释义 |
Stainton高 基本例句 n.斯坦顿¹⁰⁰ The footage shows Irwin pulling the stingray's barb out of his chest before losing consciousness,Staintonsays.斯塔特说,镜头显示欧文在丧失知觉前正在试图拔出魟鱼的刺。 Irwin had been filming a new documentary called Ocean's Deadliest with friend and manager JohnStaintonat Batt Reef, off Port Douglas about 11am.欧文曾拍摄一个新的纪录片,名为在巴特礁海洋与朋友和经理约翰斯坦顿致命道格拉斯港附近,约十一。 “He came over the top of a stingray and the stingray's barb went up and went into his chest and put a hole into his heart,” MrStaintonsaid.“他对小魟顶部和黄貂鱼的倒钩开始上升,并成为了他的胸部,放入他的心一洞,”他斯坦顿说。 The results are as follows: The chromosome behavior of T. confusum in early embryogenesis The eggs of rice moth, Corcyra cephalonicaStainton, were used as host eggs for T. confusum.现将结果分述如下: 1 拟澳洲赤眼蜂胚胎发育早期的染色体 使用米蛾卵作为拟澳洲赤眼蜂的寄主。 |