

单词 stances
释义 stances stænsiz COCA³¹¹³²BNC²⁴⁰⁴⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
n.姿态stance的复数;步型¹⁰⁰原型stance的复数 In many of these stances there is a tacit streak of anti- Americanism.
巴西这些立场大部分源自心照不宣的反美倾向。 ecocn

The leaders expressed their stances on fighting all forms of terrorism and transnational crimes, and agreed to strengthen cooperation among the public security departments.
三方还表明了坚决反对一切形式的恐怖主义的立场,同意共同打击跨国犯罪,加强三国公安部门的联络与合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

But in the past couple of years Lula has taken up some more controversial stances.
但过去两年鲁拉却开始转向一些较引起争论的立场。 ecocn

But what about the plants have injuries whether in stances or circumstances?

Even those Israeli and Palestinian politicians who are minded to negotiate are boxed into uncompromising stances, and for both the main reason is Hamas.
即便那些可能愿意和谈的巴以双方政治家们也难以达成妥协,双方的主要原因就是哈马斯。 yeeyan

Flouting its hallowed doctrine of“ non- interference”, it has nudged them into slightly less hostile stances towards the West.
像是打着“不干涉内政”的幌子,中国已推动那些国家使其对西方少些敌意。 yeeyan

Furthering the divide between the north and the south was President Omar al-Bashir's imposition of hardline Islamist stances in the early1990s.
推进南北分裂,也是上世纪90年代初总统奥马尔·阿尔巴希尔强硬的伊斯兰主义姿态的一部分。 yeeyan

Gorillas stride with their arms and wrists extended straight down and locked in what Kivell called' columnar' stances that resemble how elephants walk.
大猩猩迈步时,前臂和手腕垂直向下,有固定的、凯威尔称之为‘圆柱状’姿势,类似于大象走路。 yeeyan

He sometimes took bold stances while his party dithered: he opposed George Bush junior’s Iraq war from the start.
有时候他在他的政党犹豫时立场坚定——他从一开始就反对小布什的伊拉克战争。 ecocn.org

In a society with many minorities, how far can politicians go in using their private religious beliefs to justify their public stances on various issues?
在一个有很多少数族群的社会里,政治家们能在多大程度上利用其个人的宗教信仰来证明他们在各种问题上公开立场的正当性? edu.sina.com.cn

Karimov said Uzbekistan and China share consistent stances concerning safeguarding regional peace and security.
卡里莫夫说,乌中在维护地区和平与安全方面立场一致。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Many of them assume their carefully chosen stances all day, getting their pictures taken by hundreds of other fans.
他们中的许多人一整天摆出精心挑选的姿势,由其他成百上千的粉丝拍照。 yeeyan

Mrs Bachmann has a record of making factual mistakes, repeating untruths and adopting preposterous stances.
等巴克曼女士曾有犯下实际错误,再三撒谎的以及采取荒谬的姿态等记录。 ecocn

My point is not to argue with the ethics of this stance; it's just to observe that security consistently crumbles when developers and end- users adopt such adversarial stances toward each other.
我在这里不是要讨论这种态度的道德问题;只是注意到,在开发人员和最终用户采取这种互相对立的姿态时,安全性正在不断地被破坏。 ibm

Nonetheless, the new administration is likely to remain orthodox and pragmatic in its macroeconomic and foreign policy stances.
然而,新政府很可能会继续沿用传统及实用的宏观经济及外交政策的立场。 ecocn

One of the most common stances—often heard outside and sometimes within the schools themselves— is that management education needs to start again from scratch.
在商学院外部有时候也存在于商学院内部流行的最普遍的观点之一是,管理教育需要从头再来。 ecocn

Physical fighting stances involve balance, alignment, weight distribution, and posture.
身体的战斗站姿包括:平衡、统一、重心分布、姿势。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Those who saw scope for compromise between these two stances turned out to be right— but not in the way they had probably hoped.
那些认为这两个党派的意见会折中的人无疑是正确的,只是这种折中的实现并不是他们所期望的方式。 ecocn

War is a civilized ritual beyond morality for the judge, but not for Mr. McCarthy, who positions his readers to evaluate the characters' moral and philosophical stances.
对法官来说,战争是一种文明的超道德仪式,但对麦卡锡先生来说,却并非如此。他让他的读者去评价书中人物的道德和哲学观念。 yeeyan




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