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stalls 英stɔ:lz美stɔ:lz COCA¹⁶²³⁷BNC⁸⁷⁵²Economist⁷⁹¹⁹ 基本英英记法近义反义例句例句 pl.剧场的正厅前排座位;正厅前座区¹⁰⁰原型stall的三单 Noun: a farm building for housing horses or other livestockstall-s复数⇒pl.剧场的正厅前排座位;正厅前座区近义词 stable稳定的 All the cattle had been moved intostallsand we stood to lose little.所有的家畜都赶到厩里,因此我们几乎不会蒙受损失。 The ground floor of a theater behind thestalls.正厅后座,正厅后座观众剧院前座观众后的底层 Hundreds of foodstallsin this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.这条街上的上百个小吃店供应各种吃的,从烤肉串到汤一应俱全。 Every time I ask her to set the date shestalls.我每次请她定一个时间,她总是借故拖延。 Above, an open-air room in the Shanghai market where dealers without stalls lay out their crickets for sale. 上海花鸟鱼虫市场中的一个露天房间中,没有摊位的卖家把他们的蟋蟀摆在地上进行售卖。 yeeyan Swathes of smoke mark out the shashlik kebab stalls beside sellers of reams of gaudily coloured polyester material. 烤肉串的摊位上油烟升腾,旁边是售卖颜色俗艳的涤纶布料的摊位。 yeeyan The building material of these stalls might have something to do with the paint coating that is required. 这些棚亭的建筑材料可能与要求粉刷的涂料有一定的关系。 yeeyan The plush toy stallsand there are dozens of them give way to a section specializing in inflatable pool toys before you come across bangles and necklaces that light up. 毛绒玩具摊位有数十个之多后面是充气玩具,在遇到他们之前你首先得穿过销售手镯和项链的摊位。 yeeyan An impromptu cricket fight in one of the stalls. 一个摊位上正在进行的一场即兴蟋蟀大战。 yeeyan And there, over 800 people from all walks of life and all parts of the country set up their huts or stalls to serve and be served the astringent green beverage. 在那里,800多名来自各界和全国各地的人搭起自己的小屋或摊位,用这种有涩味的绿色饮料进行款待。 yeeyan And family businesses have long been the norm in Latin America, from mighty conglomerates to street stalls. 而家族企业长期以来一直是拉丁美洲的常态,从大型企业集团到街上的摊位皆代代相传。 shuwo But if it stalls, a wave of even angrier protest may well erupt in September. 但是,如果他食言,很可能一场更愤怒的抗议浪潮会在九月爆发。 ecocn Every day hundreds of tourists visit the stalls and eat at the sushi shops that line the market. 每天有数以百计的观光客参观各个摊位,并且在市场中成排的寿司店就餐。 ecocn In more recent years he worked on London market stalls. He now lives in south London, where one of his few concessions to modern technology is a television. 最近几年,他曾在伦敦一座市场上工作。目前,他居住在伦敦南部,家里的电视是他向现代化产品做出的不多的妥协。 neworiental In a mostly Muslim neighbourhood, hundreds of demonstrators threw objects at residents, burnt tyres, went into the mosque and tried to set fire to some food stalls. 在大部分穆斯林居民区,许多示威者向居民投掷物品,焚烧车胎,冲入清真寺并试图向一些食品摊档纵火。 yeeyan Most graduates do eventually find decent jobs, but the problem will increase as more of them hit the labor pool or if the economy stalls. 大多数毕业生最终会找到理想的工作,但是越来越多的就业者冲击就业市场或者经济停滞,问题就会严重了。 yeeyan Most purchases are made at market stalls in Britain, but a large number are made abroad or come through Internet auction sites. 在英国,人们大多在市场的货摊上购买假名牌,但也有很多是在国外或拍卖网站上买的。 ebigear Near the top of the jobs pyramid, of course, the upward march of women stalls. 在靠近工作金字塔的顶端,当然,女人向上的行军就停止了。 yeeyan Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I recognized a silence like that which pervades a church after a service. 几乎所有的店铺都关门了,大部分会堂笼罩在一片黑暗之中,我嗅到了那份寂静,每次祷告完后弥漫在教堂中的那份寂静。 yeeyan Once upon a time, with roots that go back to medieval marketplaces featuring stalls that functioned as stores, shopping offered a way to connect socially, as Ms. 从前,追溯到只有由类似商店的摊位组成的集贸市场的中世纪,那时候购物提供了一种增强社会联系的渠道。 yeeyan Roadside stands and food stalls in busy urban markets were commonplace in ancient Greece and Rome. 在古希腊和古罗马,路边摊和大排档在繁忙的城市市集上就已经很常见了。 ebigear She would be hanging about among the stalls, pretending to be in search of shoelaces or sewing-thread. 她会到各个小摊位上遛达下,装作在找鞋带或是缝纫线。 yeeyan So long as she was in Boulanger Lane and in the neighborhood of the church, the lighted stalls illuminated the road; but soon the last light from the last stall vanished. 只要她还走在面包师巷和礼拜堂左近一带地方,总还有店铺里的烛光替她照路,可是最后一个摊子的最后一点微光也终于消逝了。 ebigear Wandering Iranian towns in1978, I remember riot squads in the streets and the Shah's portrait seeming to hang tenuously in market stalls. 在1978年的伊朗城市漫游,我记得街道上有小股骚乱的人群,集市的摊档上还可以看到挂着国王的肖像。 yeeyan Where the owners had failed to comply quickly, the stalls were splashed with paint or had their metal gates torn off. 而那些没能当即表示服从的摊主,摊位上便顿时泼满油漆或者将他们的金属门撕得粉碎。 ecocn Yet, there are more to be thrown away before the vegetables reach market stalls. 然而,在蔬菜到达市场的货摊之后,还有更多的废弃物被扔掉。 hxen You know about hooking up on bathroom stalls? 你知道所谓的在浴室里狂欢吗? yeeyan |