义 stand-ins ˈstændɪnz COCA⁷¹²⁰⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
n.替身;代替人或物stand-in的名词复数原型stand-in的复数 However, other researchers who study domestic dogs as stand-ins for human disease are less certain that transgenic dogs will become widespread in research.
但是,其他研究用家养狗作为人类疾病模型的专家怀疑转基因狗能否在研究中普及。 yeeyan

No doubt Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar will be morphed by the US media machine into a bin Laden stand-ins.
毫无疑问,美国媒体机器会把塔利班及其领导人奥马尔,描绘成本拉登的继承人。 yeeyan

South Korea decided to proverbially“park the bus” by bringing on its defensive stand-ins, who ultimately preserved its2-0 lead.
韩国队将替补后卫队员换上场采取“铁桶式防守”打法,并最终将比分锁定为2比0。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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