

单词 Stained-witness
释义 Stained-witness
The introduction or the system of stained witnessis system of stain witness is reasonable and appliable.污点证人制度目前为一些国家和地区所承认,我国引入污点证人作证豁免制度具有合理性和可行性。
This essay is trying to introduce the exemptible system of “stained witness” abroad to discuss the necessity and feasibility of the same system's establishment in China.通过介绍国外污点证人作证豁免制度的概念性质及其来源和应用效果,结合实践探讨在我国建立污点证人作证豁免制度的必要性、可行性及借鉴方式。
The system of stained witness refers to a criminal individual device under which the testimony by a stain witness may exempt him from criminal prosecution or sanction, or lessen the potential santion, he would ortherwise, be imposde on.污点证人制度是指如果有犯罪污点的人为了国家的利益而作证,就可以免受刑事追诉或被给予刑事上的从轻、轻或者免除处罚待遇的一种刑事司法措施。
Researches On Exemption System For Stain Witness污点证人豁免制度研究
Analyzing the System of the Stain Witness'Immunity from giving Testimony谈污点证人作证豁免制度




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