

单词 standbys
释义 stand·by·s 英'stændbaɪ美'stændbaɪ COCA⁵⁷⁸¹¹BNC⁷²⁷⁹⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
something that can be relied on when neededan actor able to replace a regular performer when required
ready for emergency use;

a standby generator

a standby crew

on standby严阵以待standby redundancy待机准备,备份冗余,…standby buffer备用缓冲器standby application待用,备份应用…standby facility备用设备,备用贷款…standby battery备用电池组,备用蓄电…standby mode备用方式standby period等待期间, 准备期…standby pump备用泵standby circuit后备电路standby power储用功率warm standby热备份standby compass应急罗盘block standby备用数据块stand by袖手旁观
近义词 late迟的backup后备reserve保留spare备用的fallback撤退resource资源stand-in替身replacement更换substitute代用品unreserved坦率的emergency突发事件last-minute最后一刻的understudy充当某角色的候补演员…

用作名词Powdered milk is a goodstandbyin an emergency.奶粉是应急时很好的备用品。
The emergency services were put onstandbyafter a bomb warning.接到炸弹警报后,各紧急救助部门进入待命状态。
A special team of police were kept onstandbyduring the time of violence.在发生暴乱期间,经常有一支警察特别小分队处于整装待命状态。用作形容词They bought two cheapstandbytickets for Rome.他们买了两张便宜的去罗马的备用机票。
Your reservation is already in thestandbylist.您的订位已经在候补名单了里。 But Republicans are strangely silent about what spending they would like to cut, apart from those inadequate old standbys, earmarks and government waste.
撇开那些不足的旧备用,专项拨款和政府浪费,共和党对于将会拿谁开刀异样地保持着沉默。 ecocn

It is aimed to realize the objectives of“ one active plus two standbys” for audio which is requested by State Grid Corporation of China, and adopting IP network conference as backup for video.
突出了国家电网公司对会议系统要求的“一主两备”,并且采用了网络视频作为电视会议系统的视频备用手段。 cnki

And don't forget those old standbys, multivitamin tablets.
还有千万别忘了那些老字号补品,维生素片。 ecocn




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