释义 |
Standing crops 基本例句 现存量 The standing crop of mollusk in subarea of Guozheng Lake, both aquatic oligochaete and aquatic insect in subarea of Shuiguo Lake was maximal.软体动物现存量以郭郑湖最高,水栖寡毛类与水生昆虫均以水果湖最高。 The constant fraction loss rate of total surface bracken litter, estimated from input and accumulated standing crop, was 0.26.由枯叶的年输入量和地面积累的现存量计算而得的地表蕨莱枯叶的常数消失率为0.;26。 The standing crop of CWD in the forest was 98 46 t/hm 2, in which logs made up to 85 8% of the total. As the CWD was not well distributed in the forest, it increased the diversities of structure and site in the forest ecosystem.由倒木、枯立木和大枯枝等组成的粗死木质物在该类森林中的现存量达98.;46 t/hm 2,其中倒木占其总量的85 |