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词汇 Stan
释义 Stan.
For20 years Stan Greenberg, a Democratic pollster, studied the blue-collar white voters of Macomb County near Detroit.
20年来,民主党民意测验专家斯坦格林伯格,一直在研究位于底特律附近马科姆郡白人蓝领阶层的投票情况。 ecocn

Google’s quirkiness is embodied in a bronze replica of a skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex, nicknamed Stan, which stands near the entrance to a building in the Googleplex.
在谷歌总部Googleplex一栋大楼的入口附近,坐落着一座昵称为 Stan的雷克斯霸王龙青铜骨骼复制品,谷歌的不可捉摸,就体现在此。 ecocn

In further characterizing the AMP suit, John Rosengrant, design supervisor for Stan Winston Studios, says it is “ an Apache helicopter with legs.”
斯坦·温斯顿工作室设计总监约翰·罗森格兰特把 AMP形象地描述成‘长腿的阿帕奇’武装直升机。 yeeyan

In the episode“The Untitled Stan Jenson Project,” it was revealed that Lizzie had a crush on him in the fourth grade.
“未命名的斯坦简森项目”一集中讲道里兹曾在四年级时迷上了他。 hjenglish

The food waste is collected in biodegradable bags and given to the city to use as compost, said Stan Jones, aviation environmental compliance manager at the airport.
机场遵从航空环境的经理斯坦.琼斯表示,食品垃圾收到可生物降解的袋中,就交给波特兰市用于堆肥。 yeeyan

Also fully behind the deal is Stan“ the Man” Lee, a living legend of the cartoon world who helped create many of Marvel’s best-known characters during the 1960s.
这个交易的背后还有一个人,那就是卡通界的当代传奇、“大人物”斯坦•李,他在20世纪60年代帮助惊奇创造了许多著名角色。 yeeyan

Arsenal fans are planning to write to majority shareholder Stan Kroenke next week and arrange a meeting with the American businessman who is yet to approach the fans about the future of the club.
阿森纳球迷正计划在下周向球队大股东斯坦-克伦克致信并与这位还没有与阿森纳支持者探讨过球队未来的美国商人举行会谈。 goalhi

Besides Harold Ickes and Susan Thomases, Mickey Kantor was camped out in a hotel suite, joined by Carville, Stephanopoulos, Stan Greenberg, and Frank Greer and his partner, Mandy Grunwald.
此外,哈罗德.伊克斯和苏珊.托马西斯,米基.坎特驻扎在一间酒店套房里,与他们一起的还有卡维尔、斯迪法诺普洛斯、斯坦.格林伯格、弗兰克.格里尔及其搭档曼迪.格伦沃尔德。 yeeyan

But as Stan Grant shows us, in the capital of Kabul, that tune is changing.
但是斯坦格兰特告诉我们,在首都喀布尔,这种情况正在发生改变。 ebigear

Companies therefore try to recruit for the long haul, which means they seek young blood, says Stan Siebert, a labour economist at Birmingham Business School.
伯明翰商业学校的劳动经济学家 Stan Siebert称,法国公司都想雇用能够长期工作的人,要寻求年青的血液。 ecocn

FIFA later said vuvuzelas are here to stay. “Vuvuzelas will not be banned from the stadia, ” spokesman Stan Schaffner told reporters.
之后,国际足联的发言人斯坦·施夫那称南非喇叭将会继续使用,且“无法从球场上禁止”。 yeeyan

I also invited Stan Greenberg, Paul Begala, and Mandy Grunwald.
我还邀请了斯坦.格林伯格、保罗.贝加拉和曼迪.格伦沃尔德。 yeeyan

In 2005, the remnants of Hurricane Stan soaked Guatemala, El Salvador and southern Mexico, causing more than 900 mudslides.
2005年,斯坦飓风所引起的洪水浸泡了危地马拉、萨尔瓦多和墨西哥的南部地区,造成900多个泥石流。 yeeyan

Mr Varney endowed Stan with all the lip and ebullience of his East End upbringing, and all the comic timing acquired from his years on the pub, club and variety circuit, which has now vanished.
东伦敦长大的瓦尼用他的狂野和热情塑造了斯坦这一角色,他多年在酒吧、俱乐部和各色圈子里摸爬滚打,这位片中的搞笑情节提供了大量素材而今已不复存在。 ecocn

Mr. Bernanke and his colleagues were clearly caught by surprise, but the budget expert Stan Collender predicted it all.
显然,伯南克先生和他的同事们感到吃惊,不过,预算专家斯坦·科林德尔已经做出了全部的预计。 yeeyan

So by the time Stan and Ollie were getting into messes in the 1930s the principal meaning of“ food” had been somewhat obsolete for a century or so.
因此,等到斯坦和奥利在20世纪30年代陷入麻烦的时候,“食物”这一首要含义已经被废弃了大约一个世纪。 yeeyan

That days CNN/ USA Today poll had my lead down to two points, though five other polls and Stan Greenberg’s poll for our campaign had the margin holding at seven to ten points.
那天的有线电视新闻网和《今日美国报》联合民意调查中,我只领先两个百分点,尽管在其它五项民意调查以及斯坦.格林伯格的民意调查中,我领先七到十个百分点。 yeeyan

The scaled-down replica, built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser, will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April, which will mark the100th anniversary of the tragedy.
这个按比例缩小了的复制品由一位名为斯坦弗雷泽的航海爱好者建造,将于四月作为某海洋博物休闲馆的一部分与公众见面,以纪念“泰坦尼克号”事件100周年。 cri

Why can't I combine that with Stan Winston's doing?
为什么我不能将它与斯坦温斯顿的技术结合起来呢? yeeyan

Stan Kroenke, an American property magnate who married into the Wal-Mart retail dynasty, now owns63% of Arsenal Football Club and is to make an offer for the rest.
同沃尔玛零售王朝结婚的美国地产巨头斯坦·克伦克 Stan Kroenke现在拥有阿森纳足球俱乐部股票的63%,并对其余的股票提供报价。 ecocn

Stan O’Neal, Merrill’s head, had no idea that his firm had accumulated fatal levels of subprime exposure because he had pushed aside the people who might have warned him.
美林头头斯坦.欧利尔,毫不清楚公司已经不能承受次贷危机的致命打击,因为他把那些警告他的人都拒之门外了。 ecocn

Stan stared for hours at the quiescent scene of the Japanese rock garden.
斯坦盯着这座宁静的日本岩石花园看了好几个小时。 hxen

Stan took a rabbit form his magic hat.
斯坦从他的魔术帽里把兔子那出来。 ebigear




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