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词汇 stall
释义 stall 英stɔːl美stɔlAHDstôl ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁹²⁸²BNC¹⁰⁴⁰⁹iWeb⁶⁷²⁰Economist⁷²³³

vt. & vi. 拖延


vt. & vi. 停顿; 阻塞

stop through lack of power or speed

a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fedsmall area set off by walls for special usea booth where articles are displayed for salea malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge;

the plane went into a stall and I couldn't control it

seating in the forward part of the main level of a theatersmall individual study area in a librarya tactic used to mislead or delay
postpone doing what one should be doing;

He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days

come to a stop;

The car stalled in the driveway

deliberately delay an event or action;

she doesn't want to write the report, so she is stalling

put into, or keep in, a stall;

Stall the horse

experience a stall in flight, of airplanescause an airplane to go into a stallcause an engine to stop;

The inexperienced driver kept stalling the car

来自中古英语stall。来自古英语steall,货摊,站立地,固定位置。来自原始日耳曼语*stallaz,放置,固定位置。来自原始印欧语*stel,放置,站立。来自原始印欧语*sta,站立,词源同stable, stand。由stall固定位置引申的比喻词义。 stall来自中古英语stall。来自古英语steall,货摊,站立地,固定位置。来自原始日耳曼语*stallaz,放置,固定位置。来自原始印欧语*stel,放置,站立。来自原始印欧语*sta,站立,词源同stable, stand。由stall固定位置引申的比喻词义。 stable来自拉丁语stare,站立,词源同stand。-able,形容词后缀。来自拉丁语stabulum,马厩,棚屋,妓院。来自stare,站立,词源同stand, -bulum,工具格后缀,词源同table, fable。 stand来自古英语standan,站立,站起。来自原始日耳曼语*standana,站立。来自原始印欧语*sta,站,站立,词源同stable, state。引申诸相关词义。
用作动词 v.
~+名词stall game拖延比赛stall plan耽误了计划stall time拖延时间stall engine使发动机熄火stall horse把马关起来stall plane使飞机失去了控制~+副词stall safely安全地关着stall off设法使某人等待~+介词stall for拖延…
stall for time v.+prep.+n.

拖延时间以考虑对策 cause delays in order to have more time to think, win, collect money, etc.

stall off v.+adv.

设法使债主等待 cause (sb to whom one owes money to wait)

stall sb ⇔ offHow can we stall off the angry tradesmen till the end of the month?我们怎么才能让那些愤怒的商人等到月底呢?联想记忆sta看作stand,立+ll像两根柱子→两根柱子撑起的狭小空间→货摊;小隔间非常记忆s美女〖编码〗+tall高〖熟词〗⇒货摊卖货的美女个子很高联想记忆sta看作stand,立+ll像两根柱子→货摊;小房间st看作stop,停止+all所有的→停止一切运行⇒熄火近义词 kiosk亭pen钢笔shop商店coop笼子shed除掉stop停止conk鼻子delay耽搁stand站立defer推迟booth货摊block街区arcade拱廊dawdle磨蹭hinder阻碍cubicle小室cut out切断cell单人牢房carrell阅览桌dillydally磨蹭compartment间隔dilly-dally磨蹭procrastinate延迟prevaricate支吾其辞shillyshally犹豫不决stalling拖延策略…drag one's heels拖着脚走Carrel图书馆卡座=carre…equivocate说模棱两可的话…boutique专卖流行衣服的小商店…play for time为争取时间而拖延…drag one's feet拖着脚缓慢行走…
S+~+AQuit stalling!不要拖延时间!
Stop stalling and answer my question!别支支吾吾的,快回答我的问题!
The car engine may stall as we go up the hill.爬山时,汽车发动机可能发生故障。
The plane stalled just after take-off and crashed onto the run-way.飞机刚起飞就发生了故障而失去控制,坠毁在跑道上。
S+~+ n./pron.The strike stalled our holiday plan.罢工耽误了我们的度假计划。
The bad weather stalled the game this afternoon.坏天气拖延了今天下午的比赛。
Use the brake gently or you'll stall the engine.轻踩刹车片,不然的话发动机会熄火的。
The horses were safelystalled.马都关进了马棚,很安全。Pstall-keepern.摊贩Pstall-feedvt.厩养长肥Pstall-inn.阻塞交通示威Pstall-holder摊贩摊位所有人或出租者




用作名词The excited horse flung about in thestall.受惊的马在马厩里乱冲乱踢。
The horse chafed against hisstall.马在厩栏上擦著身子。
Our house has a showerstall.我们房子里有淋浴小隔间。
Never buy food from a marketstall.千万别在小摊上买食物。
The opening of a marketstallis governed by municipal fiat.开设市场摊位受市政法令管制。
My seat number is Row 7, Number 10 in thestall.我的座号是正厅7排10号。用作动词You'd betterstallthe pigs.你最好把猪关在猪圈里饲养。
The planestalledsuddenly.那飞机突然失控下降。
If you try to start off in top gear you'llstall.要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。
Every time I ask her to set the date shestalls.我每次请她定一个时间,她总是借故拖延。
Stopstallingand give me an answer.别支支吾吾的了,快回答我的问题。
An inexperienced pilot can easilystallhis plane.没有经验的飞行员很容易使他的飞机失速。verb.delay for own purposes
同义词 halt,hamper,hinder,interrupt,postpone,put off,slow,stay,stop,suspendarrest,brake,check,die,equivocate,fence,filibuster,hedge,prevaricate,quibble,stand,still,stonewall,tarry,temporizeavoid the issue,beat around the bush,drag one's feet,hold off,not move,play for time,shut down,slow down,stand off,stand still,take one's time
反义词 advance,aid,allow,assist,carry out,continue,do,encourage,expedite,forward,help,permit,promote,pushfurther
accessorynoun person peripherally involved in illegal activity
accomplicenoun helper, especially in committing a crime
accomplicesnoun helper, especially in committing a crime
actnoun pretended behavior
affectation,attitude,bit,chaser,dissimilation,fake,false front,feigning,front,performance,phony,pose,posture,pretense,put on,sham,show,shuck and jive,simulation,soft soap,stall,stance,stunt,sweet-talk
act upmalfunctionverb to malfunction
break,break down,conk out,fail,function go on the blink,improperly,jam,malfunction,not work,stall,stop running
alibinoun defense against charges of wrongdoing;evidence of absence
account,affirmation,airtight case,allegation,answer,assertion,assurance,avowal,case,cop-out,cover,declaration,excuse,explanation,fish story,justification,plea,pretext,profession,proof,reason,reply,retort,song and dance,stall,statement,vindication At the same time, Mr Yang was planning another tactic: to stall, by making everything really, really complicated.
与此同时,杨先生正在策划另一项策略:以复杂化每一个细节来拖延时间。 yeeyan

Does your child stall when it comes time to do homework?
您的孩子是不是一到该做作业的时候就拖延? yeeyan

On the other hand, a successfully initiated enterprise transformation can stall if the initial approach is not evolved as the program matures.
另一方面,如果最初方法不能随着计划的成熟而发展,成功启动的企业转换可能会停止。 ibm

And if they can also remember which tree or stall to go and visit next time, then so much the better.
如果她们还能记住是哪棵树或摊位并且下次光顾,那样就更好了。 ecocn

Aviation experts are asking why the pilots responded to the stall by pulling the nose up instead of pushing it down to recover.
飞行专家质问为何飞行员面对飞机失速不是通过提起机头而是压制机身来恢复正常状态。 yeeyan

But growth began to stall in2007, when rapidly rising fuel prices pushed up fares and the economy slowed.
但是在2007年,由于油价暴涨推动航空价上涨和经济增长放缓,私有航空业也开始停止增长。 ecocn

Experts suspect that anorexia may provide a way to stall adult responsibilities by literally stopping the biological clock: the drastic weight loss can halt menstruation.
专家怀疑厌食症可以实际上停止生物钟而拖延负起成年人的责任,因为剧烈的体重下降可以使月经停止。 yeeyan

From the beginning it is clear that Antonio Zúñig a, a mild- mannered computer- repairman, had nothing to do with the murder that took place near his Mexico City market stall in 2005.
从影片一开始就很清楚,安托尼奥•苏尼伽是一名举止温和的电脑维修工,2005年发生在墨西哥城他的市场档位附近的谋杀与他无关。 ecocn

However, Cirincione and other critics said Iran is simply using these talks to stall for time while it continues to work on its nuclear program, including, possibly, nuclear weapons.

I lingered before her stall, though I knew my stay was useless, to make my interest in her wares seem the more real.
我在她的摊位前转悠,虽然知道这没什么用,只会让她以为我是真对她的瓷器感兴趣。 yeeyan

If they stall, the coalition could yet fizzle out in failure.
如果联合政府仍拖延改革,他们终将吞下失败的苦果。 ecocn

Last week, a court in Chongqing jailed three enforcers for stabbing to death a noodle seller in a row over the positioning of his stall.
上周,一个重庆法庭也对三名执法者判处监禁,起因是在处理一名面条销售者的摊位位置时引发口角,受害者被伤害致死。 yeeyan

My friend who has a food stall in the caravanserai is no exception and grins at me with an entire set of glinting gold.
我的一位朋友也不例外,他在商队旅馆里有一食品摊位,正朝我咧嘴微笑,露出一排金色的牙齿。 yeeyan

No one wants this momentum to stall.
没有人希望这一势头停滞不前。 who

On average, sales have doubled from30 pots per day per stall to60 pots.
平均销售额增加了一倍,从每天每个摊位30盆增加到60盆。 examw

One bouquiniste near Notre Dame presided over a stall with only a handful of books, but rows of paintings of Eiffel towers, key- rings, ashtrays and even house number plaques and“ dangerous dog” signs.
巴黎圣母院旁边的一个书摊,摊位上只摆了一小摞书,其余是成排成排的埃菲尔铁塔画、钥匙扣、烟缸、甚至还有门牌号码板和写着“有狗危险”的标示牌。 yeeyan

People gather in groups for all sorts of reasons: to wait for a bus, watch a street performance, make a purchase at a market stall.
人们会因为各种原因聚集到一起,如等公共汽车,观看街头表演,或在市场摊档前买东西等。 yeeyan

There are dangers lurking that could stall the recovery process.
因为存在着潜在的拖延经济复苏进程的危险因素。 kekenet

There do not appear to be any shops, only a small tea stall.
那里不象有任何商店的样子,只有一个小茶棚。 yeeyan

When this happens enough times, the thread pool will eventually be empty, and the system will stall because no threads are available to process tasks.
当这种情况发生的次数足够多时,线程池最终就为空,而且系统将停止,因为没有可用的线程来处理任务。 ibm




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