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standar 基本例句 斯坦达尔¹⁰⁰ Improve equipment OEE,standarthe process on tools.提高设备OEE,严格设备工艺的标准化。 The product of U.K.Netlon Group is taken as astandarto evaluate the civil one.为了使土工格栅达到与国际接轨的目的,以英国耐特龙集团公司的产品标准作为一个相对的基准对国内产品进行了评价。 Astandar? laugh my ass off!!!you don't have the right to make such a F.U.C.K.ing rule!“我们没有任何的后台和实力去讨论政治;政治也不是我们讨论就能做出改变的.;” The equilibrium profile is the ultimate form of all water course.Itsstandarform is rotation-wheel-line.均衡纵剖面是一切水道发育的最终形态,其标准形式是摆线。 GFR was obtained by 99Tcm -DTPA renal dynamic functional imaging strictly followed thestandarof nuclear medicine diagnosis and therapy.GFR通过~T_c~m-DTPA放射性核素动态功能显像获得,严格按照《核医学诊断和治疗规范》进行肾动态功能显像。 Locate at Shanghai to support Refinish &LIC products quality assurance work in SJ/JNT/SZ/QP2.Establish andstandar… …公司名称:庞贝捷漆油贸易上海有限公司工作地点:上海市长宁区发布时间:2009-7-11 |