

单词 stamps
释义 stamps 英stæmps美stæmps COCA¹²³⁹⁹BNC¹¹⁴⁰⁹Economist¹¹¹³¹
名词 stamp:
the distinctive form in which a thing is madea type or classa symbol that is the result of printing or engravinga small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paidsomething that can be used as an official medium of paymenta small piece of adhesive paper that is put on an object to show that a government tax has been paidmachine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing oresa block or die used to imprint a mark or designa device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
动词 stamp:
walk heavilyto mark, or produce an imprint in or on somethingreveal clearly as having a certain characteraffix a stamp totreat or classify according to a mental stereotypedestroy or extinguish as if by stamping with the footform or cut out with a mold, form, or diecrush or grind with a heavy instrumentraise in a relief用作名词The post office issued thestampslast week.上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。
He likes collecting foreignstamps.他喜欢收集外国邮票。
Resolutions adopted at the meetings became effective only when they bore thestampsof the local government and the three major monasteries.形成决议后,需要地方政府和三大寺共同加盖印章方能生效。 Clarence Lee may not be a household name, but his stamps are recognized around the world.
这位艺术家虽然不能算是家喻户晓,可是他设计的邮票却享誉全球。 ebigear

I’m supposed to mail that letter but where the heck are my stamps?
我本应该把那封信邮寄出去可邮票到底哪儿去了呢? yeeyan

Because the rooster stamp sold so well, the Postal Service commissioned Lee to design a Lunar New Year series of12 stamps.
因为鸡年邮票销售得那么好,美国邮政总局委托李再为他们设计一套12属性的邮票。 kekenet

Ed could buy some stationery, stamps, and stainless steel knife there.
他可以在那里买一些文具、邮票和不锈钢刀。 ebigear

For sale: the world's smallest country with its own flag, stamps, currency and passports.
待售:世界上最小的国家,含该国国旗、邮票、货币以及护照。 ebigear

He gummed the back of stamps.

He has a fine collection of stamps.

He showed his friends the precious stamps which he has collected these years.
他把这些年来所搜集的珍贵邮票拿给朋友看。 ebigear

I have stamps from all over the world.
我有来自世界各地的邮票。 ebigear

I like these new stamps.
我喜欢这些新邮票。 kekenet

Image above: At my desk, I have a color palette that helps me with prints and lots of different small illustrations, stamps and posters from different places and friends.
上图:我的桌上有一个打印图案是参考的色板,还有无数来自不同地方和朋友的小插画,邮票和海报。 yeeyan

Its ATMs offer stamps as well as cash.
它的 ATM除了能吐出现金,还能吐出邮票。 ecocn

Keep certain basics such as stamps, envelopes, notepads and pens in your desk.
把常用的基本用品如邮票、信封、记事本和钢笔存放在你的书桌里。 yeeyan

Love, like music, is always a true story—in the spring of1980, half a year before we emigrated to Israel, my grandfather decided to smuggle his collection of rare stamps out of the Soviet Union.
爱,就像音乐一样,始终是那么地真切——1980年春天,即我们移居以色列之前的半年,我的祖父决定把他收有珍贵邮票的集邮本偷偷带出苏联。 yeeyan

Official recognition of the place never came, despite the minting of some stamps and an approach to Lyndon Johnson America's president at the time.
尽管也制造了自己的邮票,还主动与当时的美国总统约翰逊联系,但从未得到正式的承认。 yeeyan

People enjoyed the stamps very much.
人们非常喜爱这些邮票。 ebigear

Some companies in China use company stamps, which are basically the equivalent of postage meters in the West, except that they are more personalized for each company.
有些中国的公司用自己的邮戳来寄信。这和西方的某些公司用自己的简便邮票相似,只是这些邮票更加有公司个性的体现。 edu.sina.com.cn

They have something in common— stamps.
他们有一个共同点------邮票。 yeeyan

This machine can perforate the sheets of stamps.

Where can I buy commemorative stamps?
哪里可以买到纪念邮票呢? hjenglish

Why do you collect stamps?

Would it not be a paying investment to put stamps on the huge pile of manuscripts under the table and start them on their travels again?
若是把他堆积在桌子底下的那一大堆稿件全部贴上邮票,重新打发出去旅行,会不会得到什么回报呢? ebigear




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