

单词 stand aside
释义 stand aside stændəˈsaid ★★★★★高短语¹⁴⁴⁷⁵
For the West to turn its back on Libya’s rebels and to stand aside while its allies shoot protesters in Bahrain betrays its own values.
要是拒绝帮助利比亚的反叛民众,任由他们的同盟军在巴林枪击抗议者,西方国家就与自己的价值观背道而驰。 ecocn

The beholder generally instructs a charmed target to either restrain a comrade or stand aside.
眼魔通常会授意被魅惑的目标去制止队友,或者在一旁袖手旁观。 odyguild

As for the other demands, Mr Monti said he would stand aside rather than accept a time limit, insisting on serving until2013.
至于另外两项要求,蒙蒂称他宁愿辞职也不会接受截止日期这一说法,坚持要执政至2013年。 ecocn

But the new British government, deeply hostile to further EU integration, seems content to stand aside even as the euro zone binds itself closer.
但是对欧盟的深入一体化怀有巨大敌意的英国新政府,好像乐意靠边站,即便是在欧元区结合地更为紧密的时刻。 ecocn

I am therefore calling on you to stand aside to give our party a fighting chance of winning. As such I am resigning from government.
因此我呼吁你让位,就像我现在辞去政府职务一样,以给我们党一个赢取胜利的机会。 yeeyan

Sukarno was persuaded to invest him with emergency powers and then, politely but firmly, was made to stand aside.
苏加诺被劝说授予他紧急状态下的全权,然后就被礼貌但是坚决的踢开了。 ecocn

When I'm eating once again, you can stand aside.
我再吃时,你可以躲开。 cri




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