

单词 standardizes
释义 stan·dard·ize·s 英'stændədaɪz美'stændərdaɪz COCA¹⁸⁶⁵²⁵
cause to conform to standard or norm;

The weights and measures were standardized

evaluate by comparing with a standard近义词 order顺序regulate调整normalize使正常homogenize使均匀even out使相等regiment军队团systematize使系统化standardise使标准化stereotype模式化观念

用作及物动词We shouldstandardizeour service.我们应当使我们的服务标准化。
Attempts tostandardizeEnglish spelling have not been completely successful.将英语拼写标准化的尝试并不完全成功。
Car parts are usuallystandardized.汽车部件一般都是统一规格的。 A new user interface has been introduced which standardizes the look and feel of user interface controls and is being adopted across all products integrated in the Business Space.
引入了新的用户界面,该界面标准化了用户界面控件的外观,并在集成到 Business Space中的所有产品上采用了该用户界面。 ibm

DEC is a support system for business subsystems, and she standardizes network connect and network data packet format for them.
数据交换中心是作为各个业务子系统的一个支撑系统而存在,为它们标准化网络接入和标准化网络数据包格式。 cnki

The Service-Oriented Architecture of the solution, depicted in Figure1, standardizes the connections between business processes and IT requirements.
解决方案的面向服务的体系结构参见图1对业务流程和 IT需求进行了标准化。 ibm

The virtualization layer standardizes the underlying hardware interfaces, so virtual machines can be moved seamlessly across different hardware platforms.
虚拟化层对基础的硬件接口进行规范化,所以虚拟机可以在不同的硬件平台之间无缝地移动。 ibm

A comprehensive information system is developed through integrated graphic programming technique, which standardizes and automates the management of mine pipeline network.
最后用集成图编程技术建成综合信息系统。该系统实现了矿山管网管理的规范化、自动化。 cnki

Asset impairment of accounting standards issued, which standardizes the enterprise accounting behavior, improve the quality of accounting information.
资产减值会计准则的出台,规范了企业会计核算行为,提高了会计信息质量。 pai-hang-bang

By transforming the metaphysical wisdom into individual spiritual noumenon and universal norm system, philosophy not only defines and explains the world, but also standardizes and reforms the world.
通过化形上智慧为个体的精神本体及普遍的规范系统,哲学既说明、解释世界又规范、变革世界。 iciba

Conclusion The rescue flow chart for respiratory and cardiac arrest programs and standardizes rescue in the instruction of rescue procedure.
结论应用呼吸心跳骤停病人抢救工作流程图,优化抢救程序,将抢救措施程序化、规范化。 cnki

Creating centralized functions also standardizes and provides for a uniform script.
创建集中的函数还可以促进标准化,帮助创建统一的脚本。 ibm

IDML uses a common data model which standardizes how system solutions and technologies represent resources and relationships.
IDML使用一个公共数据模型,该模型标准化系统解决方案和技术表示资源和关系的方式。 ibm

Information services are integral to the SOA strategy, which centralizes and standardizes the approach to data integration for processes and applications.
信息服务是 SOA策略所不可或缺的一部分, SOA策略集中并标准化流程和应用程序的数据集成方法。 ibm

It consists of a series of protocols and standardizes various wireless communication devices.
它是由一系列的协议组成,使无线通信设备标准化; cnki

It is very beneficial to include quick fixes with custom rules, because it removes the complexity of having to devise a fix and it also standardizes the way that a problem is fixed.
对于向通用规则添加快速修复功能来说,这一点非常有用,因为它消除了添加修复功能的复杂性,同时使修复问题的方式得到标准化。 ibm

It simplifies, and standardizes on, one supported mechanism for code generation and loading without limiting you to file-based source.
它简化了一种受支持机制,并进行了标准化,使您不用局限于基于文件的源代码就可生成并加载代码。 ibm

Library cataloguing outsourcing has the following advantages: improving staff efficiency; raising competition ability, propulsion of standardizes progress, and so on.
图书馆编目业务外包,有助于提高编目工作效率,增强图书馆整体竞争能力,促进编目工作标准化。 dictall

Microsoft also dominates in the business world, where nearly every medium to large company standardizes around Microsoft Office.
微软也主宰了商界,几乎每个大中型企业都使用了标准化的 Microsoft Office系统。 yeeyan

National audit is a component of the state political power, in essence, a method which constrains and standardizes political rights.
国家审计是国家政权的组成部分,其本质是一种约束和规范政治权利的工具。 cnki

SAS IT Resource Management stages, standardizes, transforms, aggregates and delivers analysis and report- ready IT performance data from virtually any data source.
的 SAS IT资源管理阶段,标准化,转换,汇总并提供分析和报告,从几乎任何数据源准备好,性能数据。 itongji

Therefore, to establish the network ethics as soon as possible standardizes network behavior to keep the network health and development.
因此,尽快建立网络伦理,以规范网络行为,从而保持网络的健康、有序发展。 cnki

UML does not proscribe any particular software development method or process; it merely standardizes the form of notation.
UML没有排斥任何特殊的软件开发方法或过程;它只不过标准化了标记法的格式。 ibm




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