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词汇 staid
释义 staid 英steɪd美stedAHDstād ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA³¹⁵¹⁸BNC³⁰⁶⁵⁵iWeb²⁸⁴⁰⁰Economist¹¹⁵¹³
adj.固定的⁴²;指人﹑ 外表﹑ 行为﹑ 爱好等古板的;保守的³⁵;一本正经的²³比较级staider最高级staidest副词staidly名词staidness

characterized by dignity and propriety来自 stay 的过去分词古拼写形式,引申比喻义古板的,一本正经的。stay停留
GRE红宝书sta站, id: 站住不动-镇定自若的; 严肃的
源自stay的过去分词,stayed;sedate 安静的, 稳重的
联想记忆sta看作stay坚持+ idID身份→ 坚持自己的身份 ⇒稳重的GRE难词记忆staid→stay v.停留的过去分词词根记忆sta=stay+id近义词 grave坟墓dull呆滞的calm平静的sober清醒的solid固体的sedate安静的demure严肃的somber微暗的steady稳定的serious严肃的settled固定的sensible明智的sober-minded清醒stolid不易激动的level-headed头脑冷静的unadventurous没有危险的

用作形容词He does this by transmitting not astaidimage but a simulacra.他不是通过传输固定的图像而是传输某种拟像而做到了这一点。
The museum is trying to get rid of itsstaidimage.博物馆力图改变自己古板的形象。
I always thought of him as a ratherstaidold gentleman.我一直以为他是个相当古板的绅士。
The locals were a verystaidlot.当地居民非常保守。
We think of the Puritans asstaidpeople.我们认为清教徒是很稳重的人。adj.restrained, set
同义词 decorous,dignified,sedate,sober,solemn,somber,stuffycalm,cold sober,collected,composed,cool,demure,earnest,formal,grave,no-nonsense,quiet,self-restrained,serious,settled,starchy,steady,weighty
反义词 excited,indecorousadventurous,frivolous,fun,sporting,willing
composedadjective calm, collected
at ease,calmed,clearheaded,commonsensical,confident,cool,cool as cucumber,disimpassioned,dispassionate,easy,easygoing,have one's act together,imperturbable,keeping a stiff upper lip,keeping one's shirt on,levelheaded,nonchalant,not turn a hair,placid,poised,possessed,quieted,relaxed,repressed,sedate,self-assured,self-possessed,sensible,serene,serious,soothed,suppressed,sure of oneself,temperate,together,tranquil,unflappable,unruffled,untroubled
confirmedadjective habitual;rooted
decorousadjective appropriate, suitable
au fait,becoming,befitting,ceremonial,ceremonious,civilized,comely,comme il faut,conforming,conventional,correct,de rigueur,decent,demure,dignified,done,elegant,fit,fitting,formal,good,mannerly,meet,moral,nice,polite,prim,proper,punctilious,refined,respectable,right,seasonable,sedate,seemly,staid,well-behaved
demureadjective reserved, affected
detachedadjective aloof, disinterested;neutral
abstract,apathetic,casual,cool,dispassionate,distant,impartial,impersonal,incurious,indifferent,laid-back,objective,out of it,poker-faced,remote,removed,reserved,spaced-out,spacey,staid,stolid,unbiased,uncommitted,unconcerned,uncurious,uninvolved,unpassioned,unprejudiced,withdrawn
earnestadjective serious;very important
close,constant,determined,firm,fixed,for real,grave,intent,mean business,meaningful,no-fooling,no-nonsense,playing hard ball,resolute,resolved,sedate,sincere,sober,solemn,somber,stable,staid,steady,thoughtful,weighty The theme of this year’s show on ABC is“You’re Invited,” and the normally staid Academy has been working overtime to lift the veil on its big night.
ABC电视台今年的主题是“你被邀请了,”通常庄重的学院派们都在为了那盛大的夜晚的开幕而加班加点的工作。 yeeyan

They’re staid, boring, and unwanted but people are used to them and, for email, they are quite capable.
他们稳重,无聊,没有吸引力,但是人们已经习惯用他们处理邮件,他们相当便携。 yeeyan

ALTHOUGH laid-back Sydney is Australia's gay capital, it was left to more staid Canberra to introduce the country's first law allowing gay and lesbian couples to form civil unions.
尽管悠闲懒散的悉尼是澳大利亚的同性恋之都,但堪培拉却将其甩在了后面,率先引入了全国第一项允许同性恋之间结合的民事结合关系法。 ecocn

As talent competitions became more staid, producers turned their attention to dating shows, churning out programmes that encouraged bitchiness.
由于选秀比赛变得愈来愈僵化,制片人的注意力转向了相亲节目,炮制出大量鼓励毒舌妇的节目。 ecocn

Astronomers are gaining a new appreciation for celestial bodies that once seemed rather staid.
对这些一度看上去十分无趣的天体,天文学家们获得了新的认识。 yeeyan

But as America's mortgage malaise has spread with shocking alacrity from one corner of the credit markets to another, even these staid creatures have been sent into spasms.
但是由于美国房贷病以惊人的速度飞速从信贷市场的一个角落蔓延到另一个角落,使得货币市场基金这些应该很稳固的产品居然都产生了痉挛。 ecocn

CHINA’S biggest producer of wind power, China Longyuan Power, is in essence a staid regulated utility.
中国龙源电力,作为中国最大的风力发电生产商,原本是一个刻板而规范的企业。 ecocn

Compared with the staid corporate- software industry, using these services is like “ receiving technology from an advanced civilisation”, says Mr Sannier.
桑尼尔称,与死气沉沉的企业软件业相比,使用这些基于网络的服务好似“从某种先进的文化接收新技术”。 ecocn

Even staid custody banks are finding unpleasant ways to surprise: shares in State Street lost almost60% of their value on Tuesday as it announced hefty losses on bond investments, among other things.
甚至连稳健的托管类银行也要找些让人不快的惊讶:周二,美国道富银行股价下跌近60%,原因是公司公告了在债券投资其他领域出现巨幅损失。 ecocn

' Flower arrangement' has a staid reputation, but the33-year-old Azuma is working to change that.
插花是一门讲究稳重的艺术,但是33岁的东信却立志于打破这个限定。 yeeyan

He has transformed the staid, insular,200-year-old savings bank into one of the largest retail banks in central and eastern Europe.
他将一家200岁的四平八稳闭门造车的储蓄银行变成了中东欧地区最大的零售银行之一。 ecocn

However, it is just as likely that they will carry on with their staid, conservative strategies.
不过,它们同样可能会继续执行沉着、保守的策略。 h1ss

In contrast to the staid newspapers such as the Times, the News of the World published salacious stories about vice prosecutions and police investigations into grisly murders.
和那些像《时代》一样端庄稳重的报纸不同,《世界新闻报》报道的都是些邪恶犯人的艳情故事和警方对变态谋杀的调查始末。 yeeyan

In his hands, this most staid of bands looks to shake things up, albeit politely, but such good manners are so inherent to Coldplay's DNA that they remain courteous even when they experiment.
在他的点拨之下,这支最“沉静”的乐队看似“震撼”了一回尽管有点斯文。但是, Coldplay是如此根深蒂固的“礼貌”,以至于即便是在实验,他们仍然保留了谦恭的态度。 yeeyan

It is not for the unfortunate creature of her choice ever to become a staid and sober householder, comfortably settled down on a social foundation.
毕竟这不是她可怜的选择——成为一个沉重而稳重的房主,在一个社会基础上安稳地生活下去。 yeeyan

One of the biggest bombshells of our entire project: cheerful and optimistic children were less likely to live to an old age than their more staid and sober counterparts!
我们整个项目的最大的重磅炸弹之一:欢乐和乐观的孩子比更沉稳持重的孩子活到较大年龄的几率比较低! yeeyan

Over that period investment banks have evolved from staid partnerships into huge, publicly traded conglomerates before stumbling, and in some cases collapsing, last year.
在这期间,在去年投行业受挫,甚至彻底崩溃之前,他们从一种稳健的伙伴发展成为巨大的,公开交易的混业经营体。 ecocn

Part of the reason was the firm’s image, at least in America, as a Midwestern, staid producer of pickup trucks.
部分原因是福特汽车公司的形象,至少在美国,是一个中西部的呆板的生产小货车的企业。 ecocn

Say there are two shares, each trading at $80; one is a young technology company, the other a staid power generator.
比方这里有两只股票,每个的交易价格都是80美元;一家是年轻的技术公司,另一家是古板的电力公司。 ecocn

Shortly after she married Rupert, The Wall Street Journal, in one of the more prurient stories in its mostly staid history, ran a detailed account of her life before Rupert.
在她嫁给默多克后不久,华尔街日报就一改往日一本正经的风格,以非常淫秽的笔触详细描绘了她嫁给默多克前的生活。 yeeyan

Some jokingly call it the only Italian city north of the Alps, a reference to Munich's easygoing spirit that contrasts with the staid impression many foreigners have of Germany.
有些人戏称她是阿尔卑斯山以北唯一的意大利式城市,意味着慕尼黑随和亲切的气氛,这和许多外国人对德国严肃持重的印象,形成天壤之别。 hjenglish

That may not be how they drink tea in traditional China or staid English drawing- rooms.
也许那样不是在传统中国或是在惬静的英国休息室的饮茶方式。 ecocn

The country already has an English language paper: the staid official broadsheet the China Daily.
中国已经有了一份英文报纸--风格稳健的官方报纸《中国日报》。 yeeyan

The place is labeled a museum but there is nothing quiet, staid, stuffy or old about it.
这座宫殿虽名为博物馆,不过既不宁静、不端庄、不沉闷也不老旧。 iciba

Their strategy of development finance emphasizes the important role of entrepreneurship and markets over a staid aid- system of development that preaches hand-outs.
它们的经济发展战略强调企业和市场的重要地位,而不是僵化的发展援助系统,只会不断索取。 yeeyan

They focus on market niches, typically in staid-sounding areas such as mechanical engineering rather than sexy ones like software.
他们关注市场定位,通常在机械工程学之类的保守领域,而不是像软件那样的迷人领域。 yeeyan

While not assigning a monetary value to the buried bling, the enthusiastic language from the normally staid Federal Office for Memorials reflected the significance it attached to the discovery.
虽然还未确定这些埋藏地下的贵重珠宝的价格,一向沉稳严肃联邦纪念局已激动地发话表明了这次发现的重大意义。 yeeyan




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